Now that I know there was a car involved, I can see the lethality of it. Unless there was a Fast and the Furious On Ice production in town.
Yeah, I know. I internet'd before noon. Have to remember not to do that.
Code: VNV Nation - Honour
VNV Nation - Honour
Are you sure?
@. : tale : . Esplainin'.
It's not even Christmas. Too early to think of that bullsheet i'm not even going to remember anyway.
So there's a way to catch Pokemon on tumblr now. Good bye life.
I have a cold. And I already stayed home on Monday. Which I think was for the best because I was rather cranky. I've been treating it with otc stuff and honestly the worst of it has been the congestion. Which again, I'm treating with medication. Yeah, I could get a doctor's note for it. But at this point, I don't really see a point. [ I don't get paid sick days where I work. ]
Only had 1 person tell me I shouldn't be working today. Though there was the person who refused to let me check them out because they saw me sneeze. I'd love to sit at home in my pajamas and watch Christmas movies but I got to earn the monies.
Sounds like quite the epiphany. No but seriously that's the first thing my brain goes to is Nightwing wondering if he's gay. And it has been a source of amusement.
I'm right handed but I have a lot of pens. So many I'm convinced that they self-multiply.
I was recently gifted Lego: The Hobbit on Steam as an early christmas gift. 8D And I am not looking forward to tomorrow. I've been sick since Friday. I can't taste anything. My face feels like it's going to explode. And I have an 8 hour cashier shift tomorrow.
A lot of this might be the Dayquil talking. Adding onto what @Misty said, when you can put a name to something, it becomes easier to comprehend and come to terms with it. Food for thought, when I was in school and my classmates were pairing off, I felt like I was 'broken' because I didn't have those thoughts/desires. Looking back, I wanted close friends not a boyfriend or girlfriend. I also didn't really have a 'moment' to really decide what I was attracted to. Yeah, I consider some men and women pleasing to look at but it doesn't really mean I want to do the nasty with them. I'm an asexual. I write and read smut. And it's okay because it's not me in those situations. And discovering that the asexual identity even existed brought about such a sense of clarity. I wasn't broken. I was just having a different experience from my classmates.
I have a cold. -1/10 would not recommend.
Code: Icon of Coil - Dead Enough for Life
Icon of Coil - Dead Enough for Life
Just going to copy and past this from TVTropes because it was kind of one of those 'holy crap' moments that I appreciate as a budding writer. Actually I rather like how there's all these connections being made in the MCU even if it's a conglomeration of different viewpoints and people.
So I was reading the Fridge Logic pages and now I feel like I have to re-watch The Winter Soldier because I missed the reference to Doctor Strange.
I don't have a problem with the eating. It's the awkward family gatherings that I could do without.
Code: Covenant - Dead Stars
Covenant - Dead Stars
I wore boots all through high school and college with varying heels. But since I started working retail and standing on my feet for 8+ hours on concrete floors, I've been getting comfortable shoes and then putting gel insoles in them.