Coolness. I haven't beaten that game, yet XP
So, how are you, today?
...uh huuuuuuuhh...yeah, I can see how that would raise some concern...
lol so what happened?
Well, ok then. Sorry I was no help.
Hey <3 I miss you ;-; come back on soon <3
First off, tell me about the guy who asked you out.
;3 you were missed terribly
X3 any luck?
;-; sniff...ok, I understand. You will be missed <3 see you in an hour. *nuzzles*
*nuzzles soft* hey <3 missing you X3
Hey, I'll brb I'm taking a shower.
Lol success!
Doooooo eeeeeeeeeett XD
mmmmm turning on the sink? idk...
Up until Bob ate all of them, they were... >.>
Mess with it to make it hotter XD
Bob ate the both of them. Sad day...
lol flush the toilet?