Not the type of picture I would go to for happiness, but whatever floats your boat... Haha
Ah, I see. Oh, I just thought of another one: You remind me of Pokemon, I just want to Pikachu. Here are some more: Looking at your ass makes my bulba soar. Are you a pikachu? Because you are shockingly beautiful. When I look at you, my Metapod can't get any harder.
I don't get it.
Oh, boy. I know how that is. Cleaning after your own species is such fun. Are they paying you minimum wage, or above minimum wage?
Yes Brit, a magic yellow twinkie. MYT= the magic school bus
Yeah, I don't have to worry about awkward bus rides anymore since I'm in college. What really ticks me of about college is the book prices. I most of the time go out of my way to get a used book for a class, but sometimes the class I am taking requires me to buy a brand spanking new book for over $100, and there is no way I will ever be able to sell them for the same price once I am done with them.
Yep, KHV, it's that time of year again! When we have to go back to school, with or against our will. What is it that really ticks you off about school? I know some of you may not like school in general, but try to tell me the things that really make you boil.
It is a completly selfish reason. I would like to point one problem with Mr. Pascal's wager. What if you're wrong about Zeus not existing, or Allah not existing? What if the FSM exists? By only believing in one God you are relying on luck that your God out of 100s and millions of other Gods is the right one. It's like playing the lottery. Even if you are right, it does not make you wiser for believing in what you did earlier.
Your avatar just evolved from Weezing into... Arbok? . _ .
Really, where have you been working at?
Banned for silly accusations.
I'm doing alright. It's been a crazy summer away from college. I worked at a job for a few weeks at speedway, and I am now a belt closer to a...
Hey Misty, I haven't seen you in awhile. How are you?
Yes, I've had similar problems with this. The best thing you should do is tell them how you feel, and remember they may not have complete control of the situation, and no matter what happens enjoy your time with them. Even if friends are across the sea, or around the block, it doesn't matter because you are in each others hearts.
As great as investing in swordsmanship is, I don't think it will help you row your butt to Japan.
Banned for breathing!
:D Best game ever! I've played it last fall at OU, and then I played it again in the spring. I love to eat brains. Nom, nom, nom. Do you mind if I quote this? Just a tiny building? To play HvZ?! D: At my campus HvZ is 24-7, and you can get tagged anyplace outside on campus.
*flips you right side up* No problem, Loxare, anytime. I'd love to stay and chat but I have to leave for awhile; although I might be on tonight/tomorrow. Seeya.
Well maybe I can help you off your back then.
Touché, Pillows.