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  1. Nymph of Destiny
    Hearing Kevix speak Zexion couldn't suppress a small smirk and a chuckle. "I'm sorry, did I hear you say Xangel was a member of your Organization?" he said, slowly, eyeing the man warily. "Now, don't feel alarmed...she isn't a part of us either...she's just Speaking with her, she has yet to mention anything about being a part of your group, not even when I hinted. So I would suggest you leave us alone, as well as Xangel...she has no desire to see any of youer, and nor do you have a right any longer."
    He knew he was very well half-lying, but did it matter? Kevix wouldn't know the difference, and Xangel would back him up some way or another. Noticing Larxene's 'scent' in his own room, he widened his eyes briefly before looking forward blankly again. She was waiting for him it seemed...for what now? Kevix was taking too much of his time, and time...time was of the essence...

    Hearing a soft swooshing sound, Xemnas glanced over his shoulder to see Saix materialize, his silky, blue hair laying softly over his shoulders, his dark eyes emotionless as usual. "Have you thought of an appropriate punishment for the two?" he asked, as he gazed up at the glowing heart-shaped moon of Kingdom Hearts...the goal - their goal - almost within their reach, the object capable of giving them a was so close, yet so far...
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nymph of Destiny
    Xemnas closed his eyes momentarily, leaning back, before gazing at Larxene, and then at Roxas, a frown that was slowly deepening on his face as he spoke, each word spoken coldly, without any trace of emotion. "You keep using the word...replace...what would you rather have me call her? Number XIV? All to keep the beloved position of our number VIII? A Nobody you seem rather enraged about, a Nobody who has faded away. As much as we appreciate everything Axel has done for that he's gone and someone is willing to fill in his spot...why would you want to deny her of the position? Maybe she can't measure up to him. Maybe she's weaker, incapable of performing the same things he had done. But would you prefer it that we stay a weaker Organization of twelve? Or a stronger one of thirteen?" Pausing briefly, he did not wait for either of them to answer, as he then continued, in a sterner tone of voice.
    "Any more complaints shall be dealt with even harsher than what you will receive." He briefly glanced at Saix as he said this, hinting of what he was to administer soon after. "Afterwards, sure to inform either Saix or I of your previous activities while our meeting was taking place." That said, darkness swirled around him and he disappeared.

    Larxene glowered at the Superior's slowly vanishing figure, 'anger' burning darkly in her eyes. She had wanted to continue reasoning with Xemnas, shouting at him, to even try piercing him with a million kunai until he could finally understand them. Being a Nobody, he was as cold as ice, an object that had lost all warmth, unlike others, who often retained at least a bit of their memories, and thus, a bit of their past feelings. Even Zexion was better than him, and the Cloaked Schemer, by her standards, someone just as frozen, only sharper with more cutting edges.
    Clenching her hands into fists, she resisted the urge to warp to the Altar of Naught - where Xemnas most likely headed for - to confront him once more. She knew she would be pushing her luck if that happened, or worse - be considered a traitor and eradicated. It was already proven the Superior was blatantly using them. Once they were used up, he would no longer care of their fate. All he cared about was creating Kingdom Hearts and gaining a heart, and whatever happened to his loyal followers, so be it. This wasn't the Organization she quite knew anymore...but maybe it was time for a change. She'd considered if before with the Graceful Assassin had she not?
    Whether the Luna Diviner had been speaking throughout the entire time she had been contemplating, she didn't care. She was going to do as she pleased whether they wanted it or not. And no matter what...they would never convince her to accept Xangel as a part of their Organization...nor was she the new number VIII...Axel would always be in that position, dead or alive, his memory living on forever.
    Summoning a single kunai to her hand, she raised it, a smirk passing her lips before she spoke, "Hey, catch this, Saix." Swiftly, she tossed her weapon at him, making sure to fixate her eyes onto his, so he could see the hatred deep within...the contempt she felt at the fact that he had 'murdered' the Proof of Her Existence...the despise she felt for the Nobody at the very depth of her core...that one emotion that she could almost feel tangibly.
    Whether the kunai had struck the Luna Diviner or not, the Savage Nymph didn't stick around long enough to find out. After holding her gaze of resent with Saix for a moment, darkness enveloped her and she disappeared. However, even if she was escaping now, she knew she couldn't run forever...and the punishment for now trying to assault the second-in-command would just increase the severity...but she was just a Nobody, she didn't care, wasn't that what Xemnas had said?
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nymph of Destiny
    Zexion chuckled turning to Larxene, seeing the smirk on her seemingly innocent face. Extending his hand, he swiftly moved several stray strands of her platinum blonde hair behind her right ear, making sure a few of his fingers softly passed by the side of her neck, which he knew was a tender spot for some women. Leaving his hand to linger on the side of her face, he leaned forward, hovering close to her ear, lowering his voice to a whisper.

    "Well, you know I would suffer anything just to be with you..."

    Withdrawing from her, he briefly flashed her a warm smile, before moving his hand away, proceeding to then enter the torture room. He tried to refrain from touching her but he couldn't help it. Besides, it wasn't as intimate as an embrace, was it? And well, if she was going to grab his arm and break it, or just shove him against a wall to bruise him once more, he could deal with it.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Aww, I missed hitna!

    "Bye Demyx," Larxene waved to him before turning to Zexion. "So...hey...what are you doing up if you're so tired then, hmm?"
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Nymph of Destiny
    "If it is so 'childish', then you will not mind leaving," Zexion said, his voice low with a trace of menace in it. "Don't forget that this is our headquarters, and you would do well to do as we desire. I am merely asking you to leave but you refuse. You claim to want to see Xangel, but haven't you ever once thought she would care to see you? Not to mention, if you are on our territory...then we hold the rules here. So if we do not want you to see her, then you may not." He prepared to summon his lexicon, prepared for Kevix to attack at any moment.

    Larxene blinked, barely believing what Saix was saying. That girl, the one she had fought with before, was replacing Axel? Was actually, truly taking the place of Axel? She had a sudden urge to summon a kunai to her fingers, but refrained from it, knowing what would happen if she assaulted the second-in-command...and the Superior, who had been sitting on the throne watching them speak, eyeing their reactions. So no matter how much she desired it so...she could not.
    Clenching her hands into fists, she raised her voice, saying, "Is that so? Please elaborate on why you chose to replace Axel." She spoke to the Luna Diviner acrimoniously, remember he was at fault for Axel's 'death'. "I suppose you think he's just some sort of thing you could replace? Someone worthless? Rubbish? Xangel will never measure up to him nor will she be able to-"

    "Enough," Xemnas interrupted, his voice stern and imperative, his fingers tapping the arm of his throne impatiently. "I understand well that many of you are upset, but don't forget that Axel is a Nobody. Don't forget that's what we all are. An absolute nothing. But we are striving to become a Somebody...someone with a heart, someone with feelings and emotions...and we will do what we can to achieve this." He felt as if he was repeating the same words as earlier but as long as number XII as well as number XIII could understand. "We mustn't let our memories stand in our way, and if someone wants to help us -"

    "So you're picking up anyone off the street?" Larxene said, scoffing. "I don't want to hear your entire, jaded speech of 'we're Nobodies, we don't have feelings, we're this and that.' I'm sick of it." She glared piercingly at the Superior, noticing with pleasure that his eyes had widened at her sudden interruption, which was something almost no Organization member would dare to do so openly. She knew punishment was more than likely headed her way later on, but it would be worth this for now.
    "You don't think I get it? Well you're wrong. Maybe for once, you'll get it in your head that we have our own reasons. Or maybe you can't understand us." For some reason, she kept saying 'we' and 'us', as if she was implying that she was referring to Axel as well. "Your mind only repeats one thing: We're nobody, nothing, we can't feel. What are you, a statue? A robot? Even without a heart you still have your mind and your body, which can work in more intricate ways than you can seem to fathom. So why don't you save your pathetic, monotonous speech and leave us alone. I know I can't stop you from ordering Xangel to be an official member...but I will never accept her."

    OOC: Goodnight, Deathsight! ^^
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nymph of Destiny
    Just as she was about to respond, Larxene heard Roxas's voice, turning her head to see the boy standing there....his brown hair ruffled and his entire face looking gaunt and shadowed. "Hey...Roxas...I don't know what happened, I was just about to ask you," she asked, raising an eyebrow as a small smile quirked her lips. "Up partying all night? Strange dreams?"
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Nymph of Destiny
    "How is this relevant?" Zexion asked, tilting his head to the side with a small shrug. He could remember clearly the venmous words she had hissed to him right before she tossed him to the floor. As he blacked out, he recalled she was speaking still, but that part was a blur, a fuzzy memory that to him, sounded simply a mumble or words smashed together. It may have been directed at him or it may not be. Which one was she referring to? If it was the first, then it was all good and fine, but as for the latter...he really didn't want to risk making a fool of himself by claiming he couldn't remember, especially when he was supposed to be so devoted to her, remembering and cherishing everything she said.

    What was the importance of this knowledge anyway? Was this a sort of warning, to let him know the same will happen if he tried to make a move or do something similar? Already he was respecting her wishes, refraining from touching her like he would've liked to do. All he had done was give her a blanket to warm herself while speaking lovingly to her - like usual. Well, either she was admonishing him or trying to get some other point across, and that's all he needed to know.

    As for Luxord...he was slightly wary of the way she spoke, uncertain of whether she'd truly take him to see the small boy or not. She was an unpredictable one, that was for he couldn't be sure of anything. Of course, that was one of the things he enjoyed most about her...
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Nymph of Destiny
    Hearing a knock, Larxene briskly stood, striding over to the door. Opening it, her face brightened. "Hello, Demxy," she said, actually pleased to see someone to speak with and perhaps be her toy temporarily. Glancing at the piece of food in his hand, she asked, "Eating breakfast?"
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Okay let's to start it...*is trying to think of something funny and spontaneous* Ah, I got nothing. xD Anyway, I don't know if she knows all the guys like her or not, so I'm going to make it she doesn't know yet right now. =P

    Larxene was in her room, sitting on a wooden chair by her desk, her legs crossed, her cerulean blue eyes gleaming slighlty from the lights in the room. She was definitely bored, with nothing to do that day...what now? Just read a book? Take a shower? Grab a bite to eat?
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nymph of Destiny
    Well, I hope I can be here enough times to post. :sweatdrop: I'll try though! ^^ So may I be Yuna and Princess Ashelia (Ashe)?​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nymph of Destiny
    Sorry, it took me so long to read it, I kept forgetting. *headdesks*

    Anyone, again, this is awesome, and very entertaining. Keep at it! ^^​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: ^^ *:glomp: TwilghtNight and Firekeyblade* So...who's Flopsum? xD

    "No," Zexion said, shaking his head, slowly. This Kevix sounded polite and almost...caring. But he was a Nobody, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to feel any emotions - they both couldn't. And if he wanted to play polite, he could do the same. "There are several reasons I would not like to disclose for this, so I would appreciate it if you could respect my wishes and leave our headquarters. I'm sure the other members will be requiring you back soon, or wondering where you are."
    Noticing Larxene's 'scent' back in the headquarters, he held back a sigh of 'relief' at her safe least it seemed that way. She could be injured and he wouldn't be able to tell...all he knew was that she was back, and that was all. What if she came back because she was hurt? But...he didn't really care, so it didn't was just his scheme that could be in danger...

    Materializing in her room with wisps of darkness, Larxene felt 'relief' bubble up in her at the sight of her room. It was so much less tense than it was at the enemy's headquarters...not to mention the information she received from Reixa was quite...cheering. Axel...he was gone but she would always remember him. No matter what anyone said, no matter what anyone did.
    Hearing the sound of a portal opening, she glanced over her shoulder to see a Beserker Nobody, ordering her to head to the Throne Room. Clicking her tongue in annoyance, she waved off the lesser creature, before turning away. As soon as she returned, the Superior - or the second-in-command - wanted to see her.
    Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to find out, she thought, shrugging as she warped to the room she was expected.
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Thanks, you two! ^^ *:glomp: both* And *gasp* is Axel still in that...Traverse Town or wherever it was? lol

    "Alright," Zexion said, a small smirk briefly flashing across his lips. "But can you really trust what you find?" He hesitated for a moment. "Oh, or maybe I shouldn't have spoken of it?" He spoke tauntingly, vaguely, as if everything he said had either a double meaning or a possibility of sounding fake.

    OOC: No one said anything to Larxene, or pulled her back, before she stepped through the portal back home, right...?
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nymph of Destiny
    OOC: Agh, sorry I haven't been on...I'm just taking a little um...could someone let me know what I need to reply to? :sweatdrop: I won't be on for long but for now, I'll post as much as I can...I'm going to be taking like, an actual hiatus later though (so if I'm gone for another long period of time, check the departure threads), because I'm starting to grow stressed...but I'll be back once I'm all fine and happy. ^^
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nymph of Destiny
    :glomp: So how have you been? ^^​
    Post by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Forum Families