Hey. (fillerz)
Awesome XD
Lol thanks
lol I'm trying to get all the Org XIII symbols first before I continue on the story; I like finishing things on 100% complete XD
Lol coolness...I still haven't XD
Not a whole lot. You?
Lol okie dokie
Sorry, I thought I replied. Lol
And of course by leave I mean log off for the night ;3
you looked like a really tight group, having fun, and you all looked sharp and beautiful XD yes, I liked it.
I have my sources XD
Hmmm...I'm gonna guess the girl on the far left?
Lol looks like a tight group...eatintoast XD
Umm...www.photobucket.com You'll have to create an account, but it's free.
I have a fb, but I'd rather not give it. Sorry...photobucket? Or is that a bad idea?
Lol sure XD
:glomp: :<3:
lol awesome XD
I'm job hunting, so...yeah.
School's been getting in the way XP