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  1. TwilightBlader

    In an instant the brawl started off with his opponent rushing forth straight at him like a wild beast. Lowering his extended arm that was used to signal her, he clenched his right hand and prepped himself or the incoming blow. The girl was fast and her fist was shot forward, connect right in his cheek. The pain was felt and it hurt like a bitch, but even so he chose to take the blow, he held his ground refusing to fall from such a single blow. The pain was exhilarating, furling his adrenaline and making hold a desire to scream out TESTOSTERONE as loud as he could possibly could.

    From the force of the blow, he held his weight down on the ground as the blow made contact. Resisting the force that would push him back, he quickly raised his right foot and stomped it forward, thrusting his reeled back left fist straight forward towards the abdomen of Elizabeth.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Nov 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TwilightBlader

    Women were far too complicated creatures, one that Albrecht could never really understand no matter how much he prodded them. Sure he liked to be a bit mischievous with the other gender, however he still held a huge respect and fear of them. Women could be quite scary, scary enough that they'd drag you straight down to hell just to torture you. He had his fair share of encounters with these women, but the very little lady before him was somebody totally different than the rest.

    In response to her smile, Albrecht held the tip of his top hat and grinned as he tipped the hat a bit "Ah, so glad to hear of this, truly a reaction I do not receive much" Albrecht said before pulling off the hat, tossing the hat to the side before brushing his hair back, his grin never leaving his face. "but then again the two of us aren't what is considered normal...angels and nephilim included" Albrecht said before cracking his knuckles and crouching slightly. With his left hand clenched and reeled back, he held out his right and used his index finger to signal her to come at him "C'mon, ladies first. Do try and keep me entertained" Albrecht said quite excited for the brawl that was to come. Dare he say it, but these moments here were what truly kept him interested in this academy.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Nov 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TwilightBlader
    The world truly was a mysterious place, filled with wonder and numerous things that people desired to learn. For one like him, an angel that had fallen, there was numerous things that he had to find out in order to be complete. The workings of angels their children, it only opened up a new world to him and made him wonder what was out there. He was told that he was the host of Azrael, angel of death, but never once could he say that he was able to communicate with such an angel. He could feel the angel's presence deep with inside him, but the bastard refused to show himself no matter how much he was called out.

    For Albrecht Ernst, no matter how much he trained he just could not get Azrael to from, it was nothing to do with sheer power. Regardless he didn't need Azrael to speak to him, he'll just figure it all on his own. As the bell rung signalling all the students to head towards their classes, Albrecht merely head off on his own. Things were a bit dull and there was one thing he knew that would ease his sheer boredom.

    Up he walked upon the stair until he reached the highest point of the academy. Exiting onto the rooftop Albrecht narrowed his eyes with a smile upon noticing just who he was looking for. He took grasp of a small pebble resting upon the ground and immediately chucked it lightly at the back o Elizabeth's head. Surely this would get things started
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Nov 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. TwilightBlader
    Lunch periods were never truly the most exciting of times, they were times where usually things never happened for Caius. For Caius this time was mostly spent working on planning on lessons and dealing with student work. Of course he did use the time to spend with others sometimes, but even so he preferred to use the lunch period at least lessen his work for later on and it did give him the opportunity to tutor anybody else that needed it, whether it was biology or something else.

    He continued to chew upon a piece of chicken as he glanced over a sheet of paper, however immediately as he swallowed he suddenly brought his hand to his mouth dropping off of his chair and kneeling before the nearby trash can. Letting out a fit of coughs, Caius began to wipe his brow from sweat that was beginning to form. "Hah...ate too much" Caius muttered wiping his mouth clean from saliva before rising to his feet as the sighing as he heard the bell suddenly ring, signalling for the start to the next period.

    "Im fine, I should be ready" Caius said quietly with a smile before glancing over at the door, noticing the pink haired nephilim walk in and take her seat at the front. "Ah, Lucille, your early...nice to see that, I'd of assumed most would have skipped today's class" Caius said closing his eyes with a smile before glancing over at the class began to slowly fill as he leaned against his desk.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TwilightBlader
    Name: Faust Nero
    Age: 90
    Appearance: Σ
    Angelic Parent: Kiraman Katibin - Noble Recorder
    Originated: Alaska
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Nov 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TwilightBlader
    A loud ringing upon the area roared forth and the signal for the lunch period had been set forth. All eyes were set upon the clock immediately as the bell rung and professor Caius could only close his eyes and chuckle softly as he leaned against his desk. "well then, time does run fast these days" Caius said before smiling a big bright smile "Class is dismissed, tend to your studies and have a nice day" Caius said as the students began to leave the class room in a hurry to fill their stomachs.

    In a mere moment the classroom was left empty, leaving the elder nephilim alone in the room. With a sigh, the smile upon his face softened as his eyes opened forth, revealing droopy tired eyes. "Tired..." Caius muttered upon running his hand through his hair. The glamour upon his horn vanished from his head and the blackened horns resting on his head was revealed out from it's invisible state.

    Another sigh was let out but this time one of relief. He had grown quite used to using glamour to cover his horns, but there was always a relief during the rare times that he removed it. Using his finger, Caius ran his finger across the edges of his horns. "They are still growing...." Caius said before placing his palm on his head as the glamour was set upon his horns once more. Rising upon his feet, Caius walked towards his desk and opened up the drawer. "I still have a ways to go...I just....need to endure...that is all" the fatigued professor said before bring out a small dish of food with a smile.

    He had awoken quite early and in that time he had made lunch for him and Cal, giving the majority of it to Cal while taking only a minority due to a recent lack of appetite he had been receiving. Taking a fork he began to chew upon the piece of chicken in the dish, the meat usually being the best part of what he made. His mentor Alistair was always a magnificent cook, however this applied only to the workings of meat. Anything that didn't involve meat tend to end up in quite the disaster...a typical outcome for the angel of death. Thinking back to those times he spent at the Grey mansion, learning from Alistair and spending time with him and Cal was time he found precious and sometimes missed. With a smile he began to ate the little his stomach would let him.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Nov 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. TwilightBlader



    Red eyes slowly begun to awaken as the blue haired amnesiac found himself awakening in the shade of an alleyway. Groggy and tired, Valentine slowly rose up from his sitting position and began dusting himself with a groan "that....what not pleasant" Valentine muttered before glancing over at the pathway leading out of the town "though for now I'd best get used to it" Valentine said rubbing his temples as he begun to walk.

    There was so much that was needed to be done, but Valentine did not know where to start or even how to start exactly. Maybe his memories would return on their own, maybe they would return if he noticed something familiar, or maybe he had no memories. Thinking about it like that Valentine immediately didn't wish to think about further and proceed to move on with his exploration of the town he was currently in.

    From his exploration he could at least learn that he was in a place called Holmfirth, but there was still much he didn't know of. In this land it seemed money held a pretty big significance and unfortunately he held none. With this in mind the objective of exploration had become one of a pursuit for money, a difficult one in which Valentine had no idea how to accomplish. He lucked out with that blond haired guy, but for now he needed to find his own way to get food otherwise he's starve. He walk on and on and on until he came upon a peculiar message

    "Oh? whats this" Valentine said as he crossed his arms and stared upon a flyer that had been just put up. "Well this is a surprise...I can read..." Valentine said cupping his chin in thought "Bandits..." Valentine muttered as he gripped the sword resting upon his back and glanced over his shoulder at it. He knew nothing about himself, nor why he wore an armour or wield a sword, but even so something was calling out to him, something telling him to rush forth and fight the bandits. He could not say he knew much about his skills but even so he needed the gold and bandits were not a good thing. With his decision made he walked on towards. Of course he mistakenly went north, but after finding his mistake he went the correct path.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Oct 31, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. TwilightBlader
    Shulk mains be the best mains

    Post by: TwilightBlader, Oct 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. TwilightBlader
    Profile Post Comment

    cool and thanks~

    cool and thanks~
    Profile Post Comment by TwilightBlader, Oct 20, 2014
  10. TwilightBlader
    Profile Post Comment

    nope I do not

    nope I do not
    Profile Post Comment by TwilightBlader, Oct 20, 2014
  11. TwilightBlader
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by TwilightBlader, Oct 20, 2014
  12. TwilightBlader
    Name: Albrecht Ernst

    Age: 25
    Appearance: Ω
    Angel: Azrael - Angel of Death
    Originated: Germany
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. TwilightBlader
    ...welp my theory has evolved into the fact that Xehanort will be defeated in The Incredibles world...or Xemnas' dragon ship screws them over...
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Oct 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. TwilightBlader
    Capes are going to be a major plot point in the KH universe...thus my prediction is made...Sora will gain the ultimate cape and with it he shall use it to do battle against Xehanort and his cape minions
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Oct 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. TwilightBlader



    Dull eyes continued to stare upwards at the blue sky and his body remained unmoving aside from his stomach that was rumbling like a mighty beast that needed to be slain. Resting but remaining sprawled on the dirty ground, the mysterious man did not even stir the moment he heard the clanking noise of armour come closer and closer to him.

    A voice spoke out to him and Valentine did not reply or even react. It was for a short moment, but in his sight was that of a bag of apples that was held out to him, like some form of offering. Nothing of Valentine moved, but from his slightly opened mouth a surge of drool ran down from his mouth as his dull eyes continued to stare.

    Like a zombie rising from the ground, Valentine's arm immediately shot upward with great speed towards the bag and grabbed an apple. As his arm lowers the blue haired man quickly sat up and opened his mouth wide. With a mighty chomp Valentine bit into the apple and began chewing. "I-its so...delicious...your the greatest stranger to walk this land" Valentine grumbled trying his best to speak with his mouth closed, his eyes closed so that he could not shed the wondrous tears he was feeling.

    Swallowing what he had in his mouth, Valentine sighed a deep sigh before sitting against the wall of the building and stared up at the stranger "thanks for the food, I really owe you one!" Valentine said before taking another bite of his apple.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. TwilightBlader
    Now its Reyn Shulk Time!

    Will be maining Shulk and Link. Shulk was my most wanted newcomer so I am really looking forward to playing as him
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 29, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  17. TwilightBlader
    Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. TwilightBlader

    I should of voted for myself to look cool
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. TwilightBlader
    Well the only real suspicion that has been directed towards me is because of my overall activity as well as me not responding towards something that could be considered a hunch. Everything revolves around my lack of activity, im honestly surprised I have lasted this long despite the suspicion that has followed me so long.

    So I want to know why I wasn't voted off, were you always suspicious of me? ignoring my presence? or just focused on other people. So far for me the reason people think im suspicious is just because of my lack of activity, but Im pretty sure there is much more so I'd like to see these arguments. For all we know I could be a minor BtD

    In terms of who I think is suspicious? Well there was Cstar who would always just urge the quiet ones but not say much herself, though her recent post kind of lowered that suspicion.

    I believe Princess used to be quite suspicious and Judge just recently replaced her. Im just curious why much of the suspicion has been lifted so there is that for me.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. TwilightBlader



    Hair dripping wet, arms drooping, and back slumped. A groan was let out and the clanking of armour continued as he walked on forward. The man that gave himself the name Valentine could only do what he could only think of doing and that was to walk. Oh floating in a late with magic floating armour sounded quite fun, he needed to get moving and find somewhere at least adequate for him to enjoy. It was annoying to walk around in such wet clothing and the cape he wore was extra annoying. Sure the cape held no purpose for him, but he held a liking for it so he kept it.

    Fatigue was great, but happiness soon appeared as Valentine's eyes widened in amazement. "I...actually found somewhere! walking aimlessly worked!" Valentine said closing his eyes with a big grin as he marched into the city. With his unknown destination reached he walked along the crowded streets in awe at the strange city. There was so much to do here, but there was one thing he needed to do that was very important. A loud grumble that had been bothering him numerous times roared once more and Valentine held his stomach. "Huuuuuuuuungryyyyyyyyyyy" Valentine groaned before perking up upon noticing a stand of apples "ooooooo food!" Valentine said happily.

    Making his way happily towards the stand, Valentine grab a fresh and plump apple and raised it up, looking at it as the sun shone down upon it. "beautiful" Valentine said almost about to cry at its beauty, but didn't cause he was no sissy. Opening his mouth and ready to chomp, he lowered his apple holding hand and directed it towards his mouth, but then...


    The sudden gruff voice immediately made Valentine drop the apple, making the apple bounce off his nose and back into the pile "!" Valentine said rubbing his nose as he glanced over a the owner of the stand.

    "Yes, pay! with money!"

    "Mo...ney?" Valentine said feeling his body for any form of money, to his vain. "heheh...I..errr...have none..." Valentine said to the owner scratching the back of his head with a chuckle, but the owner wasn't amused in the slightest. After a slew of swears that would be censored, Valentine found himself running away from a man that had anger problems.

    Time passed and the fatigue and hunger grew. They clouded the mind of Valentine and aimlessly, he just walked on "huuuuuuuuuuungryyyyyyyyy" Valentine said before falling face first on the ground in the middle of the street.

    "Oi get out of the way!"

    "my bad..."
    Valentine said in response to a random pedestrian, his voice muffled by the ground. Without getting up, he rolled his body to the side until it hit the side of a building. On his back he rested with dull eyes staring at the sky, shaded by the shadow of the building.

    And so the amnesiac man rested beside a building in the streets of Holmfirth.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Sep 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home