OOC: Haha, oops. xD I must've been writing about Yumiko too much that I accidentally wrote her name. lol "He, not she," Kai corrected, "Amrai...Amrai tells Kai that he is her older brother. Kai can't remember anything, but Amrai says that he will help her. Amrai says that since they're related, he can help. Kai cannot remember him, but Kai knows that her brother will do what is best for her." She extended the pot towards Keira. "Keira take just one? Amrai won't know." "Wait, Ed..." Yaten said, turning around, taking a step forward, but he was too distant for him to hear. Sighing, she sighed frustratedly, shaking her head. "How am I supposed to refuse what her family asks of me?" she murmured to herself, not expecting a response. "You could always let me take care of her instead, ssssweetie..." a female voice hissed from the shadows behind. Clenching her fists, Yaten spun around, frowning. "Hey, what are you doing here?" she demanded, a bit testily. "You're not supposed to be here...you have to go back, you know Yumiko would want...that..." She hesitated, remembering some of Ed's words. "Ohh, you sound reluctant...trouble with the boy, honey? Love problems?" the voice continued, coyly, sounding complacent. "And it was such a tender moment, having run into your past lover, and now...look where you are." Realizing that she had been spying on them, Yaten shouted, angrily, "Will you just get out of here?! You're not even supposed to be here. And don't you ever spy on me again!" She was staring at the shadows, as the figure moved ever so slightly, sounding as if something was sliding across the floor. "As you wisssh..."
OOC: William Shatner? ...That's the only Star Trek thing I know aside from a couple of episodes I've seen my parents watch. xD Great. The thing was becoming attached. "I won't be long," Larxene said, impatiently, crossing her arms. "Just cling to the man you find there for a while, 'kay?" She really hoped the moogle wasn't going to be around 24/7, since she still didn't exactly trust the creature, and it should return back to Traverse Town... Traverse Town...Traverse Town...that sounded like a familiar place...what was it again? Max's place wasn't it? But wait, then Max was sending the moogles here? What for? She had to find out...later, if she was able to ever get Fluffy out of there. Zexion sighed, watching as the moogle was near tears. He couldn't very well speak to Larxene with Fluffy right there, listening in, getting in the way. But if the moogle wanted Larxene, it'd get one. Walking over to stand besides the Savage Nymph, he leaned forward, whispering into her ear, "I'll create an illusion of you for it. Just tell me where it's going." Larxene didn't want to depend on the Cloaked Schemer for help - not to mention he wouldn't allow her to send the moogle to Vexen's lab - but what faster alternative did she have? And she wanted the little miscreant away as soon as possible. "Your room," she whispered back, as she raised her hand, dismissing the other portal, replacing it with a new one that led to the Cloaked Schemer's room. Looking at Fluffy, she gave him a sweet smile, "Look, just go in. I'll warp there as soon as I can, after you step through. I just want to say something real quick to Zexion."
You're going to help us, right, Kuro-sama?
OOC: What's happening with Andrew and Fayte...? Kai nodded, her two dark braids dangling over her shoulders bouncing. "In case Keira feels any pain, this will help," she said, bobbing the pot upward ever so slightly. "It helps Kai all the time." Swiftly, she undid the string, peeling away the leaf obscuring the top, revealing several red bean-like pieces. "Amrai gave them to Kai, said that if Kai is hurt, to use it." She bit her lower lip, hesistant. "Kai won't tell Amrai she gave some to Keira. Keira can't tell either or Amrai will lock Kai in the cave again." "Ah...well, I'm going to help you," Yaten said, smiling. "In case you need me...but for now..." She her eyes scanned the hallway once more. "I have to find Yumiko again..."
"Luxord?" Zexion called out, his voice echoing slightly. "Luxord, are you there?" There wasn't any response, yet, he could stil smell his 'scent' there - if that was him. Could he possibly be knocked out? Unconscious? Or perhaps asleep? Sighing, he strode inside, squinting ever so slightly to try to peer through the inky darkness, attempting to spot for Luxord.
OOC: lol The dangerous moogle spell. xP Zexion will never fall for that spell for sure though, although I don't expect Larxene to fall for it either...by the way, is Roxas and Axel still in Traverse Town? I wasn't sure where the chocobo ranch was. xD Oh and I almost forgot that Max took over Traverse Town. xDD I kept forgetting the name of it... Oh and ChocoKitten, I didn't know you joined this RPG!! With Vexen gone, Zexion immediately warped to Larxene's room, appearing in wisps of darkness. Turning to her, he found that the Savage Nymph was crouched, staring at the tiny moogle. Groaning, he ran a hand through his hair. "Larxene, could you please escort your pet out?" he said, a bit impatiently. "I wish to speak to you alone." As he spoke, he gazed about the room, raising an eyebrow as he noticed what a mess it was. What had Larxene been doing? Tearing down the room in anger? But...there was a trace of someone's 'scent'...someone other... Hearing Zexion's voice, Larxene stood, turning her head to look over her shoulder at him. "Hmm? Of course..." she said, a bit stoically, as she gazed back at Fluffy. Turning, she opened a portal of darkness, which would head straight to Vexen's lab. "Go through there and stay there no matter what, alright?' she ordered, sternly. The Chilly Academic wasn't going to be pleased with a moogle with him, but it'd be amusing, seeing his reaction later.
*gasp* Kairi? You're going to a dance! That sounds like fun!! Oh, and Kuro-sama, I found a ransom note saying that Last had been kidnapped by the iTunes company, so then we (Fire, Desaray, Kairi, Unsaintly, and I) decided to rescue him, but then we had to stake out since we got busy! Like right now! xD
"A criminal?" Yaten repeated, widening her eyes. "Do you know...what he...or she...is intending to do?" Could it be... She stopped the thought, mentally shrugging it off. She just knew it couldn't be...could it? "Of course not," Kai said, as the sounds of her shuffling about cloth, boxes, and several other objects reverbrated about. "Kai is planning to help you!" There was a small scratching sound and a tiny flame appeared, at the end of a match held in her fingers. Lowering it, the flames spread to a couple of logs piled together, a sort of small bonfire that cast light around the cave. Now illuminated, several boxes, laid on the side, were situated about, with two poles stuck in the ground besides it, a wire running between the two. Sititng on her knees besides a sideways box, she reached inside of it, her face contorted with concentration as she seemed to be searching for something. Her expression brightened as she drew a small black pot, covered with a leaf, tied to the top of it with a thin brown string. "Ah-ha!" she exclaimed, proudly. "Found it!"
"Ah, I've missed you too, Ed..." Yaten said, reaching forward to give him a brief warm embrace. "So are you here...searching for the Philosopher's Stone?" She remembered the last one was in Yumiko's poessesion, but it had turned out to be a fake, shattering after Mistress Nine had emerged. She felt disappointed when that had occured because Ed had lost his chance at helping his brother and him with their own predicament... OOC: Ah, be right back, gotta eat lunch~
Larxene raised an eyebrow. "Someone told you to?" she repeated. "Who?" She assumed it was someone of the enemy, if not Xangel like the Cloaked Schemer had mentioned earlier. How many moogles were running about so far? Two was it? Were they both from Traverse Town ordered to live in their headquarters? But what for? And why? All these questions she hoped the tiny moogle could answer...but she wasn't sure how much it knew...or how much it could say.
Ah, you know it's all in good fun, Chaser, Unsaintly...if you don't want to accompany us, then you don't have to join. Just cheer us on! XD But Unsaintly, you said "in this moment"...is something bothering you? *gives cookie* *hugs* And oh, we must collect all the weapons and such now!
*twitches* Someone say iTunes?! *gasp* We have to return to our stakeout to rescue Last!!! I almost forgot!! lol
OOC: *gasp* Ed has returned!! lol "Keira will see!" Kai said in a sing-song tone. At least, they reached a small clearing, where a cave could be seen, situated besides the river. Releasing the girl's hand, she dashed over into it, the darkness obscuring her petite figure. "Come inside with Kai!" she called from inside, her voice echoing slightly. "Yumiko!" Yaten called, once more, exasperatedly. Hearing no response, she sighed, shrugging. She was going to have to search outside then... Walking around the corner, she almost bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sor-" She stopped, mid-apology as she did a double take, realizing who the man was. "Ed!" she exclaimed, almost incredulously.
OOC: Ah, I imagine Fluffy must be soooo adorable as cuddle muffin!! XD "Don't worry, Vexen," Zexion said, gazing away from him, his tone emotionless. "I don't intend to tell Larxene a thing...just...a little experiment I have in mind." He hesitated for a moment. "But if you discover anything about Axel...and he so happens to be alive..." He paused, gazing about for a moment, as if searching for anyone who might be spying upon them. "Well, let's just say...he shouldn't be." "So why did you decide to come here?" Larxene asked, looking down at the moogle, now sitting on the floor. "Why don't you continue living back in Traverse Town?" She crossed her arms, keeping herself from sighing impatiently. What on earth was taking Zexion so long? What could Vexen be wanting to talk to him about?
Huh? I'm not better than anyone... *embraces Kuro-sama tightly, and then Kairi and then Knightshade and then Chaser* I really wish I could stick around longer but I really do have homework I have to do...and I want to finish it all so I can have a free weekend tomorrow. xD
"Then you're planning on leaving Len?" Jun asked, crossing her arms. "You know there's only two choices...either stay, dressing as a girl, or heading back home..." She smiled. "I'm sure you know what to do..." Only one was good for what she had intended to do, but she couldn't arouse suspicion in her brother... Our princess sure likes to run off, Yaten thought, as she walked across the hallways of the school, sighing as she shook her head. "Princess Yumiko?" she called out. "Yumiko, where are you?" Yumiko's family had always wanted her to guard the princess...and she wasn't going to fail now. A nagging feeling at the back of her mind remembered something Ed had told her before, but biting her lower lip, she shrugged it off...for the moment.
Hey, how's everyone? ^^ I can't stay long unfortunately...
Ah, it feels so lonely and empty here at night...I hope to see all of you tomorrow though. ^^ If I can... And since all the rooms are probably taken... *curls up on the couch and falls asleep*
Tilting her head to the side, Kai shrugged, nodding. "Alright, off we go!" she chirped, cheerfully, taking hold of Keira's hand once more before dashing off into the forest, weaving through the trees knowingly. She was heading for somewhere deep within, where the trees were closer together and the leaves blocked out some of the moonlight. The babble of a river sounded somewhere in the distance, and there seemed to be a few bird calls, here and there. In addition to the soothing scent of nature was a slight trace of smoke. "Then what are you planning to do?" Jun asked, smiling slyly. "Hmm, Len? You know very well you can't stay, appearing blatantly as a male." She chuckled sofly. "Of course, if you dress as a female...even being a teacher, I'll choose to believe...you've simply came by, while a girl named Lenna just enrolled." Sure the female alias she chose for her brother wasn't the best, but it was the first thing that came to her mind. However, allowing him to stay - albeit a loophole - she hoped it was the right choice... OOC: I'm assuming it's evening, so I said 'moonlight'. If it's morning, pretend that was sunshine. xD
"Why...did you come here?" Larxene asked, looking down at the tiny moogle almost exasperatedly. The little fluff wasn't going to become attached to her was it? "And where were you before you came here?" Watching as the tiny red ball was hovering about its tiny, white head, she suppressed a sigh, at having to almost mother the creature. Slowly, Zexion nodded, as a small smirk passed over his lips. "Of course," he said, as he glanced at the object that Vexen had placed there. Summoning a lower Nobody to himself, he strode over to the object, picking it up. Turning, he leaned down towards the being he had summoned, whispering a command as he handed the object to it. In an instant the Nobody vanished, the object in hand. Turning back to the Chilly Academic, the Cloaked Schemer inquired, "Is that all...?"