Code: Eurythmics vs. Lady Gaga - Dance Dreams ( Divide & Kreate mix )
Eurythmics vs. Lady Gaga - Dance Dreams ( Divide & Kreate mix )
These are our "holiday chocolates" that are sold in a small grocer. What I was re-bagging this afternoon is "angel food candy" or "sponge candy". They sound like rocks when you're bagging them. And it should be noted that our customers are kind of...well, cheap. That coupled with concerns that we'd run out before Christmas were the reasoning for smaller bags. And I was actually a little disappointed I didn't get to bag any of it this year.
Spent most of the afternoon today rebagging chocolates because the girls that did it don't realize just how expensive 5.99 per pound is. Some of the bags ended up to be over $10.00. I should have just did it in the first place. In other news, it kind of sounds like I'm going to be getting my old hours back at work since there's someone who wants to work a few hours while her kids are in school. i mean, checking isn't hard[ at this point i can probably do it in my sleep ] but I am an introvert and dealing with the public is exhausting.
Not sure if I should point out that the only thing separating me from the Lower Peninsula of Michigan is a lake. ...Which is also called Michigan. And we won't even talk about the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
There's a Hell located in Michigan. Seems as good a place as any. They even have a website.
You're going to be doing missions for a looooooooong time.
Code: Celldweller - Break Out ( ft. Scandroid ) Spoiler So in other words, Klayton of Celldweller featuring Klayton of Scandroid. Since he's both.
Celldweller - Break Out ( ft. Scandroid )
I did it. I watched No One Lives yesterday. Pretty much only went into it just for Luke Evans. And for it being a blood soaked gore fest, I kind of liked it? And found myself laughing at some parts? [ Though during filming Luke says that 'the darker the scene, the more I laughed' ] I don't know. Maybe it's a defense mechanism. Some of the dialogue is a bit cheesy but it works to balance out the dark and gruesome stuff. 'College girls. They think they got it all figured out.' *Deadpan voice* 'This man stole my wallet. Stop. Thief.' I've had some weird experiences with animals in the store where I work. One time a bird flew in and the customers were panicking because there's like, this tiny little bird that's just as scared and wants to go back outside. But one time I was checking out and this lady comes in wearing a jacket with her arms like wrapped around her. And she asks if we have any baby formula. So I tell her where the baby food is. So she tells this guy with her and then I see this tiny puppy in her coat. I kind of tell her that animals aren't allowed in the store because it's a health code violation. And that the only animals allowed were service animals of which this wasn't one because it couldn't be more than a month old. 'But it's not in the store. It's in my coat.' And at that point, I'm just like: 'i'm not paid enough for this'
College girls. They think they've got it all figured out.
Oh good. Someone did the work for me. Thanks for being an enabler. 8D
I think I made a post somewhere that I'm too lazy to look for that gave certain facts about "The Academy". But the post boiled down that the Academy was pretty much exclusively made up of old white men with an average age of about 65. 65 year old men aren't really 'in the know' about animation...apart from watching it with grandchildren. And at that point it's a means to keep children entertained, thus 'low brow entertainment'. And I'm convinced there's a Disney/Pixar bias because that's what these men know. They grew up with Disney entertainment. [ I think everyone did to some degree. ] It's a household name. They hear 'animation' they're going to think of the Mouse.
Retail's starting to give me bad dreams. It was pretty much myself and another cashier working a closing shift before some holiday or other. And it had gone past when we normally close but people just kept coming. No matter how fast we checked people out, the line never ended. And I couldn't see my register screen because there were no lights on... [ probably to dissuade people from coming in] . And almost every person had overflowing trolleys. It was enough to make me legit terrified to go into work yesterday. But luckily it was extremely slow.
I take back what I said earlier. Seals are kind of relaxing to listen to.
Trying to sleep with a migraine from hell last night was really fun. And having to go to work feeling like a zombie this morning was double fun. fyi I did eventually get to sleep, just had to wait for the painkiller to work.
Seals do not sound as calming as humpback whales. fyi
Well, if the whale watching cam wasn't down I'd be doing that instead. I was listening to humpback whales this morning. Was nice.
COMPLETELY UNRELATED but Apple missed an opportunity. On a similarly unreleated note, I read too much tvtropes.
Clearly you do not work in retail.