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  1. Varnor
    Cailen focused the flame under his feet creating such a pressure that he took of and flew several feet into the air before crashing into a tree. The pressure made from the take of made the burning buildings collapse around them.
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Varnor
    Maria took something out of her bag and followed them all with haste
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Varnor
    Maria made a salute "Yes sir" Even though she was a solider of a different country no one other than her knew. and besides she wanted to know what a Derma was

    The buildings where slowly falling apart and people was screaming for help. Cailen sent a concentrated fire beam at towards Matt's barrier. He also slowly began to move the fire away from some parts of his body. Starting with one of his arms.
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Varnor
    Cailen tilted his head a little, trying to figure out something. giving up on what must have been an impossible task for him he decided to just torch everything around him. sending fire beams all around, setting fire to houses people even a bird hear and there.
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Varnor
    Maria followed her upstairs, she was tired and didn't watch her surroundings.

    "The man is burning, burning on the ground"Cailen sang. he liked this new guys, both the burning guy cause he was burning very nicely and the other guy cause he liked killing like him "Now its stabbing time"Cailen said as he jumped at Matt ready to stab him with his sword
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Varnor
    Cailen blocked the attack with his own sword, with his free hand he grabbed a hold of Matts sword arm setting it on fire.
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Varnor
    Cailen duck, while at the same time spinning around kicking dust from the ground up that again was heated by his flames. the dust traveled straight for Matts face
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Varnor
    "You wanna play?"Cailen said as he sent a beam of fire straight at the man slashing at him, while he almost instantly drew his sword to block any attack.
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Varnor
    Cailen began to laugh, the laugh was a truly happy one. "See! killing each other is normal" Cailen said with a smile that would usually make you feel happy though not this time. His hand was surrounded in flames and it was slowly beginning to cower his body.

    Maria reached the White wing inn, she walked in the door. Ahh it felt great to be inside again, three days of traveling had put its toll on her. her clothes where ripped and dirty. She walked to the desk. "Sorry do you have anywhere i can stay for the night?"She asked as nice as she could
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Varnor
    "So i was right people do like to kill each other " Cailen thought, a tiny smile appeared on his lips. He had been right all along meaning this girl had lied to him. "Lying is bad" Cailen thought. An idea was slowly beginning to take shape inside Cailens mind
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Varnor
    "Are you going to kill him?"Cailen asked curious, with a sound of hope in his voice. He found the situation most fascinating. Right now he was looking for proof of what Annabel said earlier. Though he hoped there wouldn't be any.
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Varnor
    OOC: Christmas? Wasn't that yesterday... oh yeah you guys celebrate it one day later than us. Happy holidays then ^^
    Cailen just stood and watched.

    Maria had just reached the city, she was walking around looking for a place to stay for the night.
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Varnor
    Cailen followed Annabel, this human had cought his attention. He was curious about her, that and he had herd a song much like his own sing by a man who was moving in the same direction. he hoped maybe he could cast some light on this situation.
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Varnor
    "Pain, i think i know that emotion. i don't like it. people feel that when you kill them?" Cailen asked he was like a child asking about how things work for the first time. This female interested him, she said weird things, maybe they where true even.

    OOC: Thanks dude its good to be back ^^
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Varnor
    "Hmm you make an interesting argument. But why don't people kill each other?" Cailen said trying to grasp what she was telling him.

    Maria yawned, she was getting more tired from traveling and needed rest, she had only a few miles left before reaching the town
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Varnor
    "Hmm are you sure?"Cailen said with a thoughtful face "Killing people for fun is not normal... thats sounds weird... Can you prove it?" he asked with an curius face

    Thanks, its a horror movie kinda thing after all, it dose that. See ya later then
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Varnor
    "How do you know if their crazy?"Cailen asked with sincerity. "I wanna know".
    OOC: No i'm behind the camera but at the end all of us who worked on it walk past the camera while the credits role. i'm the one who gets scared by my teacher
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Varnor
    "You sure? old man Reever said that all people do is kill each other, so i figured out thats what i have to do. So i killed him" He said with his innocent smile. He still didn't know the difference of right and wrong only what he had been thought
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Varnor
    "Why? its what everyone dose isn't it?" Cailen said confused. He looked at her as he didn't understand what she meant. Which was tru after all
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Varnor
    "of course! What funny things have you done today?" He asked with curiosity. He looked at her waiting for her answerer. She was strange to him, why didn't she smile?
    Post by: Varnor, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home