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  1. Nymph of Destiny
    Well, now that I've finally caught up to all the recent chapters...I have to say...great job!! I loved all of it!! Although I feel sorry for poor Sexy Zexy, but don't mind me, I'm just biased since I'm a proud Zexion fangirl. lol Oh, and I especially that phrase, "regained her bearings" or something like that, I loved it. xD Mind if I used it some time in the future for my fanfics? lol​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. Nymph of Destiny
    :glomp: ^^ How are you?​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Nymph of Destiny
    Well, if Marluxia succeeded in taking over the Organization, he'd make everyone dye their hair two times a day, water his garden, and make cookies for him. ^^

    Just kidding. xP Seriously though, Axel would have betrayed them either way, so the plan has no way of working...however, if Axel hadn't been trusted and not known of their plan, and they succeeded, Sora would be their slave, all because of his desire to protect Namine and their false promise. As their slave, Sora would probably be used to try to make the other members succumb to him, and if they refuse to listen, eradicate them. As for the Superior, I'm not actually sure if Sora would be able to defeat him alone, without Riku. Riku, for that matter, if Namine hadn't been released, then he would've died fighting Zexion's illusion of Sora, or always fearing the dark within him, as Namine (under the pretense of Kairi) was the one who helped him in that moment. So that would also leave Riku in shambles.

    Aanyway, back to the subject of Xemnas, if Marluxia and his other followers (like Larxene and any other who decide to join him, and Sora) worked together, they might've managed to defeat him. But in truth, I believe Marluxia's goal is to overthrow the Superior because he feels that he isn't doing well enough to get hearts for all of them. That's just my speculation, since I don't see any other reason for him to wish to take over the Organization. Being a Nobody, he should not have any ambition, or other wistful feeling, other than a sort of 'desire' for a heart, to be Somebody. Thus, the Graceful Assassin might then proceed in using Sora to take more hearts for his own Kingdom Hearts, or use another method he thinks will bring them hearts. He probably won't bother anyone as long as they don't get in his way, or mess up his plans. Of course, this is all just a presumption that I'm not too certain of myself, since the game never went down this path.

    Overall though, I believe if this succeeded, without Axel's interference, Sora would become Marluxia's pawn who would try to gain them hearts, destroying anyone in the way (if he can). Although it might be possible that if it had come to fruition, Axel might have messed up their plans again somehow, if he still cared enough for the Organization.

    I actually find this subject, of if Marluxia succeeded, quite fascinating and I'm constantly wondering myself of what would happen. xD I almost wish that Axel hadn't interferred. lol​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. Nymph of Destiny
    Hmm...IMing, e-mailing, then calling. xD Haha, like the others saves money. lol​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. Nymph of Destiny
    Hey, anyone here? ^^​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: *blinks* Someone's trying to steal my moogle...! *snatches the Deathsight moogle* xD

    Haha, but anyway, sorry for not being around usual, I have too many tests to study for...

    Oh, and welcome back ChocoKitten! ^^

    Closing his eyes and then reopening them, Zexion tried to have a clear perception of his surroundings. "" he corrected, his voice coming out slightly strained. "His...'scent'..." He exhaled sharply, shutting his eyes. "He shouldn'" The last words were a bit of a mumble, but they were basically clear to understand.
    The Cloaked Schemer wasn't quite sure how exactly the Flurry of Dancing Flames had survived - it was more than likely related to the evidence Vexen had found - but that wasn't good. For more than one thing...

    Swiping a small bag of doritos from the counter, Larxene handed them to the tiny moogle, clearly contemplating on something. "You're wrong...Fluffy," she said, as she turned, raising her hand, opening a portal that would lead to Traverse Town - however, to her surprise, nothing happened. Tilting her head to the side, she frowned, puzzled by why nothing had occured.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Nymph of Destiny
    Zexion could hear the voices of Vexen and Xangel, as well as the slosh of water. Blinking several times, he tried to sort the disarrayed thoughts running about his mind. There was something unnerving he felt he ought to recall but he wasn't quite sure what it was. Back in Larxene's room, he had noticed that everything was a bit messy, the type where you were in a rush to get up and rush to school sort of way, but it just wasn't...normal. He hadn't known exactly whether the Savage Nymph's room was always like that, but there was a faint 'scent' there...belonging to neither her nor any of the other enemy then...but who? It was unrecognizable.
    At that moment, he caught another 'scent' in his room, and he froze at its appearance, his eyes wide as he almost had to do a doubletake. No, it couldn't be...
    "Axel..." he murmured, closing his eyes.

    Larxene sighed, shaking her head. "So what do you want?" she asked, a bit dully. "Mind if I took you back to Traverse Town, your home?" She really didn't want a moogle trailing after her like it was her child, especially one that cried and needed you 24/7.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Huh, I wonder is there such things as Nobody Moogles...anyway, this is probably my last post for tonight, since I have piano lesson and such to get to, so bye everyone, hope I can come online tomorrow. :sweatdrop:

    Extending her hand, Larxene grasped the cupcake sitting on a tray on one of the glass racks, handing the cold treat to the tiny moogle. So the moogle had lost its heart? So it was a...Nobody? What was this creature really? And was Max the one who had sent it, as it came from Traverse Town? She would have to make a visit there to check later...but she couldn't have this moogle hanging all over her.
    "Hey, Fluffy," she said, glancing at it, "is there ever a time or place you'd like to be alone?"
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Nymph of Destiny
    Larxene smirked. "Very well," she said, turning to the boy. "Roxas, dance for me." She crossed her arms, waiting for his reaction.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nymph of Destiny
    "Aww, how sweet," Larxene remarked, half-sarcastically, half-dryly. "But you can't change that unless you can give me a heart." She clicked her tongue slightly in annoyance, reflecting on a couple of matters - from her longing for a heart, to being a Nobody, to Vexen's questions... "So...what do you want to eat?" she asked, stiffly.

    OOC: You're making me love moogles a lot. xD

    Oh, and Choco, um...Larxene plays with Zexion a bit, until he kisses her, then he goes unconscious, while she goes to speak with Fluffy the moogle, while Vexen tends to the Cloaked Schemer, while Roxas and Axel have seen Zexion and Larxene speak and are shocked/enraged.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nymph of Destiny
    "I don't have a heart," Larxene answered, almost absent-mindedly, as she gazed about the kitchen. "So, no feelings...I'm a Nobody, a nothing." Sauntering over to the refrigerator, she reached forward, shifting to be able to keep a tight grasp on the moogle still. Pulling on the handle, she felt a cold blast of air, as the slight cold misted from the iciness leaking out. As her eyes grazed the racks of particles of food and other drinks stored within, she noticed she wasn't exactly certain what she was looking for. "What are you hungry for?"

    Slowly, Zexion opened his eyes, his vision of the white ceiling blurred, his entire body aching. Blinking, he struggled to sit upon his elbows but could barely even move his arm...particularly his left one, which was now beginning to throb. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, making sure his oxygen was circulating in his lungs well, he tried to recall what had happened, and remember where he was. His room, right? Then why was everything so much brighter? It looked a lot like...
    Vexen's lab...

    OOC: *continues hugging the Deathsight moogle*

    Ooh, pyreflies...they are so pretty. xD
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nymph of Destiny
    " something to amuse me, and I might reconsider," Larxene said, pausing, glancing over her shoulder at Demyx. She was bored just standing there speaking to them and she just wanted to try doing something new.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: I'm not quite sure where Hao is, so he'll just come out of nowhere. xD

    "Anna," Hao said, walking over to her, anxiety clear on his face. "Are you alright...?"
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nymph of Destiny
    As Larxene and the moogle materalized within the kitchen, Larxene glanced downward at the moogle. "Empty?" she repeated. "What do you mean?"
    She knew that it could be referencing to her dry tone, or her lack of heart...although she was assuming the latter...which brought to mind Vexen's question...his snide remark...about having forgotten her goal in the Organization. Of course she hadn't, she still very much longed for a heart, for that beating organ within her that would bring her a world of emotions than she could have ever hoped from her memories. Although being able to feel, without Axel...she didn't want to think about that...

    OOC: A...a...shoopuff?! But...but...a shoopuff is so huge! It'll trample everything!! lol

    And aww...!!!! *hugs the Deathsight moogle tightly* You're so cute~!!
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nymph of Destiny
    Hearing a voice, Kai glanced from the cave's entrance - with Ed's head poking in - to Keira. Tilting her head to the side, she hesitated, uncertain. "Kai...Kai doesn't know," she murmured, looking down. " Kai's home...anyone is welcome as long as they don't hurt anyone or ruin anything..." She looked up at her anxiously. "Can Keira make certain that Kai's home does not get destroyed?"

    Turning her head to look at Train, Tarta crossed her arms. "That's none of your business," she snapped, obviously upset.

    "Oh, Tarta, don't speak so harshly to him," Tatra said, patting her sister's shoulder. "After all, he's merely curious...anyone would be." She gazed over at the boy. "I apologize for my younger sister's rudeness..."

    "Rude?" Tarta interrupted, disdainfully. "Don't you think it rude for him to be butting in?" She gave a scoff, glancing up at the ceiling, exhaling sharply. She knew that no matter what she said, Tatra wasn't exactly going to listen. Well, she was older...and wiser...sometimes, that was.

    "Tarta..." Tatra sighed, glancing over at Train once more. "Don't worry, she's just a little testy..." She began to walk closer to him. "But in answer to your question...we're arguing about what to do about a sort of...predicament...debating on how to expand our kingdom."

    OOC: Not much Luna, just daily school criminal searching and graffiting and arguments. xD
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nymph of Destiny
    Just as she closed the door, Larxene heard the sound of Vexen's voice, catching a few bit of his words before it became muffled. So at last the Chilly Academic found who he was looking for - something she was about to disregard a moment before she did a double take. Zexion was blatantly injured, and Vexen would see it...and then would come the interrogation. Well, it didn't matter. The Cloaked Schemer would tell him everything eventually...and how much it was, she really didnt' care anymore. Turning, she raised her hand, opening a portal to the kitchen.
    "Come on, Fluffy," she said, her tone emotionless, as if jaded. Reaching down, she reluctantly brought her arms around the tiny moogle, lifting it into her arms. Stepping through and vanishing, she couldn't help but wonder when on earth these moogles were going home.

    Zexion gave a small moan, as his face contorted slightly as if in pain or discomfort of some sort. Under his breath, he murmured something, although it was unable to be heard clearly. His fingers twitched slightly, as his breathing was still somewhat erratic, although slowly clearing.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Alright, I edited my post to make Demyx and Vexen possibilities instead of Lexaeus and Marluxia...although I don't even know if Demy has blue eyes. xD I can't remember. lol

    There was no doubt about it. That was Vexen alright...coming to visit Zexion again it seemed...about Axel perhaps?
    Gazing down at the tiny moogle, she awkwardly hugged it briefly, uncomfortable with all of its sobbing. "Well, don't worry, it won't happen again," she reassured, a bit lackadaisically. "Now then...let's get you something to're hungry right?" Straightening, she stepped out of the Cloaked Schemer's room, closing the door behind her quietly.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Nymph of Destiny
    Ah, Random Angel!! *runs over to her* *slowly lifts her* *begins to walk towards her room*

    Hmm..."The Song of the Lily"..."The Lily's Sonata"..."The Melodious Lily"...agh, I can think of a good title. xD​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Nymph of Destiny
    Hearing the sound of footsteps, Kai instantly tilted her head to the side. "Keira," she said, reaching forward, pulling on the sleeve of her blouse, "Kai hears someone outside...does Keira know whether it is good or bad?" Having someone always tell her about others, she was never certain. She hoped that Keira would know. Hopefully, it would be time for some more Twing Twang...

    "Tatra, stop moaning about this," Tarta sighed, runnnig a hand through her hair. "We've been through this before, and the answer is to just fight! A duel between the three of us!" She and her sister had just stepped into the cafe, with Tatra seeming a bit melacholy, and Tarta appearing a bit snappy. "What's so wrong with it?"

    "I rather not fight anyone," Tatra murmured, glancing downward, clasping her hands together. "You know there has to be an easier way..." She gazed upwards, scanning the cafe quickly, almost as if afraid someone would be listening in.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Nymph of Destiny
    Nooo! Where are you going, Desaray?!!

    *passes Kiburedo* And hi, Kuro-sama!!

    Oh, and Destiny Star...hmm...I forgot what a lily meant...I think it meant something that I didn't want...I forgot...or maybe it is good...hmm...​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Forum Families