OOC: And that's not going to help his chances. OOC: Just pick who you want her to be with.
OOC: And what has he ever done for her? Has he saved her life? Has he done anything to help her? No. All he's ever done is bug her about his money. And now he's going to 'save' her from her friend who means her no harm.
"It would be easier if I knew someone who liked me like that." he said. OOC: *is hoping she does* And his name is Merlok. I've said it a few times, just not every post, because then it would get repetitive.
"But who?" he asked, tears forming in his eyes.
"But who could ever love me?" he asked, looking down.
"Not really." he said. "Even though I have you as a friend, I still feel lonely, empty. Like something's missing."
He sat down and sighed again.
"Very lonely." he said, sighing. "You're the first friend I've had in ages.
"Yeah." he said, looking down. "I don't remember how old exactly I am, but I know it's at least a couple centuries."
He looked up and said "Aye, it is."
It's not a word, just a noise.
Okay, now how about an answer from someone who's not a complete ******? /Mr. Garrison
OOC: I was kidding. *waits for iFishy*
What was he in charge of?
OOC: I'm back guys. And I thought I said not to get too far ahead T_T Two whole pages added in the seven hours I was gone. BIC: Churo looked at Kimirasu like he was crazy. He was going to say he didn't know what the hell he was talking about, having no memory of it. But Kimirasu had left before he could say a word. He looked up at Nai and asked "So where did you want to go?"
OOC: Of course, he'd never do it to her. BIC: "Like what?" Merlok asked.
lol. I've seen a couple of those.
OOC: I'd back off of her if I were you guys. Give her time to herself so she can breathe and think.
OOC: Look at the first post. I edited it with the new teams. And I g2g to work now. I won't be back for six and a half hours. Don't get too crazy with posts and dont' get too far ahead. BIC: Churo almost collapsed but held her up. "Where to?" he asked.
He couldn't help but laugh. "Good morning." he said. "Do you want some breakfast?" OOC: As for the team switches, sure.