"What do you think of my song?" Cailen asked with his usual innocent smile. "Its the song of what i did today"He said it with pride in his voice
"Burning puppys, burning children, eating sweets an roasting everything" Cailen sang now dancing in circles. He had eaten the other half of the cookie but he had now put the bloody cloth on his head.
Cailen had began dancing down the street, jumping and shouting. Some people could not stop themself from laughing, the young man with the smile of a child dancing and singing. Though the lyrics where horrifying, most people thought it was a joke. Maria got up, she put the map into her bag, and put the bag on her shoulder. She then began walking slowly towards the city.
OOC: its good to be back with everyone Maria was lying down in the grass, she watched the clear sky above her. She could feel the breeze in her hair, Maria yawned feeling tired from traveling. She she turned to her left and noticed her bag. She reached it and took out a map of the area. She sat up and began drawing lines for where she should go. She'd been lucky and escaped capture from the Maderin's. The only problem now was that she was alone without a commanding officer. She needed to find out if there where anyone else that managed to escape. "OH, i was skipping down the street when i met a pretty dog, It was so happy and barking. So i torched it where it was. It ran around in pain and it was so much fun. Then i killed a family and ate a cookie in the sun." Cailen sang, while skipping down the street. Even though he sang about these horrible things. The smile on his face was so innocent and happy. It was like looking into the face of a kid. Cailen kept singing and skipping down the road. With a half eaten cookie in his right hand, and a bloody cloth in his other.
Hey hope its okey if i join^^ Derma Username: Varnor Name: Cailen Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d105/Arora_Fire/Anime/firewarrior.jpg Personality: He's a weird nut, his head doesn't work the way you might think. His logic is twisted and wrong in most cases, but he has this innocence that makes it hard to understand if he's evil or just plain stupid. Bio/History: Being raised by a twisted and obviously mad old man, left several marks on Cailen. And old man named Reever raised him in hope of someday to become his master. He thought Cailen everything he needed to know to become and emotionless killer. The only problem was that Cailen didn't want to be emotionless, he loved the killing but love was and emotion to. So he figured emotions where fun and killed Reever for telling him otherwise. Now he travels around exploring the world and killing just for fun. Cause no one ever told him that it was bad only that he had to. Master (if already found):N/A Class (Spiritual Power) :Physically (Creates fire around his body, that he can manipulate) Imperfection: He burns himself if he uses his power for to long Weapon: Katana Special Skills (Optional): Incredible combat movement, learned form intensive training Other: None Master Username: Varnor Name: Maria Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg222/enerek/1f920c34.jpg Personality: Calm and focused, She always try to think a few steps ahead. and she always believes there is a second seclusion to every problem. Bio/History: Born into the lowest class of society her life didn't start out inn a great way. Her family where poor and instead of getting a job decided that stilling where more to their liking. So growing up she learned a few tricks here and there. At a age of 17, she decided that a life as a thief didn't suite her. Instead she got a job in the military serving the homeland. Which turned out to be a bad move seeing the war that came and everything. But what can you do. Army or Citizen (if Army, which one): Private, Towaira Rank or Social Class (optional) : Lower Class Derma (if already found): Not yet Special Skills (optional): She can stay calm in almost any situation, making her able to find solution to almost any problem Weapon (optional): Sword Other:None
Taro made his way towards his house, when he arrived he used a minute to look at what was left of it. His mind wandered and for a second the color in his eyes changed. But his thoughts was quickly interrupted by a little puppy peeing on his leg. "Bad doggy. My leg is for walking not for peeing" The dog ignored him and finished peeing and then walked away. Taro who was beginning to become bored decided to follow the puppy. He went down on all four and began crawling after it
Feeling a throbbing pain in the back of his head Taro opened his eyes and looked up at what he believed to be the sky. he turned his whole body left in an attempt to find another sleeping position. After a few seconds he realized that he had rolled into a trashcan, and was now covered in trash. He quickly got up and began brushing it of. "This is not good, i smell bad"He concluded, looking around for somewhere to wash of the smell. After about 5 minutes he gave up and began walking towards what remained of his old house, though now it wasn't more than a roof and a few walls.
Username: Varnor Name: Taro Age:19 Gender: Male Appearance: http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg222/enerek/sword-1.jpg Personality: Taro's mind resembles that of a kid, he's stupid and curious. however due to an something that happened in the past, he has gained a another personality. This person is cruel, and merciless, he wishes for nothing more than the end of those who killed his parents Bio: Born 9 years before the attack on Pulse, Taro wasn't very old when the terrorists took over. His parents where people that treasured freedom and was killed after trying to stop the ruler. This scared him pretty bad, he no longer wanted to have anything to do with the cruel world around him. so he shout it out. His mind became that of a child's, curious and stupid. But due to this he gained another personality, the hatred from when his parent died manifested itself into Econtra. His dark side, which exists only for the shear purpose of revenge Weapon: Huge katana, Black robotic glove and Kunais Other:n/a
No problem this thing died a long time ago
"Hungry" Yuu thought, "need food" he tried to drag himself towards the village but he was just to darn hungry. He tired to shout but the only sounds coming from him was the sound of his stomach screaming for food.
Yuu walked as fast as he could. he's stomach was getting angry and nothing was worse than an angry stomach.. well not in his eyes anyway. he tried as hard as he could to stay focused but his eyes was getting blurry from the lack of food. just before he reach the gate of a the hidden leaf village he collapsed with a giant growl form his stomach
OOC: Hurray ^^ I'll post after reading some earlier post so I get where the story is at. And now i've done that ^^ bic: Yuu walked on a road, to where? who knows. he had just delivered a special artefact to his client. And since he no longer had any need for his services he had no job. So to find one he decided to walk until he found a village, and then find a job there. it was early morning and he was still tired from sleeping but after his last job he was nearly out of money and needed to find a new village fast, cause his stomach was making the noise of an angry bear .
Played by:Varnor Name: Yuu Hachiro Age: 18 Gender: male Clan: Enshou Jutsu Speciality: Ninjutsu Kekke Genkai: Kaen Shintai, makes the users body burn without hurting them. it makes the person almost immune to fire and makes fire technics stronger. the bad thing is it makes the user some what weak against water. Appearance: Village:None Personality:He is single minded and usually never think before he act. he believes using force can solve anything Bio: Born into a ninja family nearly destroyed by their rivals, Yuu spent most of his time on the run to survive. he spent most of his childhood while on the road to protect himself form sudden attacks. during a visit to the fire kingdom he got lost and was separated form his parents. after this he began working as a freelancing ninja doing work no one else would. Preview Post: "Take that back" he shouted to the man standing before him, The man just smiled and the spit on him. enraged by the disrespect he had been shown Yuu threw several kunais at the person before charging at him to follow up the attack
Death sheathed his sword and began walking in the direction of the main hall. it had been three days and soon he and several other reapers was about to be transported into battle again
Username: Varnor Name: Kyo Katsuo Age:18 Appearance:http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg222/enerek/RagnatheBloodedge.jpg Personality: he is.. well the only word for it stupid.. he can be serious when there is danger but else he has no idea what's going on Gender:Male Bio: Born in the inner circle he was supposed to succeed his father in their fighting dojo, but due to his stupidity and the fact that his father was eaten by his mother, who was turned into a monster(This is what his father called her before she mutated) so that never came to happened. since then he's been wandering around the inner circle doing well nothing Weapon: White Broad sword Preview Post: Lying down in the middle of the road, looking up at the stars. Kyo felt relaxed. for a moment he forgot about.. well whatever he had remembered which wasn't really much. but lying down he felt at peace. though after a minute with a rock jammed to his back he decided to continue on Other:he hates Hats
The city of New York, Night: Kenji just arraived at the hotell, there had been several deaths in the new york area lately probably a way to make order members come out in the open. he threw his bag on the bed and satt down before the window and began meditating Reaper Castle: After a few minutes of training Death sat down and took a break, his training schedual was tight with all the fighting in between there was a suprise attack on order soon and he needed to be prepeared
ooc: we only just begun so no^^
OOC: added
First character accepted but second character isn't you need to specify if it is a reaper or a human and if Reaper the history doesn't ad up. reapers aren't people that just appear out of no where. they are created to harvest souls
Sure i already started the thread two posts ago