Oh you know how it goes. We leave. We come back. Vicious cycle and all that.
English Version
I've developed chronic pain. Lost one job and gotten another. Graduated college. Become an aunt. Twice. Still single. Going on vacation tomorrow for a few days.
Just what it says on the tin. I'd like some advice on what I can do that doesn't involve medication. Here's why. Working my way down. Frequent headaches that sometimes go into migraines. They last for hours in varying degrees. The good ones are gone in an hour or two. The bad ones... I had a migraine that lasted a full 24 hours. During which I could not even wear my glasses or use an ice pack on my head. It was almost like my scalp had become hypersensitive. All these headaches cause tension in my neck which makes it and my shoulders hurt. I also suspect that I have something pinched since there are times where it feels like my upper arms are numb. Sometimes there's also a tingling sensation. My back frequently hurts with an ache that likes to travel. Some days it's in my upper back. Others it's in my lower back. My ankles pronate(lean inwards). I know they're supposed to pronate to a certain degree during the motion of walking but mine do it even when stationary. I've twisted/sprained both of them at least once so I suspect there's a good deal of arthritis in them and my feet. Supported by the discomfort of changes in air pressure and the fact my ankles click and/or crack when I walk. Sleeping is hard when you cannot get comfortable in your own bed. And when I do sleep, I have bad dreams that my feet are going to break off. I spend a lot of time sleeping in a recliner in the living room with heating pads. I do have insoles in my shoes. If I'm not careful with my ankles, I could develop plantar faciitis in my feet. Notes: I do know heating pads work as I have several. And I have a slew of ice packs in the freezer. I just would not rather take all sorts of pain relief pills because they can do a number on your stomach and since my stomach hates me as it is I'd rather not make it worse. Also I don't have access to heating pads or ice packs at work. I'm only 31. Not 71? So any sort of help at this point would be appreciated.
Have to entertain yourself somehow when doing something like that.
My favorite final fantasy is the one where I know all the answers and totally get an A.
@DigitalAtlas Are you okay?
I totally read the big message that was @'d at everyone.
Kept you waiting, huh?
I am beyond happy to see Loki back. Tom Hiddleston is always an acting treat. And I have to admit that at first I didn't recognize Thor since he has short hair here. Part of me misses those flowing golden locks but if he's wearing the winged helmet than I am okay with it. Most certainly looking forward to this one. I love the Thor films.
It's ok. Sora will always be Sheriff Woody's favorite deputy.
I'm out. I'm beyond done. Good bye.
I never had the intention of trying to 'feign the moral high-ground'. All I sought to do was educate and inform. Which is all I ever really seek to do. I would appreciate not having words put into my mouth or for interpretations that are off-base. I don't like that the forest(the movie) exists because it ignores the cultural outlook on those with mental illnesses in the country of its setting. There's a very real stigma surrounding mental illness. There's a very real stigma surrounding suicide. These are topics that we'd rather not acknowledge and when we, as humans, do acknowledge them, it's to ridicule and mock. Granted we've made leaps and bounds in the study of psychology since the 1960s but the stigma still exists. Because it disrupts people's lives. Because it's not normal. You can call it 'internet-age sensitivity' all you like when it's actually being a respectable human being. When you consider what ramifications your actions and words have on another person. It is something that is in drastically short supply these days or made fun of. 'Oh no. I worry about if what I say will hurt someone.' as opposed to 'lol i'm gonna say this thing and not worry about the impact it has on this other person.' I've tried to commit suicide. I have thoughts about harming myself on a regular basis. I have friends who have tried to kill themselves. I don't like it when movies/television/etc. cheapens it to a punchline or accompanied by cheap jump scares. As for the Deadpool line, I could have easily said: 'Go see literally any other movie.' But Deadpool was the one I was thinking of. Replace it with any other title besides Fifty Shades of Grey and the point would still stand.
Not to put a downer on things, but actual people go to commit suicide in that forest to the point the Japanese government has put all sorts of signs up in said forest to try and convince people otherwise. It's a real thing that Hollywood is trying to cash in on. Not that I have high expectations from Hollywood or anything but making money off of real people killing themselves. Go see Deadpool instead. EDIT: Here's a thing that explains why The Forest is terrible.
lol spoke too soon. Autofill's broken again. Specifically, it works but it tells you your passwords are incorrect. Also, it's a Tuesday night. Which means I have questions which I should not have from an MTV show about Teenage Werewolves.
tumblr autofill works again. *throws confetti before descending back into the void.* Goodbye friends I am gone.