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  1. T3F
    Here's to Nate, he's true blue
    he's a piss-pot through and through
    he's a bastard, so they say
    Tried to go to heaven, but he went the other way
    Drink it down, down, down!

    /Australian appreciation :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. T3F
  3. T3F
    I liked Living Things and the sounds that LP was going for. It seemed like a good balance between A Thousand Suns and Hunting Party. Most of the songs on Hunting Party in general seem very messy imo. My favourite songs on there would be Guilty All The Same, Until it's Gone and Final Masquerade. I also noticed they copied a bunch of things from Living Things. There's a part of A Line in The Sand that is the exact same as Until it Breaks from Living Things. Regardless, now listening to it, I think Hunting Party is a great album with nice songs, although some just sound very messy. I like the direction they took with it overall though.
    Post by: T3F, Jun 24, 2014 in forum: Music
  4. T3F
    Blue pill. While I was watching the movie, I wanted Neo to take the blue pill. If you're happy in the fantasy world, stay there. Sure you won't know the 'absolute truth' of everything that happens in the world, but if you're happy, why should you throw the things that have made you happy in your life for a little bit of truth in what looked like a very unappealing real world. So I say blue pill.
    Post by: T3F, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  5. T3F


    When I was in my earlier years of high school (7th/8th grade) I developed major Social Anxiety Disorder. I would have a massive panic attack before going to school, I would pretend I was sick so I wouldn't go, all because I was afraid of how people would react to anything I said. The more days that went by, the more I kept putting myself down, because everybody seemed to agree with that. It didn't help that I was bullied throughout those years and as a shy kid who was sensitive as all hell I just couldn't grab my courage to go and tell people off. Later on I switched schools and things got much better, but my social anxiety always lingered, and it's still here today.

    I'm now in my 2nd year of uni, so it's been a good 6 or 7 years since the 8th grade, and yet I still get uncontrollable nerves when I talk to people or try to start up a conversation. Surprisingly meeting new people is fine, I've learned how to make a good first impression and then go downhill. So I have a lot of "acquaintances" and not a lot of "true" friends. That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that I'm surrounded by people who share the same interests as me, and yet I still have the most unbelievable panic attacks when it comes to striking up a conversation. I always feel this immense pressure not to say anything stupid.

    So 7 years on, I still have Social Anxiety. How do I cope with it? Music. Listening, playing, practising. What I find about music is that it's safe and simple. You can press play and the song will play. You can press skip and the song will skip. Guitar has actually been an outlet for my anxiety. If I'm really down, I strum a little and figure out new chords, it makes me feel like I've accomplished something. Singing is the most amazing outlet for Social Anxiety. I am so afraid to talk, but when I sing I get everything out and I feel so relieved afterwards. I still have more stage fright than any other singer I know, but wow it feels good when it's just in your room and you can just belt out the notes.

    This was an awesome thread btw. All to often those with any type of anxiety feel like they're the only ones with it. It's nice to know that there are other people around with it that I can share with and try to help out as well :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  6. T3F
    I've never called in sick. There was one time I hurt my ankle and couldn't walk and I asked another guy to do my shift and I'll do his later on in the week. That's as close as I've come to calling in sick. I've never been sick enough to call in sick, and that says something considering I'm a waitress and I work around food all the time. I would call in sick if I had a flu or anything worse that could infect other people.
    Post by: T3F, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  7. T3F


    Cnc very much appreciated :)
    Thread by: T3F, Jun 18, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. T3F
    Ah why thank you
    I am updating with some more GoT related things. I made this the other day



    Any cnc would be much appreciated, guys :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. T3F
    Then it's settled, entries will remain Anonymous


    1. darkhorseD (45 points)
    2. Fearless (38 points)
    2. tale_wind (27 points)
    3. Yukari (22 points)
    4. tummer (20 points)
    4. Laplace (14 points)
    5. Amethyst (11 points)

    And here are the new guidelines:
    Theme for KHV Idol 23: Party Like it's 2002!
    Rules: Sing any song you like that was released in 2002!
    But Kat, why 2002 of all years? Well, that's the challenge for you! I didn't pick a year or a decade that most people would assume I would. Besides, I liked the music of 2002 a little :P

    Plus it was also the year KH came out, so I'm expecting some Simple and Clean, folks!
    Deadline: June 30

    Happy Singing! :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  10. T3F
    Votes are in!
    1st place, with 3 votes, goes to entry #2! Congrats Fearless!!
    2nd place, with 1 vote, goes to entry #1! Congrats darkhorseD! :)

    Well done to everyone who participated!
    We hope to see you again for another round of KHV Idol! :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: Production Studio