"You appologized and we paid him back. Everything is fine now." he said.
"Yes." he said.
Churo fell asleep.
"Okay." he said.
He nodded and looked down.
"I can't remember." he said. "it's been so long."
He sighed and went home and crawled into bed.
"Don't worry about it. Living as a mage for as long as I have can make you pretty rich." he said.
"Umm, how about something that won't cost me anything?" he said.
"Why steal? I have pleanty of money." he said.
He freed himself and said "You cheated!" Then he smiled and said "What do you want as a reward?"
He sighed and flew beside her.
He sped up more and passed her, chuckling.
"Some are better left forgotten." he said, looking away.
"I'm an old mage, what's there to tell?" he asked, afraid of telling her the truth.
He sped up, not even breaking a sweat, still keeping up with her.
He flew beside her.
He smiled back at her.
He ran beside her, keeping pace.
"I prefer flying." he said.