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  1. TwilightBlader
    Well, this is tough. Lets try avoiding choosing a person last minute, we don't want to make a rushed choice and have the mafia use that to their advantage.

    So far we have the tracker and vigilante about. If we manage to off a mafia member than the tracker could possibly be a good asset with how low the player count has gotten now. In terms of the vigilante he or she must start working solo otherwise the redirector will screw things up and with the mafia close to winning the vigilante can only really gamble here (basically things already said).

    So far, I hold suspicion for those that voted off BtD...the way he was voted off so easy rubs me the wrong way, especially due to how late those votes got in. This could be to remove the option of a no lynch....but still...the mafia could be easily waiting for the last minutes...and it just seemed so nonchalant when they voted him off....

    This is all just me moving on through a hunch, but still...with such little time we'd better start posting more

    I was thinking about this, but nobody can really prove that they are the vigilante. A mafia member could easily say that they are the vigilante and I don't believe there would be a way to figure out who is telling the truth.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. TwilightBlader
    Jeez, more yelling.

    These people sure loved to yell and his bff was extra yelly apparently. They just loved to yell...yelling was all they could do boring. They needed more fun and Willy was the one to give it! His bff didn't seem to pay him much mind, so Willy was dissapointed in this front, but another person arrived! oh joyous days!

    "sooooooooo we gonna get paid for this or something?" Willy said casually leaning back against the nearby table, starring down at the broken bottle in his hand and spinned it a bit. "maaaaaaaaan you people need to relax a bit and smile a bit more. Life's all about adventure!" Willy said giving them a wink "what we need is more alcohol is what I say!" Willy said before chuckling and raising up the bottle before his face and stared at it with a smile

    "Why must we all be so cryptic, blabbing on about our own personal ****...lets all just enjoy the ride..." Willy said glancing over at Alexander with a smirk "why don't we get to the point hmmm? lets start the fun! if you wish us to do something why not tell us now! after all...knocking out that guy must of had some point wouldn'tcha say~" Willy said saying the last bit in a sing songy voice.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TwilightBlader
    Well, in terms of What? it could be a way to fade away from attention, but at the same time it wouldn't be a particularly great strategy considering the quiet ones draw the most suspicion. My main thoughts are that What? is merely just busy or something, but its still good to keep him in mind and it would only benefit if we get some discussion from him.

    As for what Haya said I can agree with that as I haven't really said anything of real benefit, mostly only posting when I'm brought up. Its more of the case that I really don't want to bandwagon, as most case I read a post and am like "well thats reasonable..." then instantly change next my posts are a not that great attempt at noting anything that hasn't been brought up...or just my hunches...
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. TwilightBlader
    At moment I am curious about What?...he hasn't posted in quite the while and just randomly popped in to vote for Cal (although this was most likely due to the avoidance of a no lynch). Even so he hasn't been posting as much and whether this is just a strategy or something coming up in real life...well thats to think about...
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. TwilightBlader
    daaaaaaang that was a fast response even now as I type this short post the post just keep on coming...

    anyways, no idea about why didn't vote, I guess due to the thought of "oh I can vote tomorrow if anything" though I might as well vote now~ I mean I said I thought Calxiyn is suspicious to me so me voting now is the same thing as me voting tomorrow since its easy to unvote.

    Vote: Calxiyn

    As for the discussion on Hyuge the way she called out other to speak has led me to believe that she was trying merely gain more info on others. True it can be a bit suspicious as she could be trying to increase the disguise of being a mafia member, though it might be just paranoia. For now I guess to keep an eye out on her but at present I do not think she is mafia (though there is still some suspicion...).
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 11, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. TwilightBlader
    Alrrighty, first off I left the thread open in another tab and was watching television so most of the time was not me paying attention to the thread. and reading through what I missed is such a doozy. Work, school and health problems have been an issue as well so I will admit I haven't been paying much attention over the week.

    aaaaaanyways, reason I didn't post to you Makaze was cause I was busy and didn't have time to post on that day and with TheFuk?'s death I felt no reason to reply to it unless it was brought up, which it was.

    I...sort of got confused with the third person writing so apologies if I misread this. I just found it odd to see everybody just jumping on The Fuk? while there really wasn't that much defence against him so I just found that odd. In the situation with you Mazake is that you've held suspicion so I've been thinking that mafia is either keeping you alive so we can address our attention to you while mafia offs others (though I guess this will change now).

    Now then, on to this day,

    I've been suspicious of Calxiyn for a while now. With the way that the conversations go (from what I've skimmed) it always seemed that she would bandwagon to the most suspicious person, adding towards the flame so to speak, though I am no better considering it is really hard for me not to bandwagon....

    Am I the worst townie?

    Am I the worst scummie?

    Or am I just some evil mastermind?

    Tune in on the next Twilight Blader Z Which will most likely be cancelled soon
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. TwilightBlader
    (excuse my lack of details, just got back home from the states a few days ago and have been quite busy as of late so I've been skimming again)

    My thoughts? weeeeeeeelll lets seeeeeeee

    Personally I have my doubts about The Fuk? the case being that so far I feel as though the mafia would have at least grown more defensive now that one of their own has been nominated. So far everybody has been immediately jumping on him. I'd expect at least somebody to try and change the victim but so far with everybody going against somebody who didn't even really address claims against him I'm starting to feel its more of a lack of effort from the accused? So far being quiet is something that is drawing attention so I'd think that the mafia would try and get out of that category.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 4, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. TwilightBlader
    The way I see it is that Mazake is going to die soon regardless if he is town or not. Either the mafia kills him off for being too much of a problem, or the town kills him off due to suspicious and the fact that the mafia hasn't voted him off yet.

    So far the low posters seem to be under pressure correct? I'd think that those of the mafia would at least try and attempt to begin to post more in order to try and ease off suspicion from them. I would assume that the mafia would at least try and probably have some form of game plan for the day. Just sitting around saying nothing doesn't help and they need to do it in a way that they act together without it looking like they are.

    I feel its too early to fully narrow down on some mafia so for now I am just going off a hunch

    Vote Calxyin

    We have another day soooo this might change
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. TwilightBlader
    I've only been skimming the thread lately and only now begun to take some time to really begin to read through it (so...much OTL). I was expecting Makaze to be killed off by the mafia so I am quite surprised this didn't happen. Its far too early to believe that he was not voted because he was mafia. Makaze has been a good help for the town, but holds suspicion from the town. This is something the mafia could use by having the town focus on one person the mafia deems a threat while they continue to pick off the town one by one. Basically having the town do their dirty work.

    aaaaaaaaanyways for now I'll just continue reading before I put up a vote.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. TwilightBlader
    This was all getting dull and boring, but he did have alcohol so at least he was content for a bit. Why did water have to be the free one while alcohol was the one he needed to pay sometimes he wished he was Jesus. Regardless he did receive a piece of paper and he raised an eyebrow at what it said. It was interesting to say the least, but regardless he took a drink of alcohol and crumpled up the note, shoving it in his pocket.

    The bottle of alcohol was almost complete. Things were distorted and messed up, the world was unfair and cruel, but alcohol was the worlds blood and if he drank it he would be basically drinking the world's blood from it's cold lifeless carcass. Anyways, Willy could only stagger on and placed his arms around the shoulders of Beuce. "Yah no, ur a pretty cool guy eh! Ya know what Im talking aboot? Everyboodys a hoser here eh, yur a hoser, he's a hoser, shes a hoser, we're all a bunch o hosers eh!" Willy said happily before releasing Beuce "ah but then again we all could be in a worse situation, for all we know we could be trapped in a whorehouse...though all it would take is a little fire to make the captors say fuck this **** and run like a pansy" Willy said pouring alcohol into one of the filled cups and handed it to Damien with a grin "C'mon I know your an alcoholite like me! drink drink drink!" Willy said before he moved away and happily begun twirling around with the bottle in hand.

    He twirled and twirled with his arms spread out until there was a shattering noise that made him stop. Glancing over at what happened, Willy noticed that he had hit that Derek guy in the head with great force. Closing his eyes he scratched the back of his head and giggled a bit "heheh...whoopsies.." Willy said
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TwilightBlader
    Well since I want to fit in with the cool kids

    Vote: Krowley
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 20, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. TwilightBlader
    weeeeeeeeeell the way I see it, if Beau really was a mafia member then its like the Mafia is down a person due to it being an empty spot that is not doing anything, regardless if we lynch or not. If he's a towny then we're down a notch.

    Gamewise I guess i'd be best to off the empty spot however
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 20, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. TwilightBlader
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. TwilightBlader
    I don't think Mafia know who each other are until the first meeting
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. TwilightBlader


    Where was he? and how did he get here? There were many questions that blurred the mind of the golden haired man but even so there was something that bothered him greatly, something that rested upon his left arm. As he walked through the mysterious forest he appeared in, Aeron could only stare down at the mechanism that held the mysterious chain that he was entrusted with. "The Oraclos chain...why do I have Elena well?" Aeron said closing his eyes. Having this chain was a great mystery and Aeron had a bad feeling about this. This chain brought back memories that he did not wish to recall, but even so the main concern was the status of his love. This chain bound the two of them, and though he used it for conflict at the very least he was able to tell she was safe.


    Shulk's eyes widened instantly as the sudden dodge of his attack occurred and Shulk was left out in the open for the sudden blow from the other beast known as Meinfoo. Shulk immediately moved the Monado towards his chest once the Meinfoo attempted to attack the chest and with the sudden blast towards him, he was sent towards the attack of the Pyroar. Having fallen to the ground, Shulk held himself up with the Monado being stuck into the ground and held it tightly as he tried to endure the attack.


    Zangurak's eyes narrowed with a smirk as the replica dashed forward straight towards him and slashed. Darkness was building up in the boy before him and that darkness was strengthening him as well. Even though it did such a thing he knew that it was only something that would only dilute the mind. The power that the Gurak king held was something that could tell him of this. A power of hatred that only burned and burned, it was what fed Zangurak. The power of the Outside was that of something out of this world and with it he would move one step closer to being something close to a god.

    Bringing forth his left arm, he used it to block the blow with the massive shield upon his arm and skid back a bit. With the blow blocked, the giant immediately vanished and reappeared where his lance had landed when it was thrown earlier. "I am Zangurak, King of the Gurak" Zangurak declared as he grabbed the hilt of the ground stuck lance. "Such darkness is suited for humans..." Zangurak said with a small tone of disgust but soon a small smirk appeared upon his face. "but this does not apply to you now does it?" Zangurak said lifting up his lance. "You may go, for I have other business to attend to...however if you wish to continue then I will not stop you..." Zangurak said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. TwilightBlader
    Will be replacing Bartz for this guy

    Name: Aeron
    Video Game Series: Pandora's Tower
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Aeron wields a special chain known as the Oraclos Chain, a chain that rests in a launcher that rests on his left arm. With it Aeron can use the chain to injure or immobilize opponents. Along with this, Aeron also wields a broadsword, two small swords, a scythe, and a heavy canon with a stake.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. TwilightBlader

    The boy was fast and able to react quite quickly and more and more Zangurak was getting quite impressed by the boy that he fought...even if he was one of those disgusting humans. Once again the boy disappeared and appeared above the Gurak and before he could chastise the boy for repeating the same move, Zangurak was immediately proven wrong as the boy aimed for the ground behind him instead of himself. Immediately trying to turn to address the move, Zangurak raised his arms over his chest as the force of the attack pushed him back slightly, a wide grin upon his face as his eyes begun to glow a bright red.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. TwilightBlader
    "....Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia so our first opponent is him..."

    "Gordy huh? name sounds familiar..."

    " should...I spent an hour informing you of the many different combatants in this war..."

    "Oh yeah...weeeeell didn't listen..."


    "oh come on! don't give me that look! Honestly if I randomly began to start blabbering about cockroaches and feces you honestly would stop listening right? That my dear boy is what YOU are doing to ME"

    A sigh was let out from the mouth of Julian as he closed his eyes and begun to rub his temple at how carefree his servant truly was. Yuuki Terumi was a powerful servant, but at the same time one that would be quite difficult to control. If he desired to accomplish his goal then he needed to effectively utilize their strengths. "Hazama...stay focused..." Julian said holding his palm forward as a keyboard and screen formed before him. Typing in a few keys the screen began to show a big plump man.

    "Daaaaaaaamn he's fat..." Hazama said resting upon numerous chairs that were found in their private room.

    "From the Musik family that was famed for their alchemic skills....but the Yggdmillennia family overall is weak...excluding that of their head Darnic and a few" Julian said staring up at the screen. "He is no true threat...but he is far better than some of the other competition" Julian said

    "Ah, so what your saying is the master isn't the problem...its the servant..." Hazama said sitting up taking a bit more interest in the conversation.

    "Correct...The servant can be Gordes will be a good target..." Julian said closing his eyes heading towards the door "we should not waste any more time....let us head to arena..."

    The green haired servant could only narrow his eyes and let out a chuckle "Well then, let the fun begin!" Hazama said disappearing as Julian walked out.

    Walking past the other people still gathered about, Julian entered the arena and crossed his arms. "Let us go...Saber" Julian said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Jul 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. TwilightBlader
    It was far too rude just to go first and so he watched on as the only girl of their little group walked up and took the chance in order to play the game. Honestly if they just spared him one little shred of conversation they would have clearly been able to tell his hobbies without even really asking for them. They would have been half way done, but then again, he did see what the big rush to leave was...perhaps things were going to quite interesting.

    "No, No, No! your playing it wrong! you didn't do the most important part! You were supposed to drink until you were drunk! That take out all the fun of it!" Willy said heading over to the table. "Honestly please tell me that this little game is not a way out, that'd be dull and boring..." Willy said slamming his left palm on the table while grabbing the bottle of liquor with his other hand before he began to drink. He still left some for the others but sighed in relief. "Ah...sweet sweet liquid love..." Willy grabbing the knife.

    "Oh, I have all my fingers, The knife goes chop, chop, chop If I miss the spaces in between, My fingers will come off, And if I hit my fingers, The blood will soon come out, But all the same I play this game, 'Cause that's what its all about!" Willy began to sing in a very orchestrated manner, stabbing the spaces in between his fingers, the speed increasing as a his eyes shimmered in glee and a big grin grew on his face. "Oooooooooooooh, chop chop chop chop chop chop chop, I'm picking up the speed, and If I hit my fingers then my hand will start to bleed." Willy sang before twirling around the knife in hand and stabbed it hard into the table before him, stabbing between the middle and ring fingers. With it done and over Willy closed his eyes and grinned as he held up his bloody hand. "Ah! I've gotten a bit rusty, but lookie! my fingers are all in tact" Willy said. There were numerous cuts on his fingers, but nothing deep. Bringing out a napkin he began tearing it apart and wrapping the streams around his fingers.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Jul 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. TwilightBlader
    Conflict and disaster, arguments and woe, all of it was little to nothing in the mind of Willy. The sweet deliciousness of food was overwhelming and amazing. If his mouth wasn't so full he would be drooling from the many rich flavours that entered his mouth. He did know what exactly these people were talking about, all he heard was pure anguish and sorrow and rage and he had no interest in such business. If they wanted to hate those around them then so be it, it did not bother him,

    As they continued to bicker and bicker, Willy's attention was suddenly caught by the voice of a newcomer. She spoke about how they did not get along and there was a way to get out, but Willy had no real desire to leave, after all he liked it here so why would he want to leave? it was nice, but suddenly one word caught his attention and made his senses jump. The word of "liquored" immediately made him turn around and put all his attention into what she said "AH! FIVE FINGER FILLET!" Willy said happily as he twirled and ballet jumped away from the snack table and grinned happily "THIS PLACE IS AMAZING!" Willy said happily. "LETS ALL GET DRUNK...maybe then people will stop being such drama queens..." Willy said happily...grumbling the last bit loudly
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Jul 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home