My Fox and the Hound video with "In The End"? Thankies muchly!! X3
Aww. That's so sweet and sad at the same time. )= And yeah. Isn't that the truth? "I know, makes you wonder why people can't get along." That really is deep.
Yep. That is so true. ^^ My dog is also like my best friend. I even call her my "little sis". xD She follows me around and always wants to be near me. I think one of the greatest feelings in the world is to have a dog resting by your feet as you write or work on something. No matter where you go, they're there. And they never say rude comments to you or get truly angry with you, unlike people. I remember quite a few times, coming back from school after a bad day (usually because of the types of 'friends' you mentioned), and my dog was there to comfort me and remind me that when humans fail and break their loyalty with me, she'll never do something like that.
Aw. ^^ My dog is like that too. She loves attention and people, yet she can be shy around crowds. But if she feels someone is threatening me or her territory, she'll really defend herself and suddenly builds confidence in an instant. Dogs are truly amazing creatures like that. I've grown up with dogs all my life and they've always provided me with love and security. Most times, all they want to do is please you.
D8 Omigosh! Poor kittyyy! T_T My grandmother used to have a cat and it only liked her...and me. XD Odd.
Axel has a female siberian husky in the fic., who gets extremely jealous and aggresive toward anyone that gets close to Axel. She has some possesive issues. xD
Nothing much. ^^ How're you doing? I'm working on my AkuRoku fan fic. Roxas is getting chased by Axel's dog. x'D
Don't rush me! T_T And bye! D8
Yeah. T__T Poor Axy. *hugs him too*
That game looks like it'll be cool. I dunno why Axel and Roxas would fight during their time together in the Organization though. :/ ...I wish I had a DS. -__-'
Axel and Roxas just had their first little fight. X3
I'mma torture my readers! X3
I shall tell you no secrets yet! xD
There's gonna be a whole lot of plot twists in this story. ^_^
Nothing much. I'm writing while having a bit of a sugar rush. o_o
Not at all! x'D ...You could help me get my cookies back though. cookies! T__T How could you! That chocolate was my life supply. *falls over* x_____________x
ME TOO! Omg! 8D *hugs the air* I LOVE YOU, WORLD! You are AWESHUMMMM. ...o______o Is there something in these cookies?
Yay! Hello, Larxel! Fear me! I'm hyper on chocolate and sugar today. You've been warned. >X3
What's your story about? ^_^