Well, I am p**sed now. I gave up my spare time to duel, and the person I was battling left after falsley thinking that he had beat me. He only attacked me with one monster, but claimed that he attacked me with all his monsters.
You only attacked me with one monster!!! You never gave me a chance to react to the other 2!!!!!!!!!
You haven't won yet......
You only attacked me with one dragon, and I didn't take any damage yet.
*flips card up in defense mode* *sends card to the graveyard*
Nevermind, carry on.
You can't normal summon two cards in one turn.
Indeed, welcome to the site. We have many activities for you to enjoy here, but make sure to read the rules!
Yes, you may proceed.
I'll have to check those out, thanks.
*sends Ookazi to the graveyard* And now I place one monster down in defense mode and I end my turn. 4000Lp 1 monster 2 M/T cards
Why thank you. I have studied many intelligent videos on youtube, on the subject matter of evolution and creationisim. Ex. Thunderf00t,...
Jaden, I have no idea what those are. Could you explain?
*Draws 6 cards* For my first move I will put two cards face down in my magic/trap zone. Then I play Ookazi: May I continue? >_< He's busy. lol
No, my good fellow; however I have heard various reviews and summaries of his book. I have also read parts of The God Dilusion and The Greatest...
My deck is consited of many monsters but they are all level four or lower, because they are so low on the star scale I made sure to get the best...
This is why you shouldn't drive when you are tired and hungry. Friends don't let friends drive tired. But enough of my ranting, do you want a hug?
What? have I ever mentioned that you're cool? If I haven't then I would like to say that you are cool.
Thanks, and may the force be with you.
I'm ready to duel Terra.