Ah. Turn off lights?
They look the same, I couldn't find a pic of Bob, so Fred'll have to do XP
Air conditioner? Fan?
They're twins XP
yeah, it is a scorcher...
Chatting and working on practice drawings. You?
[IMG] meet Bob!
Have you seen Bob? He's tickler material.
lol you don't have to tell me, I live in the midwest XP if it's not the heat that'll get ya, it's the humidity XP
You're right, I wouldn't... >.> ... Bob, on the other hand...
lol no wonder you're so happy XD what's the temperature?
>.< dun makes meh tickels yoo!
Thou cans't resist the glompage! :glomp: waha! XD
*:glomp:* X3
Hooray! X3
*pokes* yer pm box is filled up 8(
hello....did someone give you coffee again? O.o
Hey, my comp is acting braindead, so I'm going to go ahead and log off and get some sleep <3 I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight <3
;-; ish okayies *huggles back* I misses you lots too. Byes <3
Ok bye bye ttyl