I swear, at some point I will get completely back into doing these things. But I don't think now is that time...sorry. Cnc well and truly appreciated
OK I think I have 2 Disney entries. I'll update with a voting thread as soon as I can, I've been feeling very off lately. Bear with me, folks
More than anything, I really just need to vent about what's been going on. Your input is muchly valued and appreciated :) Situation 1: the Family/financial side of things. My brother is getting married in Greece in July. Nice location, home country, everything is really pretty and grand and whatever. My sister is then planning a whole Europe trip with me, my other brother, and her boyfriend. My share of the trip is going to cost me $3000. I currently have just under $1000. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem: I have 4 months to make $2000. If I save up I can pay for myself. The problem being that a few weeks ago I lost my job. I worked at a local cafe and it closed down because my boss ran out of money. I've been trying to look for a job since, but either nobody's hiring or I don't get any shifts. I also have to quit my singing lessons until the trip because that's $200 a month that I can't afford to spend. My parents have offered to pay for my share of the trip, but they're already paying for the wedding, our flights, and their own Europe trip. The last thing I want to do is plonk another $3000 on their shoulders. The worst part about all of this is I'm supposed to be excited for it-I haven't been overseas in 12 years! But I'm becoming increasingly angry at my brother (the one who's getting married) for virtually no reason. Like, if they just had the wedding here there wouldn't be a problem! I can put off going overseas until I actually have enough money to do so. It's not their fault that they wanted to have a glamorous wedding on a Greek island. It's a wonderful idea. I just feel really guilty about having my parents pay for my share. I'm the youngest, no doubt I'll be labelled the "spoilt brat" of the family. So if I go to Europe, I go either really broke, or really guilty, or both. Situation 2: the music side of things With all the stress of finding a job, I haven't been able to focus on my music, to the point where I'm starting to lose my passion for it. Being a singer was all I ever wanted to do with my life. I always imagined being on stage in front of thousands and being awesome. But I've really lost my passion for it. I've been trying to write a song for years. Something that I was really happy with, something that I could share with the world, but it just doesn't seem to be happening. I can't write any good lyrics. I've run out of inspiration for my songs. I've run out of happy things to write about. I've had my teacher help me out with my songs, and he ends up changing the entire thing without telling me what I did wrong. So then a song that gets released under my name is just his lyrics. Don't get me wrong, he's great and so enthusiastic and he knows exactly what he's doing, but whenever he does that I just don't feel the song any more. I also don't have the confidence at all to share any of my original songs. I have pages of half written things that I just don't want to show anyone. Songs are a very personal thing to share-they're made up of my thoughts and feelings. But the conclusion I came up with was: If I can't write songs, and I'm too self-conscious to even share them, then why am I still trying to be an artist? I don't have the creativity or the confidence for it, there's no point. Situation 3: the social side of things I think the worst part about life at the moment is that I can't open up to my friends about any of this. One of my close friends-the person I would usually vent to, has gotten himself a car, a job & a driver's licence and possibly a girlfriend all in the space of about 3 months-like everything just magically happened for him. At the moment he's so high on life and I don't want to disturb that. I'll feel awful for making him feel bad or worry about me. My social anxiety has come back, and it is legitimately through the roof. I haven't had anxiety this bad since about the 8th grade: when I was terrified to go to school because of what people would say to me. Lately I've had panic attacks before going to see my friends for the same reason. I don't want to screw up anything. I don't want people to give me sh*t for anything. We're all fairly insulting in our sense of humour, and the way I'm perceived is the 'strong' type-one who is able to brush things off quite easily. I don't know what could happen if I'm in a social situation and I can't take the insults I get. I don't know what they'll think, and that uncertainty is enough to make me panic and not go. Our group is generally caring and will give me advice, but I'm petrified of opening up as it is (there are 5 people in the entire world I trust completely). Lately people have noticed that I've been more quiet, though nobody really knows why. That's just another thing to think about-don't say anything bad, don't do anything you'll be insulted for, but don't stay completely quiet either. Normally they don't affect me this much, but I think everything else has just piled on the stress and I can't really take any more negativity. Part of me knows that I always overthink these situations and that everything is going to be fine. Still, I can't help but panic. I think that's all I needed to say. Like I said, I just needed to vent, but any and all input is muchly appreciated :)
So I'm one of those people who reallllllllyyyy wants a Pocahontas world in KH3...so I made what I imagine to be the "field theme" First original arrangement in a really long time, so please let me know what you think of it :)
So this is what's happening: Due to lack of entries, the Video Games theme has been skipped. We'll come back to it at a later time. Disney entries have an extension until next Wednesday Until then, there will be no new guidelines. After Disney, KHVI will take a week-long break. Thank you for your patience :)
Hey all, how are we going with entries? I've received one for videogames, and none for Disney...
You have an extension until Friday LADDER UPDATED: 1.darkhorseD- 40 points 1. Sebax- 40 points 2. Amethyst- 18 points 3. Tale Wind- 8 points NEW GUIDELINES ARE HERE! Theme for KHV Idol #6- Disney Sing any song that has been on Disney! (this includes Disney Channel) Entries due: Wednesday February 18 Happy Singing! :) PS: Although I give out extensions for things, Guidelines and deadlines will always be on Wednesdays. Voting threads will be up when I receive all entries, but new guidelines will be up on Wednesdays no matter what. Thanks :)
Results are in! 1st place, with 2 votes, goes to Sebax! Equal 2nd, with 1 vote each, goes to darkhorseD and Tale Wind! See you next round! :)
Results are in! First place, with 4 votes, goes to Sebax! Second place with 1 vote goes to darkhorseD! See you next round! :)
At the moment I'm in uni for PR & Advertising. I eventually want to get into Graphic Designing in Advertising. I really like picking apart ads and I think it would be so cool to put together posters and billboards for products. My issue is I've been so out of practice with Photoshop for so long that I wouldn't even know how to do it. Still, this is more of a back-up plan... a "real job" as some would put it. I've also really liked the idea of Real Estate (cue the hate). The idea of selling houses and marketing them, and putting people into homes is really interesting and I think I would be good at it. So basically my back up plan has everything to do with marketing and advertising, while being a little bit creative. At the moment though, I'm working on my music. I'm writing songs, hopefully going to get them on iTunes and get some money from that. In a few years time I may seriously audition for a TV talent show (for the exposure) and let my fan base grow from there. If i can't support myself on music, then I will definitely try something in advertising.
NEW GUIDELINES ARE HERE! Theme for KHV Idol #5- Video Games! Sing any song from any video game! Entries due: Wednesday February 11 Happy Singing! :)
Hey hey! Welcome to another round of KHV Idol! The theme for this round was Cartoon Theme songs, where entrants could sing any cartoon theme they wanted! Here are your entries! 1 2 Voting ends in 7 days All entrants must vote Happy Voting! Yes I am aware that the voting for #4 went up a few days ago but the entries for #5 were due today, so there we go.
Hey hey! Welcome to another round of KHV Idol! This week's theme was Broadway, where entrants could sing any song that has appeared on broadway! Here are your entries! #1 #2 #3 Voting Ends in 7 days! All entrants must vote! Entrants cannot vote for themselves! Happy Voting :)
I got your entry. I'm at work at the moment, so the thread will be up when I get home in a few hours. Sorry for the delay :)
I got yours! I'm expecting another entry soon :)
Also, feel free to name my hat :)
Waiting for one more entry, then the voting thread will be up! LADDER UPDATED: 1.darkhorseD- 24 points 2. Sebax- 20 points 3. Amethyst- 18 points I'M LAST?! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! :p NEW GUIDELINES ARE HERE! Theme for KHV Idol #5- Cartoon Theme Songs Sing any theme of any cartoon! (anime is included in this!) Entries due: Wednesday February 4 Happy Singing! :) PS: Auditions for the X Factor are in my area next week, so I may be late getting the voting thread up. But the deadline is the deadline! Good luck!
Guys, the votes are in! IT'S A TIE!!!!!! Well done to all who entered! See you next round! :)
Hey all, I haven't received any entries yet. Let me know if you need an extension :)