Maria got up and began walking towards the door she slowly put a plan together in her head. she was so concentrated that she didn't even notice that Drake when she passed him.
"I'll do that, i could steel your shoes of you while you wore them and you wouldn't notice"Maria said kinda proud. Her skills as a thief where still as good as they where a few years ago so stealing a few horses would be easy
"me too"Maria said though she felt there was something fishy here she could not see why they would try to rescue those psychopathic Dermas. but for now she would just role with it
"We'll die sooner or later so i'll stay" Maria said turning away from Arrow and began facing Ben instead.
Maria looked at him with a look that could kill. Cailen opened his eyes. "Deal what deal?"He said clearly confused "I have no deal. I'm just frustrated people try to stop me killing like its wrong or something"
"Yeah something like that" Maria said looking around in the room, checking it systematically Cailen grew bored and fell over with a bang and began sleeping
Cailen wasn't really paying attention he sat studying his own feat. "I wonder if their dry yet" he thought turning his foot a little. "Mr dude sir"Cailen said referring to William "I need to do my daily killing or my nose will explode, that and i want a cookie" Maria followed Jane and Ben
"This has to be it"Maria thought as she followed Ben and the others
"I can move again"Maria said happy. "thank God i thought i was in trouble"She said moving her hands and arms around checking if everything worked as it should
"Hey i cant move.."Cailen suddenly uttered like he just realized "Now thats weird, whats next burning kids is unethical" he rolled his eyes and tried to move but failed
Cold, it has been -37 degrees Celsius here
"S***,S***. not good. I'm not gonna get captured, not now. After all this time I'm not gonna get captured by that stinking king"Maria thought fighting with every muscle and all her will power."I'm not gonna lose" Cailen who had no idea what was going on looked at everyone he could see and thought "Why are they stopping me from killing people, it doesn't make any sens that and i want a cookie."
Cailen blocked it, he laughed like he was really enjoying it. He kicked her in the stomach and and was ready to torch her. Maria and Ben carried it. "We need to hurry she won't stay alive for long."She said as they moved it quickly towards Cailen. They threw it at him just as he the fire was about to hit Jane. All the fire was put out, "that was weird"Cailen said he tried to create more fire but the fact that he was soaked made it impossible "That wasn't very nice. i'm trying to kill here"
"Hey you i need a hand"Maria shouted to Ben she was trying to move the water barrel but she wasn't strong enough. "I take that as a yes"Cailen said as he smiled. He threw the fireball at Jane, and then he charged at her.
Maria noticed the mans eyes "this will not end well, that guy isn't normal"She thought for her self "the girl she's to tired, there most be another way". She looked around and noticed a barrel of water. "So you want to die first then?"Cailen asked Jane sincerely "cause i can make that happened" He said smiling
"Can i kill you"Cailen asked curious, his face looked so innocent it was creepy. He formed a fireball in his hand. "I can torch you if you want" he said with a smile. "Whats up with that guy?" Maria said in shock
"Why?"Cailen asked he didn't understand "I'm only killing people"he said not seeing what was wrong with that. Maria looked up at what was happening with Ben, Jane, Cailen and Matt "What are they" she asked herself. as a low class citizen she wasn't well educated.
Maria tried to help as many as she could with mixed successes, she was a solider and before that a thief she knew more about fighting and strategy than medicine and healing. Cailen waited to he had burned true the ribbon "Hey i'm trying to do my daily killing here. Go kill someone else this guy is mine" he was truly offended
OOC: happy new year people ^^ Cailen deflected it with partly stepping away and partly with his, sword. He used the motion to spin around and fire a few fire balls at Matt while still charging at him.
OOC: its okey its been one of the most post filled days yet anyway! Maria looked around "where is the guy he's fighting?" she asked looking around Cailen climbed down from the tree he crashed in, it had started to burn so he jumped. "That hurt, i don't like that"Cailen said angry. before running past the group watching charging at Matt again with his body slowly beginning to burn again.