Yay! 8D I'm writing an AkuRoku fan fiction. x3
I can't say Axel without getting hyper...or Reno...or Darcia...or Disney...or Wolf's Rain...or...AKUROKU! X3 *drools and cowers in the corner, getting poked at by angry anti-yaoi people* Leave me alone! D8> *falls to the floor* x__x ....*sniffs* I found a cookie! *eats it off the ground*
I am? o__o ...*hides bag of oreos* I blame these. They're making me hyper. -__-''
Okay then. 0_0'' ...*hides in closet and covers self with sheet* I'm invisible now! X3
Oh my. o____o'' You sure?
Oh, hi! ^_^ How're you today?
*looks around* o__o'' Meh. Looks like I'm alone. *voice echoes* T_T *runs off to write more of fan fiction* I'll still be on though. Just idle for a bit.
I gotta go now. Bye, all. ^^ If you lose your sanity again, Stardust, leave me a message and I'll get back to you. xD J/k, j/k. Bye!! <33
I love my complete KH soundtrack collection! X3 eBay rocks! I got the complete collection on eBay for around $50 when it's $100+ something on Amazon.com. 0_0 Edit: Stormy has to go soon. -___- School in the morning.
I'm half sane...I think. ^^''
Wolf's Rain is a very good anime. I first watched it way back when I was 12, and even then, none of it bothered me at all. The blood isn't even that scary. xD Omg! I'll save your sanity!! 8DDD This...is...not...SPARTA!! D8< *stabs sharks with spear* ...8D *retieves sanity to Stardust*
Wolf's Rain isn't perverted at all. XD Though Hige makes a few pervy jokes, but they're very few and harmless jokes. There's no smex, real nudity, or anything else that'd be considered perverted. There's one girl, Darcia's love, who's kinda in a coma through the series, and she is technically nude. But her super long hair covers all her private parts, so there's nothing bad about it. EDIT: What is this 'sanity' you speak of? 8D I don't think I have any of it.
It used to come on Adultswim back in 2005 at 12:30 am.
Thanks, Stardust!! ^^ And yeah. It's a very cool show. I have the whole series on DVD, both CDs, chibi Kiba plushie, and big poster. XD The whole series is on YouTube now if you ever want to watch it. I think they even have all the episodes in English there.
*pokes your signature .gif* OMG! OMG! Wolf's Rain! X3 Kiba! xD And yay! My Wolf's Rain video finally uploaded! WMM gave me such a hard time with this one. http://www.livevideo.com/video/3C0E5077688F475090613D1744EF80FE/wolf-s-rain-imperfection-.aspx
I know what you mean there. WMM is all I have. -__- It kept freezing a lot and skipping during my latest video.
Yay! I'm not the only one! I thought I was the only person that really doesn't like that show. D8
Almost everyone is watching Heroes right now. o_o'
Wolf's Rain. ^^ It's an anime. Used to be on Adultswim a few years ago. I think all the episodes are on YouTube by now.
Ahhhh! >_< Dang internet keeps going out today. Anyway...hello again. XD I finished my WR video. ^^ It's uploading to LiveVideo.