Don't you know it's rude to watch?
Gah! Stupid dog! Mmmmhm. That feels good. Would you like me to return the favor?
No, no. What you're thinking of is Let's ignore one another, rather than what you said which was Let's be ignored together. So pull my hair dang it!
I'll join you if you pull my hair. ;)
:( How does one pee in.... Never mind, I'd rather not figure that out.
Awesome beans are always better then someone peeing in your butt, if you ask me.
Hmm, I think I will just give my top three favorite games. In this post and name the rest later. 3.Jak II This is the sequel to "Jak and Daxter". Daxter, Kira, and Samos activate a precurser artifact which acts as a portal. Going through the portal they are seperated, but all end up in an area called Haven City, which is run by a horrible dictator known as Barren Praxis. Jak, seconds after coming through the portal,is captured by the local authorities, and Daxter runs away saying "Don't worry Jak, I'll find you before you know it!". We skip to two years later where Daxter does finally find Jak in a prision cell. Over the past two years Jak has been experimented on, and let's say he's not quite like he was before. After the two break out of the the prison, they search Haven City for their friends, and to seek revenge on the Barren. This has to be one of the hardest, and longest RPGs I have ever played, and that is saying a lot. It has a well put together plot, great charecters, soundtrack, and so many interesting missions to keep you involved the whole way through. 2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC) I'm not even sure if I can describe the story for this one except that it takes place 6000 years before episode 1 of Star Wars. It's a 3rd person rpg, which is similar to KH, in that you have various items, equitment, and armor to collect throughout your journey. You carry out your game play with a party of three, and set to save or conquer the galaxy. 1. Beyond Good and Evil (PS2) Most of you have probably never even heard about this game, so I will give you a quick backstory. For centuries, the planet Hyllis has been locked in conflict with a race of relentless alien invaders (DOMz). This conflict has made the economy of Hillis short on funds, and increasingly unable to protect it's people. A young rebelious woman named Jade, while working at many jobs to help her orphanage, is offered a large reward to capture a creature of the DOMz on camera for the IRIS network. The IRIS network is an underground rebellion network, which believes that the goverment is not working for the saftey of it's people. Curious, of her goverments true nature she set's out with her camera, dai-jo staff, and her Uncle Pey'j to uncover the truth behind the war. This game has a good story, charecters, and overall great gameplay, but the best thing about BG&E is the music. It really takes a different approach to a soundtrack than most games. Just listen to this song and try and tell me it doesn't get your heart pounding.:
Oh, yeah that mood thing. I remember that. Half the time when I used it I couldn't get the dang thing to work for me.
I played the first five games, season of ice/fire, a new beginning, and the eternal night. In my opinion the first three, and hero's quest, are the best of the best. They are challenging, have great music, are a blast to play, and they last for more than one sitting! Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly was Spyro's first game on the PS2, and it sucked. A new beginning was way too short in my opinion. It was kind of like the first Sly Cooper game which had great music, controls, and story, but it only lasted one sitting. In the newer series I did not like the idea of sparks the dragonfly talking. What do you guys think? I kind of found Spark annoying in "Eternal Night". He acted like a wimpy sidekick with a lot of mouth. Daxter, from "Jak and Daxter" was a great wimpy sidekick because he was funny and you could relate to him about being in a smaller position by accident. Sparks on the other hand wajust plain vexing.
Here's a bad one :O Ouch. That was a good one!
I'd have to go out on a limb and say that I haven't been on since January this year.
Well, I've never had THAT much trouble with tech support, but I do hate it when they play the waiting music in horrendous quality, and then make you listen to stupid advertisements. Heck even the music from the old Betty Boop cartoons have better quality then what tech support gives you!
Hey kh-vids! It's been a while since I was last on here, because college, work, and martial arts have been keeping me busy. But it is great to be back! How has everyone been here?
Red Leader standing by.
Noone ever sees the land shark coming.
*stop, drop and roll. Pulls AK-47. Is on fire* [IMG]
Mauahahha!!!! * Snaps jaws at your left arm*
[IMG] *walks in, but is a land shark* Hahah me too!