I got done listening to "Blue" from the Cowboy Bebop OST, and I am actually crying. Reason why? Have you ever associated that song to a favorite character of yours that died? Like they were meant to be happy and live normal lives without tragedy?
Hey peepz. What's up? Sorry I haven't been posting. I really lack motivation to do things nowadays, and it gets in the way all the time.
Username: SmashFan127 Character Name: Crash Bandicoot Appearance: Spoiler Media they are from: Crash Bandicoot series Info: Crash is a genetically-advanced Eastern Barred Bandicoot who lives life on N. Sanity Island. Throughout the series, Doctor Neo Cortex is his usual arch-enemy, and is always defeated by Crash in order to keep peace around the island. Crash is often accompanied by his ally, Aku Aku, the secondary protagonist. Username: SmashFan127 Character Name: Aku Aku Appearance: Spoiler Media they are from: Crash Bandicoot series Info: Aku Aku is an ancient spirit that lives within a mask that guides Crash, his sister Coco, and their friends as they defeat the forces of evil. He has appeared in every Crash Bandicoot game (although one of them is just a cameo). In the platformer Crash games, from the original up until Crash of the Titans, if 3 masks are found Crash becomes invincible for a limited amount of time with Aku Aku being placed on Crash's face during this period. He is the deuteragonist of the series.
I hope you don't mind, but I brought a pacifist back. Username: SmashFan127 Character Name: Vash the Stampede Appearance: Spoiler Media they are from: Trigun (anime) Info: Vash the Stampede is the main character of the anime and manga series of Trigun created by Yasuhiro Nightow. He is a Plant, inter-dimensional beings that are tapped as a source of power and energy, and being so gives him superhuman powers and a capability to destroy cities, thus acquiring the name The Humanoid Typhoon due to the destruction & chaos which surrounds him, and subsequently The $$60,000,000,000.00 Man, because of the price on his head. He travels from town to town, keeping the peace and teaching townsfolk the value of it. With that, I reserve: Crash Bandicoot Fake Crash (Crash Bandicoot) Aku-Aku (Crash Bandicoot) Ashley Winchester (Wild Arms 2) Anastasia Valeria (Wild Arms 2) If anyone is fairly interested in taking related Crash characters, that is if you know the series, let me know by reserving.
I wanted to talk about experiences with HoT, DT, Aki, and Myst. I have been emotionally hurt because of them.
Oh, you're on
HoT, I want a word with you.
Does anyone take requests for custom models? I am asking because I want something to do with characters' models, like Fake Crash, Ripper Roo, Lord Blazer... If I were to give references to the characters, would there be anyone to help out?
THIS is the Spam Zone, what did you expect?
Say what now?
I am so bored today. Nothing exciting has happened, it's hard to model characters I like, even with reference, and I don't want to go back to sleep.
STORY: It all started with a universe. It was a world plunged in darkness when a war between humans and demons broke out, tearing through lush greenery and turning the land into a wasteland. Eventually, other universes were created, and the energy left in the universe consumed by war, which was connected to each and every universe was used as a beacon of hope to win against the demons. At last, the demons were sent to different dimensions, and the world was at peace for 1000 years. Then came a new threat, threatening to consume every world, starting with the original and then turning on the others. The time has come for the worlds to unite and send out warriors to the first ever universe to confront the presence threatening to consume all... -Present Time: A New Threat- A barren planet, just bodies of water with different islands and continents, deep in space far away in an empty universe, complete with a solar system and a sun... Somewhere in a space-station above the planet, a meeting was being held. "This does not look good. The encroaching universe has already made its move...something must be done gentlemen! This concerns every last universe and dimension as we know it. The 'Belt' is on the loose, and we can't just sit back and watch. "I have been granted permission to take drastic measures to destroy this monstrosity. We have no choice but to WARP." The figure turned around to walk over to a computer monitor, typing in a few things before hitting a red button on his left. "Several will rise, several will fall... Best of luck on helping them all." After he had rhymed, several warpholes appeared on the planet, the intention of bringing in the people from different universes and dimensions to stop the monstrosity.... RULES: 1. If you haven't already, check out the OOC Thread in the Lounge. It is the place you will need to go to sign up. 2. PLEASE! No godmodding! We don't appreciate characters being so powerful they can't ever be stopped. 3. Please keep love scenes and language censors on a PG-13 level. If you have a request for Private situations in the RP, do it a private conversation using a system that allows such things. 4. You should realize that you cannot kill off another person's character without their permission. 5. For something optional on the characters' appearances, write what they are doing during the warping, then get them into the warphole. If they are deceased during the time, the warpholes will bring them back to life.
Story: It all started with a universe. It was a world plunged in darkness when a war between humans and demons broke out, tearing through lush greenery and turning the land into a wasteland. Eventually, other universes were created, and the energy left in the universe consumed by war, which was connected to each and every universe was used as a beacon of hope to win against the demons. At last, the demons were sent to different dimensions, and the world was at peace for 1000 years. Then came a new threat, threatening to consume every world, starting with the original and then turning on the others. The time has come for the worlds to unite and send out warriors to the first ever universe to confront the presence threatening to consume all... Rules: 1. You CAN take the same character from different universes, such as genderbend and internet parodies like Stupid Mario Brothers. 2. Please respect people here. We won't tolerate rude comments, nor will we tolerate offensive remarks. 3. Keep foul language censoring on a PG-13 level. It is possible young audiences can be reading this. 4. When taking a character, use one of the following templates: Canon: Username: Character Name: Appearance: Media they are from: Info: OC: Username: Character Name: Gender: Appearance: Age: Media they are based off: Info: You should also notice that you can take only 1 Doctor per user. 5. You can have unlimited OCs in the RP, based on how many characters you can handle. 6. The limit to posts per day is 3. Please keep it slow.
Hey... Am I allowed to restart the Crossover Sagas RP?
Listen. I am angry with someone lately, and I am pissed. Don't know what to do about this, and I really don't feel like talking to people who DON'T UNDERSTAND ME Okay? I am upset with those who throw **** at me, so why don't any of those people BACK OFF?
I woke up past 4. That is earlier than your time.
I take offense whenever someone talks about Cove, and people say my characters are worthless. That is unacceptable. People have no right to insult...
Jack turned towards the door. "Gotta have some time outside." -Outside the Hospital- As soon as he walked outside, a man in a red jacket stopped fiercely on a large futuristic motorcycle before getting off, whistling a small tune. The otaku walked up to the apparent biker. "What a dump. I thought I could at least get some quiet time, then aliens screw it up." "I'm used to it." Travis eyed Jack weirdly. "Say what?" (OOC: If anyone would like to join in on the conversation, go ahead.)