I haven't eaten any of my Christmas candy yet. ...Though I feel like I've eaten most everything else. Shark Week + the full moon = They're Coming to Take me Away Haha
Code: Blutengel - You Walk Away ( Symphonic Version )
Blutengel - You Walk Away ( Symphonic Version )
copypasta'd from tumblr High-Rise by J.G. Ballard The Hobbit Trilogy [ Extended Editions! ] Dracula: Untold 2 pairs of jeans lots of pajamas a cute fleece pullover bubble bath [ including sleep and anti-stress bottles ] a fountain pen puzzle books purple pens my map of Door County was framed Jurassic World + a special Indominus Rex poster bedsheets Avengers: Age of Ultron 2 Ariel Ornaments ( because Ariel’s my favorite Disney Princess ) a pretty ornament from Mom comfy slipper socks earbuds an adult coloring book 2 puzzles
Dad got a box of toiletries( shampoo, mouthwash, dental floss, toothpaste, and soap ) and he got a new mouse for his computer. Mom got 2 ornaments for the Christmas tree. My sister is getting a wood burning tool. My brother in law is getting a chess game. My Niece is getting a KitKat Klock, a board game, and a god-daughter ornament. ( As I am her Godmother and I get her one every year.) My Nephew is getting a remote control train.
Merry Christmas Eve to those that celebrate. To those that don't, Happy December 24th. It's frozen rain than snow but there is whiteness. Looks like I got my White Christmas after all.
Code: Barenaked Ladies featuring Sarah Mclachlan - God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman/We Three Kings
Barenaked Ladies featuring Sarah Mclachlan - God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman/We Three Kings
I am home for the next four days. Yay me.
I am so beat up from work today. Not looking forward to working tomorrow. Even if I might get Christmas Eve off since one of the teenagers wants some more hours. I'm just going to be on a cash register so it's nothing really difficult.
It kind of depends on how the animals interact with each other. I've never really had a problem with my cats and the various dogs that have come to visit them. You could try letting it out of your room and see how it goes but you should probably keep an eye on them and step in if either the dog or the cat starts exhibiting grumpy behavior. Option A. Option B is to just keep the cat in your room for a few days. Make sure it has food and water and a litterpan. Maybe a few toys wouldn't hurt. Even a couple pieces of wadded up paper or cotton balls would work. Something to keep it occupied.
And you were scared to check your grades. I'm proud. Little tear in the eye and everything.
There's no snow outside in Wisconsin. Oh well, at least I've only had to shovel once.
Darth Vader was sighted at the Oakland-Green Bay game. I've spent most of my afternoon baking cookies. ...And I'm still not done. Help.
I started wrapping gifts. I am covered in so much glitter.
You don't have to be a Sengoku BASARA fan to be able to appreciate it. It's a commercial for a vacuum cleaner. Warnings for gratuitous engrish. But it's canon to Masamune though.
You should still treat yourself though. You did put a lot of hard work in. Those grades aren't anything to be ashamed of. You did good. /pat
I got my hours for next week: (I got them yesterday but eh) Monday: I'm not really scheduled but I go in long enough to get everything ready to do for the delivery. And then I run home to babysit. Tuesday: 8am to 4pm (Normal) Wednesday: 8am to 4pm (Normal) Thursday: 8am to 5pm ( Which is pretty much a normal Thursday shift but with an extra hour tacked on. ) Friday: Store is closed because it Christmas. Christmas Eve I'll be home long enough to get gifts and food together maybe use the bathroom and then get in the car to drive to my grandmother's house for dinner and gifts. But I'll have an actual backup cashier on Christmas Eve. It's going to be beyond busy that day.
Code: Jars of Clay vs. Mannheim Steamroller vs Kristen Berg & Pursue - The Christmas Carol of Emmanuel
Jars of Clay vs. Mannheim Steamroller vs Kristen Berg & Pursue - The Christmas Carol of Emmanuel
Just read another spoiler for High-Rise and... Spoiler'ing it in case anyone cares. [ Even if the book was written in the 1970s ] Spoiler The character Luke Evans plays dies. I have to mentally prepare myself for this now. But what is interesting about the titular building is how no one really wants to leave. The building isn't physically restraining them there. The High-Rise provides everything. There's a supermarket, school, salon, pool and gym facilities. And there's definite social separation. Those on the top floors don't want those on the lower floors to ascend to their level. And those at the bottom are hell bent on getting to the top. But there's no scene of everyone leaving the High-Rise. It's essentially a metaphor for society and what happens when society breaks down.
High-Rise promotional Clip. I am so excited about this movie you have no idea. I've read some spoilers about what happens and I am not disappointed in the slightest.
Ever wanted something more? Join us at the High-Rise.