that made no sens what so ever
... They have already converted to our way of life Muha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I just did :P
right... the only problem is we aren't that stupid, that and you can't use the same trick twice its to obvious
Eh you can't if you do that we stop selling you ammo and parts to your nukes, that and air defence technology
If you say so...
well the good thing you guys can't do any worse, i hope your new president dose a better job. but we'll have to wait and see^^
depends on the school but still i love my country I can't destroy it only blow it up
eh I can blow up ever tying i want. people said it was impssiple to screw up your computer with linux and look what i did ^^ It depends at some...
*pushes red button and blows up the whole US* yeah and the best part the state pays for most of our education so its not to expensive to be a student
While Raiden was walking into the forest he was whistling the song "in the jungle" he climbed a three and watched and waited for the people he had attacked
*Throws scissors into Deathsigths foreheadand runs forth and steals the chocolate* something like that after vidergående its pretty much up to...
Draws out another katana "I WANT CHOCLATE!!!!!!" no we have something called videregående it last from the year you turn 16 to the summer the...
CHOCOLATE!!!!! *runs forward slashing like crasy* ((sure need to get back from school first))
ITS MINE, *Grabes katana and starts hacking*
Yeeeeiii Chocolate ^^
I'm inn DOWN WITH THE... oh yes, INTERNETT
yeah online is scary*hides in a cave*
OOC: WHAT I read lake somewhere... well okey I'll edit that
... I'm not sure what your asking but yeah she's hot ^^ And okey