OOC: yeah i love making crazy characters though he's only this extreme when there is sugar involved
"What?"Rei said clearly confused "I see the dead!!!! and last night i noticed that paper really is threes only flat. who are you again. oh wait my music!!!"Rei rememberd and put the music on his mp3 player on he then returnd to the chilled out person he was before "sorry about that, i can't really consentrate without music. that and i eat candy for breakfast"
Rei stopped playing and the same second his personality changed from laid back to "Really? How come? do you see that bird it was so pretty LOOK LOOK A ROCK WITH A NOSE. Is that your natural hair. My hair is.. when is vacation starting?"He said like he couldn't say it fast enough. looking everywhere at the same time
"Nope I'm clean, even if it not my problem I suggest you become to"Rei said
"Yeah i play, I can play all the songs i've heard"He said smiling a little "any requests?" he asked
Rei grabbed his guitar and walked out of the class room, he walked outside for and sat down and began playing
Rei walked into class still wearing his headphones
Rei was walking down the hallway he had his headphones on and if you listen really well you could hear the classic music Rei was listening to. He felt relaxed as he walked down the hall looking for his classroom
OOC: can any one give me a quick briefing on what's going on?
name:Rei age:18 social group: Musican appearance: personality:Happy, Really random, hyper and at times stupid. but his love for music has a way to show a more relaxed side skills: Can play almost any instrument except triangel. abilities: Levitation, Telekenisis history: An upperclass man, his family is rich as hell. thought the fact is that he hate money he cant stand it. he usually burn his allowence or throw it in the garbage can. He's been playing music since he was 6. and has been trained by many famous musicans. He loves hanging around with people and people like to hang around him. played by:Varnor
"What are we looking for again"Zindi asked looking around
"Okey lets get moving"Zindi said
Zindi grabbed it "Adventure!!!"
"Oh thats no fun"Zai thought from inside Zindi, "This is so exiting"she said jumping up and down like the kid she where
OOC: shes just a little girl how can you know she's a demon
"This place gives me the chills"Zindi said
OOC: Just a conversation
OOC: sorry i forgot ^^' Zindi cept looking confused *inside her mind* "Playing with these mortals is so fun"
OOC:... Zindi is possesed by Zai!!
OOC: Well blood lust and revenge is two real different things