I may have been in extreme pain but damn I looked good doing it.
Not sure what I expected when I wore my boots to work today. Except I know I'm wearing comfier shoes tomorrow. They're really cute boots too.
Started re-reading this novelization of Metal Gear Solid I have. Then I went Deep Spam Diving to find those khv parodies I wrote forever ago. Good times.
I don't even see youtube comments anymore. They're that much of a cesspool, I had to get rid of them completely.
Why do I always get sick on the weekends?
I have seen Chris Evans in so many stages of undress at this point. But yes, I agree that Cap should certainly have a stomach window. And have many lingering shots on his Star Spangled Booty.
It amazes me how many people fail to read signs. Especially in retail establishments. I mean, a big bright neon green sign right at eye level that says 'DOOR IS LOCKED DUE TO STRONG WIND. PLEASE USE OTHER DOOR.' in big black letters. And people still try to open the door. And insist on telling me the door is locked.
If you feel less empowered, consider perhaps a cleavage window or mini-skirt. Me? I like a good quality v-neck.
Word of advice, don't listen too closely to what the wind says.
It's okay. It's just grape juice.
Between this site and retail it's a miracle I have a pulse.
Thing is, with the whole 'sex sells' thing, comes a slew of other issues. Unrealistic body image for one. Whether it's a Victoria's Secret model who has gone through airbrushing and photoshop to remove pretty much any evidence of folds or wrinkles or the porn industry. And there is so much wrong in the porn industry. I'm not even going to get into that one. Not saying it's just women who have this issue but it's the demographic that comes up the most frequently. And I agree with you on the underage thing. Because I can remember getting weird/uncomfortable responses on here when I said I wasn't really comfortable with a 16 year old(Kairi) having a panty shot in a video game(Kingdom Hearts 2). And I'm old enough where that is most certainly squick. I get that fanservice is always going to be a thing. But it would be nice in moderation.
I'm not just calling you out but I wanna say some things. To be fair, almost all of the character customization regarding female characters is meant to be ~*sexy*~. While the character customization regarding male characters is meant to be powerful*. Like that armor you get might look intimidating on a male character but if a female character wears it, it's pretty much a chain mail bikini. Or armor that would get a woman killed if she wore it in an actual battle. It's the fanservice and Male Gaze that's kind of getting irritating and called out here. As was the point of removing the aforementioned buttslap. yeah, it's supposed to be a taunt but does the camera have to linger on her backside as she does it? And in the same game, does the camera linger on male characters in the same way? *Pretty much thinking about World of Warcraft here.
I fear the FF7 juggernaut more. Because where Cloud appears, Sephiroth isn't far behind. And if he's going to be in this game, people are either going to complain he's overpowered or nerfed to hell and back.
Fandoms are exhausting. I want no part of them anymore. I'll just be over here doing my own thing.
"We are all French tonight."
I'm just... I don't know. I had the same thing after 9/11. Just a feeling of numbness. I shouldn't be surprised that humans are capable of such acts anymore. But I know that last night Paris was on a high Alpha alert. Urging everyone to stay inside. They turned the lights off in a display of mourning. And I just want to say that everyone reacts to these situations differently. If you see your friends or celebrities reacting harshly on social media, just step back and give them space. Some of them might be experiencing heightened emotions at this point in time. And that is okay.
the wanting to commit mass murder due to people thing.
There's really been an abuse of change.org petitions lately. </opinion>
Been there so many times.