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  1. Nymph of Destiny
    Smiling as Keira began over the fence, Kai placed both hands on the tip of it, flipping her legs over to the other side with ease, as if it she had done this many times before. Hearing the girl's question, she tilted her head to the side, confused. "Third-person?" she repeated, tentatively. "Kai doesn't understand...Kai speaks like Kai."
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nymph of Destiny
    "Hmm...if we have something else of Max's," Zexion said, slowly, "I could be more a few experimenting upon it...but even if it does belong to him...what could this mean?"
    The Cloaked Schemer wasn't exactly sure, as he hadn't been the one to invent the machine, nor had he gotten a good look at it since the last time Roxas trashed it. However, the main line was that there might be a possibility Axel...was still alive...
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nymph of Destiny
    "So Lenny...are you planning on wearing girls' clothes?" Jun asked, a bit amused, as a smile passed her lips briefly. "Since you're intend on taking classes here?"
    She found it entertaining on how Lenny would just go to the college just to find if what she mentioned was true, but would he really go through with it?

    "It's nice to meet you," Kai chirped, smiling at her cheerfully. Arriving at the park, she led Keira straight to towards a metal fence, which was the borderline to a small forest, full of trees. "Can Keira climb?" she asked, gesturing with her head at the fence, her sentence once more fragmented in a sort of third-person way.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Nymph of Destiny
    "Hmm..." Zexion mused, crossing and uncrossing his arms as he tried to think back to the people he had met. At last, it clicked. "Max...he has control over roses, with darkness within...I remember that the last time we met...but what is he to do with Axel?"
    Max always schemed to do something with Larxene and Axel, but he didn't know what...had he gotten his way with the Flurry of Dancing Flames at last? To kill him? Or was it something else?
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Nymph of Destiny
    "It's a surprise," Kai answered, eagerly. "Don't worry, it's a good thing!"
    Smiling cheerfully as she giggled once more, she began to pull her hand, leading her towards the outside, in a direction towards where the park would be. She glanced over her shoulder at the girl, making sure she was alright with following and wasn't just going to be dragged.

    "Oh, no, no," Jun said, shaking her head. "It's just..." She hesitated for a moment. "Nevermind...I'm glad you're here, Len."
    Reaching forward, she brought her arms around him, embracing him quickly for a moment, knowing how flustered he got from an affectionate hug...although she found her little brother cute when doing so.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: lol That's the first shortest post I've ever seen from you actually...I used to write, like, lots of short posts until I actually started RPing with you. You gave me an incentive to write long and pithy. lol Although I still get writer's block sometimes, and I end up writing like, two sentences long. xD

    It was familiar. Definitely familiar. But belonging to whom? Zexion just couldn't put his finger on it. Sighing, he opened his eyes, extending his arm to hand back the object. Gazing at it, he remarked, "I can't quite tell whose 'scent' it is...but the fact that it's glowing is a clue itself..." He frowned, slightly 'irked' that he couldn't quite fathom it. "Either someone has posession over something of darkness...or they can make it appear like so."

    "What the..." Larxene could barely believe her eyes as she could see that her room was quite disarrayed. A few clothes strewn aside, the bed covers trailing on the was as if someone had been going through her posessions, or purposefully trying to trash her room in a rush. Clenching her fists, she frowned, crossing her arms. She wasn't quite sure who it could've done it, and she wasn't even certain on how to find out. Zexion would probably be the only one to discover with his power of 'scent'...and since he was going to come in later, she might as well ask him. It's not like she could really figure out herself...and the moogle was going to provide much of a hassle she was sure, being just like a child.
    Turning to the creature she had warped alongside her, she crouched besides him. "Now then, would you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?" she asked, looking at him sweetly, as she patted his head. She would've liked to just start off firing off inquiries, but if the scaredy-cat was ever going to answer - normally - she would have to play it safe...for now.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Nymph of Destiny
    "Ha," Jun chuckled, "well, why would I lie to my younger brother?" A small smile passed her lips briefly. "But anyway, now that you've came here and gotten what you wanted...are you planning on leaving?"
    As much as she enjoyed seeing her brother here, she knew it wasn't quite safe for what she needed to do...

    "Kai is sorry, sorry," she repeated, bobbing her head up and down shamefully. "You sure you're okay?" She eyed the girl worriedly, as she recalled that she had whimpered a bit at the fall.
    Getting an idea, Kai smiled, as she reached out, grabbing hold of her hand. Standing, she tried to pull Keira to her feet, as she urged, "Come with Kai! Come with Kai!"
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Nymph of Destiny
    Jerking her head up, Jun seemed tense until she recognized the figure standing by the doorway. "Lenny..." she said, sounding relieved. Turning her head, she opened the drawer, placing the book in before closing it once more. Gazing over at her little brother, she stood, beginning to saunter over to him.
    "I'm glad to see you here in this college," she remarked. "Did I tell you before that I was taking a job here?"
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Er, messy like how? Oh, and is anyone's 'scent' on the object? xD

    Gazing at the darkly glowing piece, Zexion slowly extended his hand, grasping it within his fingers gently, in case it was fragile. Eyeing it curiously, he wandered what it could be, or who it would belong to. Obviously it wasn't a part of Vexen's machine if the scientist himself didn't recognize it, so it had to be someone else's possession. Bringing it close to his face - which was still feeling quite wet much to his chagrin -, he closed his eyes, concentrating for any 'scents' he could discover.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nymph of Destiny
    "Thank you," Kai had said, grateful to Exel. That said, she turned, grabbing hold of the branch she was perched upon, swinging upwards to launch herself right through the window of the school. Landing on the ground very much like a cat would, she then stood, dashing off, giggling. Rushing around the corner, she ran straight into Keira, knocking the both of them to the floor, with Kai falling onto her back on the opposite side of the girl. Sitting up, she could feel a wave of pain sting through her, as she rubbed the back of her sore head.
    Blinking, she tilted her head to the side, as she smiled sheepishly at Keira. "Kai is sorry," she apologized, speaking like always in third-person. "You okay?"

    Jun had finished class and was sitting near her desk, her legs crossed, a black, leather book in her palm. She seemed to be mumbling something under her breath as she read, as if memorizing something. The class's light was dimmed, with the seats shifted ever so slightly from the students that had got up to leave. It had been long since this class had ended, but she was still sitting there, reading from a book she had drawn from her desk.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nymph of Destiny
    Glancing at the Savage Nymph, Zexion remarked, "If you would be so kind as to excuse us for a moment, Larxene...taking your moogle with you...I will be with you shortly."
    He didn't want to really risk 'angering' Larxene any more than she already was - or so it seemed - but he really wanted that fluffy, little creature out. It didn't belong in their headquarters, and he didn't trust it. Not to mention, he wasn't sure where they were appearing from. Could Xangel truly be hauling all of them in, or they just decided to choose their place? If it was the latter, something was suspicious about it, and there would be no choice but to kick all of them out...or keep them all in one place under watch. After all, they would more than likely prove obstinate to being exiled than kept in a sort of playground. An illusion could keep them occupied, as well as trapped...especially if it had their favorite hobby or plaything. He could keep an eye on their 'scents' to be sure they weren't running off, but he couldn't be around all the time. Vexen would be a good choice, but he would more than likely refuse, finding that it wasn't any of his job. A lower Nobody could always round them back in, but they weren't very clever all the time. They could mistake anything for a moogle, whether it's a picture or a doll.
    This left the alternative of discussing the matter with the Chilly Acaedmic, hopefully, he'd come up with a better idea...after investigating whatever it is he wanted.

    Larxene hesitated for a moment, an impulse to retort back, but she refrained herself, smiling. "Of course, Zexion," she said, sounding overly-cheerful, "and I'll just be taking this moogle elsewhere...come get me when you're done."
    Softly eyeing the creature, who was now cuddling around her legs, she bent down, wrapping her arms around its waist. Grasping it against herself, she disappeared into darkness, materalizing back into her room.
    After having to wait for the Cloaked Schemer for so long, she had wanted to speak with him first, but then, she found better reason, letting the Chilly Academic go first. For now, she would just deal with the moogle...

    When the Savage Nymph warped out, Zexion turned to Vexen, asking, "Alright, what is it...?"
    The Cloaked Schemer was indeed quite surprised Larxene complied so easily, but her tone indicated she wasn't going to let him go so easily later, or she had something in mind. Either way, it wasn't good. But he'd deal with it all later...after all, why would he concoct a scheme without a back-up plan?

    OOC: I forgot, wasn't May in Larxene's room...? Or did she leave...?
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nymph of Destiny
    With Zexion appearing, a small smile quirked the corners of Larxene's lips. At last the Cloaked Schemer the middle of such chaos. Glancing back down at the sobbing moogle, the Savage Nymph frowned, shaking her head. Crouching down, she gave the tiny creature an awkward pat on the head. "You'll get a bottle later, 'kay?" she said, her voice on the edge of snapping. "So just calm down and stop crying, okay?" That said, she gave him a reassuring smile before standing, turning towards Zexion.

    Zexion raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms at Vexen's accusation. "I don't have a moogle here...I'm assuming Xangel brought one..." He glanced at the one in the room. "Or I had nothing to do with this...but I reassure you, I will let Xangel know of our concerns and request of her to-"
    He stopped, feeling the splash of liquid on him, drenching the top part of his cloak, a sticky feeling within it. Blinking to clear his vision, he turned to see Larxene, her glass tilted, an amused smile on her face as she gave a small giggle.
    "What..." the Cloaked Schemer asked, wiping at his forehead with the back of his hand. "What on earth was that for?"
    After having been drenched with water, not he was soaking with what smelled like a sort of alcohol substance. Although he was 'relieved' to find Larxene not the least bit harmed from her visit to the enemy's headquarters, he was curious to know as why she seemed like her usual self again, what changed her somber mood to this.
    As for Vexen...why was he here? Was there something he needed? And the moogles...was Xangel really bringing all of them in? Where were they all coming from?

    "Oh, well, I'd tell you but..." Larxene hesitated, glancing briefly over at Vexen. "But we might have to get to that later, hmm?" She smiled, appearing so innocent, yet there was that devious glint in her eye.
    Glancing over her shoulder at the moogle, making sure it wasn't off to cause more trouble, she turned back to the two, awaiting for one of their reactions, one of their responses.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nymph of Destiny it?​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Nymph of Destiny
    Alright, sweet dreams, Fire! For now everyone, stake out!

    *starts singing*

    Everybody needs some affection, a time to shine, to try, to know where we're going, never give up on the good times~​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: lol Yep, Jun's from Shaman King. And well, not much Luna, just some people meeting on the first day of college. xD

    The girl tilted her head to the side, saying, "Kai is Kai." She pointed at herself, smiling proudly. "There is another Kai...?" She eyed Exel with a confused expression, as she glanced over at the one grafitting the wall. "There is a Kai clone just like that one?"

    OOC: By the way, Twilight, the list of roomates are on my first post...which I forgot whose Keira's roomates. xDD *goes to check*
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nymph of Destiny
    Reaching forward, she took hold of Exel's free hand, pulling it softly. "Help Kai," she urged, looking up at him hopefully. "Please? Kai is all alone..."
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nymph of Destiny
    Hey, Chaser! ^^ :glomp:

    And Destiny! *gives cocoa* This should help too! :D​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Oh yeah, I forgot to add your other characters, DestinyStar!! Ahh, I have to do it later. xD

    "Do you know who I am?" the girl asked, as she crouched down, almost like how a cat would on its hind legs. "Kai can't remember..." She began to rock herself back and forth, as if bored - or impatient.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Ooh, I forgot to write Zexion's reaction to Flopsum...xD

    Glancing down at the tiny white fluff ball hiding behind her, Larxene gave a small chuckle, amused by his antics and the now enraged Vexen. Bending down to gaze at him at eye level, she asked, "Why don't you just go home?" She was surprised at how calm her voice was, especially with how petulant she 'felt' previously, but there was something highly entertaining about it. Besides, why not have fun psyching the moogle out first?

    Just then, Zexion remembered that Xangel had been holding a fluffy - although wet - moogle in her hands, when Kevix had shifted a cloud over them. Now was that little guy? And where on earth did that moogle come from? It wasn't exactly safe to keep it within the headquarters, especially some strange creature...
    Sighing, he turned to Xangel, saying, "Take care of everything here, Xangel...don't forget what I've told you before..."
    That said, he disappeared into wisps of darkness, materalizing into his room - standing in between Vexen and Larxene with the moogle crouched besides her...and the Chilly Academic was charging forward towards him now with his hand charged with ice.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Nymph of Destiny
    "Kai's bow is for protection, emergencies, and Twing Twang," she said, adding the last part cheerfully. "Who are you?" She tilted her head to the side slightly, looking Exel's clone over.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home