So, exactly what do you like to do (he said, trying to find an interesting thing to talk about lol)?
I have a question: Why would anyone give away a retail/mini-retail standee as a prize? And what would you use it for? I mean, sure it looks like it could be a cool decoration, but anything else? It kinda says to me, "Okay, we're done with this, you can have it now."
XD lolz and fillerz
Well, from what I gathered, there's not much difference between it and pre-ordering. The exclusive dream eaters are what I'm after.
Lol I preordered the game and manual last night XD tried to get the Mark of Mastery edition, but they've sold out XP
I'm contemplating whether I want to get one of those, myself...the 3DS XL, I mean.
Probably a good move, at least if you're wanting the price to go down...on the other hand, the 3DS XL is due to release in August, so that's...
lol thinking of getting one?
Ah. That's a problem, then.
The nintendo 3DS? I mean, assuming that's what you're talking about.
Fun times, this convo lol. You planning on getting the new KH game?
I have a quick question, and I'm not sure if it's been covered or not, but it's in regards to pre-ordering Dream Drop Distance versus the Mark of Mastery Edition: We know that whether you pre-order or get the MoM, you're going to get AR cards. My question is, are there any differences between the AR cards? I read that MoM comes with 5, pre-order comes with 3, but are those cards completely different? The MoM descriptions I've read wouldn't elaborate, but pre-order says these monsters are exclusive for the we already have an answer for this?
Glad to hear that.
Cool. How was your day, today?
Ok, I think my connection is improving. I can acually access conversations now...sorry it took me so long to reply.
Ah. Cool.
You new to kh-vids?
I'm alright.
Hello. How are you?
Ah fun lol