Apologies, I didn't mean to say that being friends with an ex was a terribly bad thing or that it was impossible, I simply meant it's quite difficult for some people, especially in the "moving on" sector. Also, at the end of the video she says that this doesnt apply to everyone and that she is also friends with a few of her exes. So it definitely is possible...I don't really think anyone considers it a completely bad move anyway. It depends on who you are and whether you think you could hold up a friendship with that person.
Ahhh I was waiting for this thread!! Being friends with an ex is insanely complicated, and well I hope the following video points out why: Alrighty, I say this as someone who is friends with their ex, it's very difficult. My ex and I care about each other quite a bit, and we're open and honest about a lot of things. But when he starts telling me about other girls that he's tried to get with and he keeps saying to me "Kat, I can't get a girl to like me, I don't know what's wrong with me I feel so down and lonely etc etc" It takes so much self control to not turn around and be like "YOU POOR THING I'LL TAKE YOU BACK WE CAN MAKE THIS BETTER I SWEAR LET'S GET BACK TOGETHER!" Because he also likes to guilt trip me about dumping him, as a joke, but it gets to me. There's the other problem which is pointed out in the video. I have false hope. The thing about being friends with an ex is you have this tiny belief that you're going to get back together at some point in your life, and that's really hard especially when you know the other person has moved on. The next thing that I think is really something in this video, ask yourself honestly: Do you want to attend your ex's wedding? My ex and I broke up 2 years ago and I am still dreading the day he moves on to another girl, let alone gets married! And I know I'll be invited to that wedding, and I'll look like a horrible person if I say no. Lastly, and I think this is the most important and difficult part of being friends with your ex: you can't move on. Like you literally cannot move on. The amount of care you still have for your ex is so goddamn high that you still cannot imagine being in a relationship with anyone else, thus you can't move on. My ex and I have such a high care about each other that I fear getting in a new relationship would mean losing him, which is what usually happens after a breakup, but when you're friends with an ex it's like you never really lost them...I guess. This is why I'm also fearing the day he gets a girlfriend, because most of my guy-friends who get girlfriends just stop talking to me, and I don't want that to happen with him. This is because my ex has pretty much become my best friend, and here's the thing about being friends with an ex: Provided the relationship ended on good terms, you'll get yourself a true friend out of it. I don't trust anyone, care about anyone, talk to anyone or laugh with anyone more than him. Because we get each other, and we know each other on a more personal level than the rest of our friends, we can be really open and honest. He is actually a very nice, sweet guy who really cares about me. That is something I wouldn't trade for the world. So it really is up to you. There are so many difficult and complicated things that come along with being friends with an ex, but if you guys can develop a civilised and true friendship out of it, then why not? :)
Dat usertitle. Classiest thing I've ever read :P
...I got nominated for this? Interesting... Going with Amaury this time
Legally speaking, at least over here, if you're under 10 you can't be held criminally liable for your actions. Between ages 10 and 14, the prosecution must prove that you knew what you were doing was "seriously wrong" in order for you to be convicted of a crime. :)
Age is not as common a factor, so I decided to leave it out. In this case, I would attribute that to upringing. If that is something that the father has been doing then the son has learnt the same way, that would be it.
*enter the Criminology student* I was studying this a while ago, and there are basically heaps of theories out there as to why people commit crime. While some believe that people are born with a "Criminal gene", others do it because they "have no other choice" and some even do it to keep up with a stereotype they have put on them. The first one, about the criminal gene, is something that has been looked at for a long time but disproven. In the early 20th century, it was thought that you could tell who would become a criminal by analysing the shape of their face and head and seeing a criminal gene. But physical features do not define criminality. Sure some people are psychopaths, but there is no physically defining gene as to why someone commits a crime. Well, with that out of the way, let's look at Opportunity Theory. As @Mako pointed out earlier, theft for food or money to get by is very much one of the most common reasons for someone to commit a crime. Crimes from theft to drug dealing can be attributed to this opportunity theory. Why is it called the opportunity theory, though? Well, in a classed society, lower classes have most likely been born and raised in an environment with less opportunities for financial success than higher classes. It is thus easier for higher classes to obtain their financial goals than it is for a lower class citizen. These people who have the same goals must find other alternatives to get the same amount of money (without working), so they turn to theft and in severe cases drug dealing. Why then, do we see higher classes also commit crime? Well the answer there is greed. To be quite well off, but hear that your rich friend is even better off and has more money and is more able to get the things they want than you are, well that's motive enough for crime. Now with the stereo-type thing, that's a theory people have called "labelling". It's not quite so solid, but basically for a group of people being labelled as criminals, it gives them motive to actually commit the crime. Another way of looking at this is over-representation, which ultimately comes from racism/classism/etc. its really quite awful. Murder is a tricky one. It takes a certain type of person with a specific motive and a real anger problem to commit a murder. This is why murder rates are really quite low in comparison to other crimes. Murder is irrespective of class, race, gender etc and is usually accidental. Legally speaking, murder requires an Actus Reus(the act) and the Mens Rea (the intention) (that's reeeeaaaaallllyyyy basic) to be considered a murder. Accidental murders are where the act happens but the intention isn't there. This could be from an argument or an assault. Take for example a couple whose argument has become physical. The man's anger intensifies so much that he ends up having the mens rea to kill the woman. during their fight, the phone rings, and the man pushes the woman out of the way to answer the phone, but here he does not have the intention to kill. When he pushes her, her head hits the corner of the coffee table and she dies, but that was not the man's intention. In Australian law, he would be charged with assault, not murder. For intentional murder, the motive is usually emotionally or financially driven. There was a murder earlier this week in Sydney-one guy stabbed the other over an ex-girlfriend. that would be an emotional motive. Another example is killing someone and making it look like an accident for the insurance benefits (which I've only seen on TV shows but whatever). Serial killers also seem to be very emotionally driven (with Criminal Minds as my source here). Financially driven murders are usually arguments that have spun out of control from someone who owes the other person/s money. That is the most common cause for murder. Now then, rape. Rape is even more complicated. There are religious reasons, there are men who need to feel dominated, there are serial rapists who are just sick freaks. The male domination thing seems to be the most common and complex. When a guy feels inadequate or incapable or just not as masculine as the rest of his friends...and it REALLY affects him, that could also be a reason to find a pretty girl and "make her love him" (i.e. force her to do that thing with him) to prove his worth. Of course with rape I am just speculating. I have no hard evidence for this, it's just something I've come up with through observation. So in terms of the crimes you described, that would be why people commit them. Theft is mostly attributed to lack of opportunity, murder is an escalation from an argument/assault, and rape is to show dominance. Hope that helps a little bit :) EDIT: For shootings, like the school ones, it's usually bullying. And feeling like nobody wants you around. Eventually this boils up in a pot of rage and you can explode, get yourself a gun and take revenge into your own hands. Another reason (which is total crap, but people choose to believe it) is violent video games. But I don't like that. No research has actually conclusively proven that violent video games lead to this stuff, so don't believe it.
My emails are working now!!
I heard about this yesterday, they really should've made this a thing, or at least they should after KH3 is released and we have the whole timeline. That way it won't actually interfere with the story of the game. To have released a series just after the first game came out would have really complicated things I guess. So they should definitely consider doing this after KH3 is done...AND THEN WE'LL HAVE A KINGDOM HEARTS SERIES GUYS OMG!!! :P
Okay, I would like to say something on this point/rant about the Voice a little more. The Voice is a show that prides itself on being more about the sound than the image. However, I have predicted every single person who has gotten through based purely on their looks. So at least the X-Factor has a bit of the "image" thing as part of their criteria, while The Voice denies it! There's a contestant on The Voice Au named Kat Jade. Awesome singer, but she has said on the show words to the effect of being bothered with how her image has been changed. She came on the show wearing cat ears and she doesn't any more and it bothers her. So much for a show based on sound and uniqueness, right? Anywho, back to the main point: while kids do seem to be more impressionable, they can also brush it off easier depending on their age. As I was saying before, younger kids tend to be more able to pick themselves up and keep going, while teens can actually take that sort of stuff as damaging, because for many of them they have waited a long time to feel like they're ready and to have their moment and be told they're not good enough is a real let down. I also had this discussion with someone else, and he said to keep shows like this on because it "toughens them up". Idk, I really disagree with that...
Sorry, I haven't gotten anything either :/
Actually, this is happening to me too. Haven't been getting any emails. Anyone know why??
Alrighty people, read this article, clicky the linky, whatever you would like to do, and then get back to me on this: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment...-tears-for-12yearold-romy-20140707-zsydn.html Long story short: a 12-year old girl auditioned for The Voice Kids, was rejected, and then burst into tears. Here's the video: There is outrage a-brewin over Channel 9's broadcast of this footage, with many people saying it was "hard to watch." Although the child is now happy and content with her audition, the debate for whether or not young people should be allowed to participate in a competition like this. Now me personally, I don't like The Voice Kids for this reason. I have been a dedicated fan of all of these reality TV talent shows but I can't handle the kid's versions for this reason. Getting up on stage with so many nerves, singing your heart out and not having any of the judges "like your voice" is disappointing, and as a kid it's crushing. Kids that age still believe that TV=Mainstream market, therefore if I get rejected by the judges, then I'm not good enough and no one likes my voice. It's a terrible mindset to have as a child, and is also one of the reasons I'm glad I didn't start singing until 15. Kids that age just don't have a thick skin. The Voice Kids is also heavily marketed and advertised from it's 'cute' factor, so the contestants who miss out as the least marketable in these shows are indeed 11-13 year old girls who aren't as cute as their 8 or 9 year old competitors. The other thing is confidence. When children hit around 11, I believe they become more truly aware of their abilities as a singer and their confidence starts to go down. It's much easier for a 6 year old to get up there than it is for a 12 year old, simply because they are more aware. (That's just my opinion by the way, but from personal experience I felt more comfortable auditioning for Australian Idol when I was 6 than when I was 11.) It's also immense pressure for the kids. You see so many adults on these shows have their breakdowns and their tears and their stresses, well for a kid that's hell. Kids are mean, yo, and the pressure of such a competition could just make them break down, and possibly never sing again. This is why I wanted to see The Voice Kids stopped and The X Factor's age limit raised from 14 to 16. But KHV, I put the question out to you: Should The Voice Kids exist? Are kids that young able to handle such a stressful competition? Do they just need tougher skin? How young is too young to enter such a competition? Post, post, post! I would really like your thoughts on this!!
VOTING THREAD IS UP! http://kh-vids.net/threads/khv-idol-23-voting.147065/ Post to vote, peeps, I forgot the poll
Hello and welcome to another round of KHV Idol! This theme was Party like it's 2002! Where Entrants were asked to sing any song that was released in that year. Here are your entries!!! 1 2 3 4 All entrants must vote Entrants cannot vote for themselves Voting ends in 7 days Happy Voting!!! :) EDIT: Forgot the poll!! Post to vote, peeps!!
Hey all! I'm going to post the voting thread within the next few days, still not sure if I'll have internet this weekend
So I had a crack at using FL Studio. I made this thingo, enjoy!!!
Yeah not a problem, I've been in the same sort of situation, so EXTENDED DEADLINE: July 3 Hopefully 3 days is enough to get everything in. Any more than that and it wouldn't be fair to people who have already entered.
My bad haha I didnt change my usertitle when I changed my name. Anyway heeeeeeyyyyyyy mr utensil :P
You're the best :)