Ready I am.
Yeah that's where I am right now. I got like 20 more cards to put in my computer, before I put them on my photobucket.
Jaden, I am having so much trouble getting the card images right now. It's so much work! I'm trying my best though
I'm gonna be an hour late man, sorry. But I will be there at eight o'clock, seeya!
I've only guested like 5-10 times since December. And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you kids and your stupid dog!! I g2g, seeya then.
Lol, I did three months ago. Edit: Yeah I re-read it a few seconds ago.
Ummmmmmmmmm........ LOLZ! Nice.
Never heard of him. Sure use Jim's.
Who is this "Jim" you speak of?
I thought you were upset because Kitty beat you to the picture-punch.
Oh, so I have to fill it out like that? Alright then: LP:4000 Customs:Yes Anime Exclusives:Yes Video Game Exclusives:Yes God Cards:No Hand Refill:No First Player:Me apparently Number of Cards per Deck:60 is the limit Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.):None
It seems I made a misinterpretation of your response, or as others would call it I "FAILED!".
4000 lifepoints for each opponent .The challenger gets to go first. No forbidden cards; however you can use customized cards if you want.
I see what ya did there.
Sweet. Seeya then.
If posts count in it, then I am happy.
I laugh at your face. :--p.