XP yeah right...I will say this, though: my brother has a dA account. He's got more views than me XP course, he's had more time and posted more...
Yeah, really XP I've been trying to clean and get my room straightened up so I can draw someplace where my brothers won't stare and question me...
I really need to get back on that; I haven't drawn anything in the last couple of weeks.
Sweetness XD
Laundry, mainly XD headed back to my room for a bit. Yourself?
Well, when you find the words, I'll listen XD
*hugs* no please start over.
Start over, please? I'm still not following... :-/
Oh? Why's that bad?
O_o what'd you do while I was gone? XD lol ok
Sorry I took so long. I'll be on now XD