I had no power from Thursday night 'til right now. Fun, no? xD
I've been getting snow since Monday night. It stopped Wednesday afternoon then continued last night. So, I've had a total of 1 day and 3 hours of...
How are you liking the snow?
That's a long time.
Ah ok. Wow, that's a lot. Thanks, but it's ok. It's just the typical stress you get from school, home, etc. etc. THIS NEW LAPTOP IS AMAZING.
Haha, it's fine. Do it whenever you want. Sounds awesome. How much snow did you guys get? We were lucky and only got one inch. Eh, I've...
Hey, hate to bug you and I know you've been busy with school and stuff, but mind if I ask about that request I made a month ago? Sorry to bug you...
Ah, cool. [IMG]
Same here. How' writing coming? Any new stories lately?
Ah. Yes they do. =D
Well, if this is including Devotionals/Guidance Books I'd have to say "Do Hard Things" by Alex & Brett Harris and "Live Like a Jesus Freak" by dcTalk. Both are great books. As for a fictional story, I'd have to say the "Left Behind" series.
It's about 5 hours from me. Geneva's 7...both are okay distances. I need WalMart to survive...I do all my shopping there. Clothes, food...etc. I...
I haven't visited Houghton yet, but I plan to. I'd go there, but like I said, it's in the middle of nowhere and the closest walmart is 45 minutes...
Yeah, just saw it was 100% and cleared it out. xD
Hi. It's been a while.
Oh, it was really nice when I went there. You might've been there when they were doing the construction...that took them awhile. xD I actually...
Ya serious?! That's so cool! What'd ya think of it?
Geneva Christian.
Going to visit a college this weekend with my friend and his family. You?
Haha, yup.