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  1. T3F
    Winter starts in June
    Autumn* starts in March
    Spring starts in September
    Summer starts in December

    #NorthernHemisphereIsTooMainstream #WheresMyLatte
    Post by: T3F, Dec 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. T3F
    Why thank you!
    I like this whole anti-conformity to the meteorological calendar thing. Who says summer has to start on december 1? SCREW YOU METEOROLOGISTS! I SAY SUMMER STARTS TODAY!
    #HipsterSeasons #AntiConformist #December1isTooMainstream #F*ckYouCalendars #WheresMyLatte
    Post by: T3F, Dec 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. T3F
    You've heard correctly. Australia is pretty much a giant death trap. But that's what makes it so fun :)
    Post by: T3F, Dec 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. T3F
    That is a very good feeling to don't want to know what kind of stuff happens here
    Post by: T3F, Dec 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. T3F
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Double standards, particularly with looks, is an issue that angers a lot of people. If a woman is rejected by a man because of her looks, the man is labelled as a misogynistic pig for not respecting the way she looks, and “sexually objectifying” women into his own preference. If the tables were turned, however, the man would be told to “harden the f*ck up” because “the woman is allowed to be attracted to whatever she wants”.

    I suggest here, as shallow as it sounds, that everyone is entitled to have a “type”. Everyone has the right to be attracted to whatever they’re attracted to without fear of being labelled “sexist”.

    A man should not be forced into a romantic or sexual relationship with a woman he does not find physically attractive because society will label him as a “misogynist pig” otherwise.

    A man should be entitled to go after a girl he finds physically attractive, and reject a girl he doesn’t, AND be rejected by a girl who doesn’t find him attractive.


    This works the other way, too. A woman has the right to go after a man she finds physically attractive, and reject someone she doesn’t find attractive, AND be rejected by a man who doesn’t find her attractive.
    Why? Because physical attraction has some importance in a relationship, or at least in choosing a potential partner. This still applies to people who say that they value someone’s personality over their looks, and I agree with you all. But if you had to choose between two guys who were equally incredibly nice, you would still go for the more physically attractive one, would you not?

    The truth is-everyone is beautiful, objectively. What I mean by this is, disregarding subjective opinions, society and the media are slowly (VERY, very slowly) accepting all body types across all genders as beautiful, thus changing and defining the “expected” objective standards of beauty. We have seen a rise in women who are proud of their weight, and we have begun acknowledging that fat-shaming AND skinny-shaming is wrong. I believe there is still a long way to go in accepting all body types for males, as the standard in magazines is still "roided-up", but we are making progress.

    However, subjectively we aren't all beautiful. SUBJECTIVELY our looks are rated and ranked in other people’s individual minds. Some guys would not find me as attractive as a small Asian girl with big boobs, for example. Other guys may find me more attractive than that. That doesn’t make the latter guy a better person than the former one, they just have different types.

    TL;DR (Main points):
    Everyone is entitled to have their own “type”
    Being more attracted to one person than another does not make you a terrible person
    Looks have some importance in choosing a potential partner, even if personality comes first.

    SO: Do you agree with the above main points? Why/Why not?
    Thread by: T3F, Dec 21, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  6. T3F
    We're fairly well off over here. I'd say roughly $150-$200 per child (there's 4 of us). Next year my brother is getting married in greece, so my parents are buying my airfares for it for Christmas, as they know I have very little money of my own.
    That's going to cost them a LOT of money, and if I can contribute to paying for some part of that trip myself I will.
    Otherwise, I've gradually saved up enough money to buy the things I really want. I have all my recording equipment, I've bought a guitar amp, I share my brother's PS4 and his games, and I have enough clothing to last me a looong time.
    I don't like people buying me things for Christmas. Although it's a very nice gesture, I feel terrible about people going out of their way and spending money on me.

    In all honesty, I'm just really happy to see the family this Christmas. I'm buying New Years Eve tickets for my friends as my Christmas present to them. I really don't have a list this year, but I've decided I would like a scrapbook. I collect things throughout the year and put them in there. So yeah, that would be nice :)
    Post by: T3F, Dec 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. T3F
    This is definitely not a HWL thing. This is not a "I'm so miserable and lonely" thing. I actually would like to see some opinions on it.

    I recently spoke to a friend of mine who was scared of getting into a relationship because they were worried they would mess up.
    I suppose I was the only one who thought that, but it's a very real and very common fear.
    I've pretty much vowed against getting into a relationship for this reason, among other reasons, for almost a year now. But why do us singles have such a strong fear of this?

    Well, those of us who have been through break-ups, not necessarily bad ones, but just in general, and even those who have observed mishaps in other relationships, will have some negative perception of what a relationship is like. We don't want a relationship because we don't want to mess up, we don't want to fight, we don't want to get hurt and if we part, we want to still be able to see the other person without being spiteful in any way. Seeing as a healthy relationship can't provide us with that, we make peace with the friendzone-wherein we have put ourselves and other people. We like to feel like we're in control of our lives, and some of us have observed, and even experienced, the uncertainty and instability that a relationship can bring. For this reason, we like staying single. We have control, stability and independence.

    "The trick is not to avoid the pain, but instead not to mind it."

    When it comes to dating, many of us women who consider ourselves "stronger", with kind of a "DIY" personality, find it hard to be in a relationship. It's like you have to "find the strength to be more vulnerable". This in itself is a terrifying thought. Opening up? Eventually having to say "I love you" to someone?! OH HELL NAW I'M OUTTA HERE! :p The honest truth is that we don't want to get hurt. And I know myself-I've built a bunch of walls that have made me very cold, and I kinda come across as heartless (KH reference points? ;) ) and I don't want to hurt others.

    So when my relatives keep asking me at weddings, "Why don't you have a boyfriend? You're a beautiful girl!" It's because I'm afraid to have one. When people ask me "how are you still single?!" It's because I like it. And when people ask me "Aren't you worried about being alone?" Well yeah of course, but this will only last until I'm mature enough to accept that relationships have pain and I can deal with it without ending the relationship. Until that happens, I'm actually fine with it :)

    Tl;dr: Relationships aren't all that sucky. There are fights, there is pain, but there is also love *pukes* :p but if you're scared, just enter one when you really, really feel ready :)

    Do you agree with this? Have you ever felt this way? What would you do to combat a fear of being hurt in a relationship, if you really liked someone?
    Thread by: T3F, Dec 10, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: Discussion
  8. T3F

    Enjoy :)
    Post by: T3F, Dec 8, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  9. T3F
    What I can tell you is that you shouldn't worry about the embarrassment of dropping out of college and the pressures of doing better academically than your brother. School isn't for everyone, and, as sad as it is, degrees don't get you incredibly far. Besides, it is incredibly stressful and doesn't give you a taste of the real world (at least not over here it doesn't) so I wouldn't worry at all about that. You're not wasting your time stressing about something insignificant, and your family will eventually understand that too.

    Now, on the motivation problem, I try to find inspiration and some form of goal to acheive. For example, I haven't done much in the way of music at the moment, but there was a competition for Matchbox 20 covers and I really wanted to enter. The goal of getting the cover done by a certain time got me motivated to play and sing more. I've also set my goal of "one new video every Friday" which is really motivating too.
    You said you were an artist? Find a small art competition you can enter, or set a deadline for them (but not a deadline that will stress you out and make you not want to do it any more). At least that way you're enjoying what you do, and you're motivated to do it.

    I also really like Menos Grande's suggestion too. That works pretty well.

    Hope this helps :)
    Post by: T3F, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: Help with Life
  10. T3F

    Anyone a fan of Rise Against here? I put together this little medley, and I hope you all enjoy it :)
    PS: It's a little long, but it has all the good songs in it, I swear :)
    Post by: T3F, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  11. T3F

    City Life

    A few months ago, I moved from my little house to this place in the city. It's awesome, I get a great view, everything is 10 minutes away, and everything that's not 10 minutes away is easily accessible via public transport-buses, trains, ferries and such.

    Since moving to the city, I also focused on getting really good marks at uni and getting a second job to support all things music, so I've been fairly busy, but not completely blocked up.
    Here's the thing: I've moved from being 15 minutes away from my friends, to at least 1.5hrs by public transport. Nobody is bothered to visit me, even though I would be more than willing to visit them (getting home would be my only issue because I don't drive). I have gone to my friends' birthdays on the other side of town and had my fun, but they don't come in the city, and well it's fair enough; this place is quite annoying.

    This was okay and understandable, and I knew this was going to be an issue when I moved to the city, but I knew I could work around it. But now I find myself becoming increasingly lonely. My two jobs are both in hospitality, so I constantly serve groups of people having a rad time. All it does is make me think that I should do something with my friends, but they wouldn't want to come along. Hell, none of them showed up to my birthday. They're good people, I'm just not in a very convenient location for them.

    I feel like it's this cycle. It's like they can't visit me, they don't organise any events with me, so I don't visit them, so I can't organise anything with them, because they can't visit me etc etc etc. I'm losing some great people in my life and I need to stop it before it gets worse.

    The other thing that's been bugging me is my new job. I love it, it's a lot of fun, but I've gotten the worst anxiety trying to be friends with the people I work with. They're all a massive bunch of social people, and I've just retreated back to my little bubble of anxiety, and I'm not really sure how to get out of it. You know when you're meeting new people, and you try to talk, and they give you the weirdest look and it makes you feel really bad about yourself? yep. While my old friends are doing their thing, I figure it would be good for me to meet some new people that I see regularly in the same area, especially seeing as uni is finished for the year and I'm not socialising. But I just can't get into the rhythm of talking and meeting new people and being social, even though it's something I really want to do. The other thing I should mention is that my new job only needs me to work on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, so I can't go to things my other friends organise anyway.

    I feel like I'm trapped in this little bubble of anxiety and loneliness and I'm never going to get out. I feel like my old friends are terrible people, even though I completely understand them, and that I won't find anyone new and friendly around here. I feel hopeless. I feel like I'm not putting enough effort in, or that this is all really my fault. I don't know what to do. Will things just get better? Do I have to give it time? Because I haven't had a decent social outing in over 6 months and I'm pretty worried. Help?
    Thread by: T3F, Nov 19, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  12. T3F
    Sports, of all things.
    When I was little, I was told to pick a team even though I really didn't watch football at all. It wasn't until a few years ago that I started watching it and understanding what was going on, and now I'm really interested in it. Now I really like watching the game, keeping up with the scores, and cheering on my team, go figure.
    Post by: T3F, Oct 24, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  13. T3F
    *gets out the dustpan*

    OKAY I'M BACK! Man, uni really sucks the time out of you!

    NEW COVER! Pompeii by Bastille by me :)

    Enjoy! :)
    Post by: T3F, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  14. T3F
    Antz is a Dreamworks production...what the hell was I thinking?

    Okay, new top 5 then?
    Beauty and the Beast
    The Little Mermaid
    The Emperor's New Groove
    Post by: T3F, Oct 5, 2014 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  15. T3F

    1. Fearless (47 points)
    2. darkhorseD (45 points)
    3. tale_wind (34 points)
    4. Yukari (29 points)
    5. Amethyst (22 points)
    6. tummer (20 points)
    7. Laplace (14 points)
    Post by: T3F, Sep 4, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  16. T3F
    Did I not vote? Oops.
    Voting for 3.

    And with that the results are in!
    1st place, with 3 votes, goes to Amethyst
    2nd place, with 2 votes, goes to Fearless
    Equal 3rd place goes to tale and Yukari

    We hope to see you for another round of khv idol! :)
    Post by: T3F, Sep 4, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  17. T3F
    I'll put up the results later today. New round will be up later on.
    Sorry guys, life has really tied me up at the moment
    Post by: T3F, Aug 28, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  18. T3F
    Oh god, picking a favourite album I would choose Sufferer to be honest. Especially the songs Ready to Fall and The Good Left Undone, they would be my favourites
    Otherwise, they had an album of "forgotten songs". It's called Long Forgotten Songs: B-Sides and Covers. I highly recommend you guys check it out. There's heaps of cool stuff there :)
    Post by: T3F, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: Music
  19. T3F
    1) without getting totally personal, he was actually getting to attached. He is a good guy, I just couldn't handle a relationship with him any more. Without sounding too cliche, I fell out of love with him, I guess. By the time we broke up, I didn't love him at all. I do wish I could take it back but it won't happen.

    2) we're in the same circle. Being friends with someone for the sake of your mutual friends is actually another big thing to consider I guess.

    That last thing, about "your dog is dead but you can keep it" I think that's a really good point. But even if that is the case it is definitely still possible to remain fiends.


    Ah! I was hoping you would bring this up! The true friendzone!! Great! Though I think what you're saying is I'm aware of his feelings and thus I dont want him to get a gf?? Anywho, I have debated whether or not this is a toxic friendship and I believe it is and I do need to let him go. For the sake of our circle of friends I can be an acquaintance of some sort, but a close friend is not particularly a good option for me, thanks for confirming that :)

    PS: not particularly sure if that entire post was aimed at me, sorry if I just assumed that...
    Post by: T3F, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  20. T3F
    Well, when I ask myself that question, I do care about him as a friend, but I do see the whole "guy friends leaving me when they get a girlfriend" thing as a trend. He's a better friend than majority of my other guy friends though, so I'm not sure if that's a problem yet.

    Don't get me wrong, I have let go of the relationship, maybe I'll feel different when he actually gets into a relationship/gets married. At the moment though I think I'll just feel weird about it...
    Post by: T3F, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: Discussion