I'm working on chapter 3. ^^ EDIT: And did I mention I can't write for beans? 8D I have no idea why I even tried. *should stick to videos*
*misses and drops waterballon* Aw, crap. D: Now my feet are all wet. To StarDust: Not much. ^^ I'm working on this: I'm also writing an AkuRoku fan fiction. X'D
XDD Hi, Dan! Sorry. I just haven't talked to StarDust in a while.
Hi, Stardust! X3 How have you been?
Thanks so much!!! ^_^ LiveVideo usually keeps the original timing and quality. It works a lot better than YouTube.
Woot! I finished this. It's not KH, but I still worked hard on it:
I think I missed something. XD *is lost*
I live! D: Hey, everyone. Sorry for not being around much. I'm even more scared of Scar now. xDDD
OMG XDDD Kingdom Hearts and the "Legally Blonde" play mixed together. That's a winner. Lol You gotta finish it ^^
All the effects come with WMM. XD You just have to be really patient with them, because WMM freezes and skips a lot. >_<
True. At least it uploaded. Sometimes it doesn't even do that. EDIT: Must be the internet.
It didn't! :D YouTube did kill the quality and slightly threw off the timing though. :P
It finished uploading finally. Now it's processing. >_<
Grr. The uploader is so slow. I won't be surprised if it kills the quality in this one.
It's uploading now ^^
Well the "Upload" button isn't working for me right now. >_< Keeps saying "Page cannot be displayed". Same thing with "User CP" Oh wel. Shall I put up an updated preview of "Only This Moment?" ^^
I feel like posting my Brokeback Mountain/KH parody here since parodies sometimes end up on the top fives. I doubt mine will, but it's worth a shot, neh? I'm still working on my "Only This Moment" video. It may be a while before I finish it. I think it's the most editing I've ever done.
Holy cow! That was amaaaazing. I don't care if the quality was messed up. It was still easy to see how fab your editing was! What do you mean, I rock at WMM? You are waaaay better. *hands you WMM medal*
Sometimes YouTube likes me, sometimes it doesn't. I guess YouTube was having a good day today, so the quality was alright. You want to see the worst YouTube has done to a video of mine? Look at this one. x_x YouTube really killed it.