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  1. Darkcloud
  2. Darkcloud
    Profile Post Comment

    Do you know the cause?

    Do you know the cause?
    Profile Post Comment by Darkcloud, May 6, 2015
  3. Darkcloud
  4. Darkcloud
  5. Darkcloud
    Yeah. Still around for the most part.
    Post by: Darkcloud, May 6, 2015 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Darkcloud
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    Hi. Pm?

    Hi. Pm?
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Magick, May 6, 2015
  7. Darkcloud
    True, but then again that's not Disney's style, killing off one of it's heroes like that...blowing up the home base, maybe, but not killing off one of the main heroes like that. Maybe in some tragic battle against Xehanort, but not simply gone in an explosion of home base.

    Personally, I just want to see Yen Sid go all out: show that he can muster up an unnecessarily large amount of force against Xehanort like the latter did against Terra, Aqua and Ven. :3
    Post by: Darkcloud, Jan 11, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Darkcloud
    Makes sense, but then again, with the upcoming battle with Xehanort, where we have oh-so-many light keyblades and oh-so-many darkness keyblades, it would make a neat twist if he made a surprise appearance in the final battle.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Jan 10, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Darkcloud
    I dunno if this topic has been started on a thread or not, so sorry if it has.

    Any chance we'll see Yen Sid in KH3 (or any KH game for that matter) fight/summon a keyblade? Personally I wouldn't mind seeing him duel Xehanort...
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jan 10, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Darkcloud
    Mine has been in the works for awhile, but has been on hiatus for a few years. Called "Valentine of Destiny," it's something of a sequel to one of my other stories. It follows up after KHII, and slowly shifts from Sora to Riku, and goes into detail on several characters, including Vincent Valentine, and some custom characters, including some heartless versions of Braig and other memebers of the Organization. I'm going to try and finish it up this year.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: Archives
  11. Darkcloud
    Wow…it’s been awhile since this thread has been updated. Since I’ve already used the term, “necrobumped,” I think I’ll go with “zombified.” Anywho, here’s the next installment:

    Hades sat in this throne, watching as the two “champions” were flying off to whoever gives flying pita. His beta version of the Paranoia Cup was a huge success, most of the changes that needed to perfect it were minor yet positive ones, his “residents” were entertained enough for three life times, there was relatively no reason to complain about how this day went…and yet, the god of the underworld, the terror of Thebes, the undisputed lord of the dead, sat in a slump.

    “What a bother…” sighed Hades, his head flaming a little less than normal, resting on his hand while slumped. With the Wonder-Brat known as his nephew constantly and practically naturally interfering with his plans, it was rare for any of them to succeed completely, and utterly without a hitch. And what’s more, the enemy was none the wiser about what was going on.

    “Denari for your thoughts?”

    Hades’ frown did not turn upside from that statement. Rather, it turned into an annoyed glare, as the warrior Auron walked into the room, his familiar arm in a sling, sword on his back, and eye covered with a scar. He came to a chair opposite Hades throne, set his sword next to it, and sat down, propping his feet up on Hades desk in the process.

    “I figured you’d be thrilled,” said Auron, in his usual calmness, “You got the soul of that Valentine character back where it belongs, the powers of that keyblade brat’s clothes are at your disposal, and you’re one step closer to over-throwing Olympus.” He smiled slightly, “All-in-all, today was a rather good day.”

    Hades glare did not diminish as Auron spoke. He retorted, “I’d have been more satisfied if I got to keep that brat. I’d have been ruling many kingdoms right now if it weren’t for him, and I don’t feel at all “pleased,” that we let him go.” The flame started to return to his head as he lit his fingers, “And I told you before, Braig, keep your feet off my desk!”

    Auron frowned. His body shimmered and rippled like that of a pebble being thrown into a pond as he lowered his feet. By the time he was sitting upright, Braig looked like his old, “normal” self.

    “Honestly, there’s no need to be grumpy, Big H!” Braig said, in his familiar surfer accent, “True, you didn’t get all that you wanted, but let’s face it, the three-man posse that came for the brat could’ve been much larger.” Braig leaned forward, “And if your bro and nephew learned all that was going on, and how long it’s been going on…”

    “Yeah, yeah…” Hades tapped his fingers repeatedly on his desk, “…I don’t like having to give up the main prize like that, but you still have a point…Much as I hate to admit, it wasn’t a bad day overall.”

    Braig shrugged, “At least they bought that “contract” bit.” He then broke into a laugh, “Imagine, any of the gods being bound by a contract, right? I mean, where in the world would that hold up?” Braig chuckled more.

    Hades made eye contact with Braig, “Which brings up the question: you said you’re planning on acquiring new real-estate…where and why?”

    Braig took his sunglasses and started cleaning them with his cloak, “There are a lot of worlds out there, Big H, with all of them originally being the same. It’s not hard to believe that there’s a place even you’ve not been to,” Braig looked up without raising his head, and smiled, “and there let me tell ya something: there’s more to them than you know. The best way to see those worlds is to reflect.”

    Riku finished setting the controls on autopilot as the gummi ship entered hyperspace. He went back to the now-familiar lobby area, where he found Hiashi. She was sitting there, watching as the stars flew by, completely unresponsive.

    This was a strange thing, seeing her completely unresponsive…either she was full of life, or angry at it. This made her look completely drained.

    Riku gently tapped her knee as he sat down, “Hey…you okay?”

    “I lost my dad, Riku…” she didn’t even move her eyes towards Riku as she spoke. She remained completely remote, “...I found out things I never knew about him…and because he’s gone, I can’t ask him about it. There’s just so much I don’t understand…”

    Riku sighed, “Hiashi…believe it or not you’re never going to completely figure out your parents. Nobody can ever completely know what’s in their lives; there will always be something.”

    Hiashi closed her eyes, “…yeah.” She reached in her cloak and pulled out the disc they found earlier, when they boarded the gummi ship. “…I just don’t understand why he didn’t tell me any of this.”

    Riku turned his head, and looked out the window. It wasn’t that long ago…

    “Three…Two…One…BLAST OFF!”

    Riku hit the ignition as the gummi ship started leaving the outer orbit of the Olympus Coliseum. Once the ship had made it safely out of the planet’s orbit, he brought the ship to a halt, one of the red lights flashing.

    Best to take care of this now, he thought, before any unwanted problems occur later…the light indicated the problem was in…the lobby?

    As Riku made his way to the lobby he found Hiashi on her hands and knees, searching under the chairs. She looked up as he entered, “Problems?”

    “Looks like it. Some kind of alert says something’s up in here…” Riku looked around, “…but I don’t see anything unusual…” He raised an eyebrow, “except for you on the floor.”

    “I dropped my key, and it went under the chairs here…” she reached farther along, straining herself, “only…it must really be in there, because I can’t reach it…hang on..” Hiashi reached further along until her shoulder was under the compartments, “…I’ve almost…got it!”

    She pulled her key out…along with a strange, keychain. It resembled a familiar three-headed wolf, with a string attached to it. “Huh? This is Pops’ keychain! How’d it get under the seats?!”

    She tugged on the string. A disc popped out from under the seat as well. The two of them stared at the disc for a moment, neither one of them moving. Riku looked up for a quick moment, “Huh…the light stopped flashing…I guess this thing must have been setting off the alert…” Riku looked back down to the disc, “Vincent doesn’t strike me the type of person to listen to music often, did he?”

    Hiashi shook her head, “He didn’t leave a lot behind, either…I’ve never seen him carry a spare keychain, either.”

    “Only one thing to do, then.” Riku said, as he prepared to computer to read the disc. In less than a minute, the two were at the monitor, investigating the contents…after a moment of scrolling, both were wide-eyed.

    “I don’t believe this…,” breathed Hiashi, “…how…why? How could he have had this on him?”

    “Security footage of Radiant Garden as the first invasion of heartless emerged…” Riku shook his head, “…there’s enough footage here for over a month before and after the invasion…” Riku scrolled through the data files of the disc, “…he must have taken this from Ansem’s master computer. That’s the only explanation why this disc has so much data…wait.” Riku clicked on a folder, “this is labeled journal entries…oh, no…” The folder contained many files with many numbers on them, but they all had the same title:

    Lucrecia Experiment Reports.

    “Not again…” Riku palmed his eyes with his right hand, “Nothing ever good comes from these reports…” He resumed and began scrolling through them, “…there are over 30 entries here!”

    “What’s the big deal?” Hiashi said, looking over Riku’s shoulder, “I mean, they are just entries…”

    “Any time we have reports of any kind surface, they’re usually a hint as to what’s coming. We’ve had two sets of Ansem’s Reports surface, but they were around 13 or 14, tops…for there to be 30…” Riku began clicking around, “…this doesn’t bode well-huh?!”

    The screen began to pixelate, to break into increasing snow and noise.

    “What happened?!” exclaimed Hiashi.

    “I don’t know! All I did was scroll down!” Riku began typing rapidly on the computer, “This must be some kind of time-delayed virus or something!” He typed faster and faster…

    Too late. The screen went black. The two of them sat there stunned.

    Until the screen came back on, this time a familiar face watching them.

    “Hello, Hiashi. Riku. There are some things I need to tell you before you begin your journey to the Destiny Islands.”

    All was silent for Riku and Hiashi, except for their hearts beating out of their chests.



    “If you’re reading this message, then I’m with Lucrecia right now. I’m sorry for having to sabotage your ship in order for you to find this, but it’s important that you see this message first.”

    The screen changed to a growing list of files, being scrolled down. The two could hear Vincent’s voice as the list scrolled, “This disc is a copy of the research that Ansem’s assistants performed under Xehanort’s research. This should give you some clues as to what Braig is planning.” The screen changed back to Vincent, watching with his familiar, yet missed, scowl.

    “This is not the main reason why I’ve assembled this disc. There are some things that I’m going to tell you that are found on this disc, but it seemed more…appropriate that you hear it from me. Even if it’s like…” Vincent used his arms to indicate himself and the area around him, “…this.

    “Hiashi…you’ve known for awhile that I had to change in order to stand a chance against the invasion. I always let you assume that Lucrecia helped to heal me, since the weapons I’m using are her design…it wasn’t as simple as that. You remember the beginning of the invasion…there were small waves at first, small parties, but effective ones…” Hiashi closed her eyes as he spoke. Vivid memories of those small swarms appeared in her head as they appeared in different districts.

    “Yes…” she murmured.

    “During those first invasions, we were hopelessly outclassed. Those small numbers caused many buildings to fall, and slowly drained our hope away. Nothing we did worked…we were becoming desperate. So, as a last effort move, we mounted a counter attack…” Vincent closed his eyes, and took a step backwards. He began to take off pieces of gold armor on his arm, and roll back his sleeve, “Not only did it not work, but most of my team was consumed by the heartless…by the darkness, and became heartless themselves,” As he finished rolling up his sleeve, he held his arm up. The arm was pitch black, with features that made it look…less than human.

    “…including myself.”

    Hiashi and Riku gasped at the sight.


    “His arm…” Riku whispered in shock, “…it looks a lot like Elanore’s…”

    “…there was nothing I could do. I was being consumed. I could feel myself slipping farther and farther inside. Still, I fought with everything I had in me…but then, as everything was going black, I awoke in a strange place: a room, with swirls of colors. The heartless were pulling me along, through the corridors of darkness, to other worlds…

    “Our journey stopped in the Underworld, where Hades came upon me. He was amused at small, dark creatures like the heartless could cause so much trouble. Before he walked away, I begged him for help…I begged him to get them off me, so I could save my family…I told him I’d give anything to go back and fight.”

    Riku and Hiashi listened intently to every word…even though they knew what was coming next.

    “He turned back around, to watch me. I’ll never forget his next sentence: “Anything to go back and fight? Even if that were to mean you’d have to fight for me, later?”

    “I should have known better…but I agreed to his terms. With a swipe of his hand, the heartless were blown off me. I was weakened by the heartless, barely hanging on…Hades used his powers to heal me, fix me…change me…into what you see now.” Vincent stood before the screen, gesturing at his arm, and the rest of him.

    “He then sent me back to Radiant Garden with a flick of his hand…to this day, I can’t help but wonder if Hades didn’t have a hand in the invasion. I never told him that I was from Radiant Garden, and I never learned how he knew this. Regardless, the extent of his treachery was revealed the moment I arrived…The bargain was that I give anything to go back and fight…it was not a guarantee that I would save you…that I would save Lucrecia. Much time had passed when I returned. By the time I arrived, you were being tortured, and Lucrecia was being pinned in a research lab. He wanted to make sure the fight was lost…the number of heartless invading had increased ten-fold.”

    Vincent closed his eyes, tears rolling down as he struggled to speak.

    “I tried to save you two…by the time I got to Lucrecia, it was too late. She had already been too badly hurt…she told me that Braig had betrayed us…that Braig was really Wolf, and that he was using you as an experiment to open the Door to Darkness…” Vincent reached behind his back, looking like he was pulling something out his pocket, “…before I went to save you, it was clear that Lucrecia wasn’t going to make it…I did the only thing I could think of to give her hope, to try and encourage her to hold on, that she could still make it...this was the only thing I could think of.” He pulled out a small black box, and opened it.

    The diamond ring shone brilliantly, with small traces of red along the band.

    “By the time I got back to you…”Vincent’s voice trailed off, then as he cleared his throat “…the experiment was complete, the place in rubble, and you were hurt…the rest of the invasion you already know.”

    Vincent closed the box, put it back in his pocket, and closed his eyes again, “…I’ve failed you as a father for not telling you what happened, for not telling you the extent of what’s happened to the war…this disc that Lucrecia gave us should be able to help you understand, and to figure out what Braig is up to. This is the request of a fool, but I don’t doubt that you and your new friends and allies will be able to right the wrongs that have been committed.

    “Riku…I know there’s a lot in this you don’t understand, but I’m fairly certain you and the others can decipher the contents. A good amount has been encrypted so prying eyes could not find. But I have one more request, for you, one more request of a foolish man: Please, help Hiashi track down Braig…help my daughter.”

    The screen went black again, then returned to the folder containing Lucrecia’s experiments, as Riku and Hiashi both sat there, stunned, and utterly silent.

    Hiashi could barely breathe, “…I never knew…I never knew any of this…” tears rolled down her face as she spoke, “…why?...why didn’t he…” She couldn’t bring out the rest of the words…but Riku knew what she meant.

    Riku blinked for a moment as the stars were passing by. A light on the overhead was flashing.

    “We’re coming up on the Destiny Islands.”

    Post by: Darkcloud, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: Archives
  12. Darkcloud
  13. Darkcloud
  14. Darkcloud
  15. Darkcloud
  16. Darkcloud
  17. Darkcloud
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    I'm pretty good.

    I'm pretty good.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for ClawtheCyclops113, Aug 13, 2012
  18. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    Howdy XD how are you?

    Howdy XD how are you?
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for ClawtheCyclops113, Aug 13, 2012
  19. Darkcloud
  20. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    Ah, I see.

    Ah, I see.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for ClawtheCyclops113, Jul 25, 2012