He wouldn't let the man stagger, Wallace kept his grip tight upon his opponents arms, attempting to hold a advantageous position. Despite this however, Wallace was mistaken to believe that Jin would move back from the blow and instead moved forward. His eyes widened by the sudden force forward, but his eyes returned back to their calm and dull state. There was no resistance as he was pushed backward, instead he willingly moved backwards. With his grip still tight on the arms, Wallace arced his back slightly attempting to roll backwards once they hit the ground. Once Wallace fell back and his back hit the ground, Wallace attempted to roll back with the force of the fall and push Jin off of him by kicking and pushing with his hands, attempting to get some space.
Rubbing his temples was something that Alkes believed he would be doing quite a great deal so long as he was around Hunter, if anything the idiot could have been used as great bait if anything. Thank the gods that there didn't seem to be a hoard of guards rushing towards him, but for now Alkes could only remain on guard until they got out. They were lucky that they had Wendy's assistance in this, but they couldn't relax yet. "Erza..." Alkes said softly at the name. Such strength that could have knocked him out so easily that he could not have reacted. Just who was this king? surely she was aligned with Ignis and it was clear why. "We have to find a way to deal with Erza and avoid falling again to her strength. Our main objective is dealing with the king...Ignis confirmed that she fought for that man in order to obtain the world's orb..." Alkes said dashing forward as he knocked out another guard by the exit. "Lets go" Alkes said. 8/8 posts
"ORA ORA ORA!" Alkes cried out as he rapidly began punching the gut of a demon before him before punching through it's gut with a fierce punch. The sheer annoyance of somebody's voice was truly bothersome, but Alkes could only think that those that barked about themselves were only trying to overcompensate for their own worth. He chose to ignore such a voice for now and moved on towards the next demon he could see. Dashing forward towards the last and final umbra, Alkes quickly jumped into the air preforming a haymaker as his fist collided with the umbras face and shattered it. With their opponents completely destroyed, Alkes sighed as he lowered his fists and glance up at the fire woman "well then....what now" Alkes said calmly. 50/50 Defeated
Happy Birthday! Spoiler: Obligatory picture of your lover
Dashing forward crouched slightly, Alkes dashed towards his next foe and immediately reeled both his clenched fists back. Reaching his foe he immediately moved to the side a bit, dodging the speedy blow from the umbra and immediately sent his fist upwards with all his might. Letting out a loud grunt, Alkes sent a powerful uppercut that sent the head flying off the body which soon collapsed. Another attempted to attack from behind but shifting his stance, Alkes immediately turned and punched through the being's chest, causing it to collapse and perish. Alkes closed his eyes and let out a sigh before bringing up his fists once more. This fight wasn't tiresome nor was it really difficult, but it was quite tedious and they still had a major foe that they needed to deal with. He heard the girl named Zephine call out to Star and a guy who punched stuff. Logically it only meant him as he was the only one using his fists at moment, though the sound of being called the punching guy kind of sounded a bit like he was some kind of brute. "My names Alkes..." Alkes said dashing towards another umbra. "Five minutes in and already we're getting action, I guess this does say a lot for the future and makes you look towards it" Alkes said nonchalant. His cloth did have the power to gaze into the future, but it was a power was a myth and a power that he never figured out. As he continued to dash, he quickly jumped up and sent a kick to the chest of an umbra, causing it to fall into another umbra behind it and fall to the ground. Landing on the ground, Alkes immediately jumped back into the air and sent his foot down on the fallen umbra, piercing through the chest of the stacked umbra. They were past the half way point and getting close to at least dealing with the pompous woman. 28/50 Defeated
A fearful and truly dangerous woman to be sure, Wallace could tell she was quite the beauty in his eyes, but beauty could be a dangerous thing and the eyes could fool a person quite easily. Wallace merely closed his eyes and placed his hand in his pockets as he listened to the woman speak to them in the calm tone she used, a tone that would usually bring chills to a person. Wallace listened hoping that he would gain some form of answer, but as usual it was given in the cryptic and useless way. They had some form of use for them in this place, that was what Wallace knew. Whether they were pawns to be used or mere trash to them was something he was unsure of, but for now there was some form of use, no matter how small and insignificant it was. Perhaps this may keep them alive, but for how long? He had no aspirations for this place other than to survive. Even with that he was unafraid of dying, but he still held the desire to do something significant before that time came. He could not say he was without fear, but he knew that those fears may show themselves to him during his time with the woman and her leader. Let her take advantage of him, he really did not mind. In order to keep himself alive he needed to kill, to take away lives to survive. No matter what, even if it was for self defence, he was still a murdered. But even so, he killed those people for a reason and to die so easily, it would spit on that reason. It wasn't for a feeling of justification, just to tell him that that meaning, no matter how selfish it was, was something that held some meaning to him. He did not wish to kill anymore and even if he managed to escape, he would dedicate the rest of his life towards others and toss away the selfishness he indulged in currently. The people all around him were his group now. He doubted he had to kill them, albiet if things changed. This pleased Wallace a great deal, but they were all murderers like himself and he couldn't say he could lower his guard around them. They knew how to take a life and perhaps they would be fuelled by their selfishness as well. A soft bed was something that seemed like such a wonderful idea, but Wallace could careless about that, he'd rather give the bed to the frail looking girl if anything. He did not wish to battle them, but if they were to work together then Lilim was right to say they needed to get to know each other. To know how each other fought was something that could only benefit one another. Eyes still closed, Wallace suddenly took notice of somebody taking a step forward and listened to the person speak. The male spoke in a casual and seemingly tired tone, but in a very instant that tone changed and Wallace was instantly on guard. He listened to movements towards him and immediately opened his dull eyes as he was grabbed by the red haired man. Immediately he pulled his hands in his pockets, reaching out and grabbing his foe's arm tightly to hold his stance. As the sweep to his legs occurred, Wallace immediately sent his knee upwards attempting to hit the gut.
A twitch of the eye followed merely a sigh as he rubbed his temples at the results that Hunter received. Perhaps he was over thinking thing and perhaps the answer was right before his own eyes. These people were living in quite the poor condition and the explanation that the girl named Lucy stated was something that seemed logical. Was this world aware of the many other worlds that they all originated from or was it only two worlds that these people were aware of. This king needed to be stopped and soon. It sounded like this king could potential lead to the orb of this world and pose a serious threat as well. The question of what next was to be asked, however that would only be paused for a moment as the sound of an explosion took place and called the group over to investigate. Everybody excluding his group vanished and Alkes could only wonder if this occurrence was something of cowardice or merely the work of an enemy. In any case the enemy was right before him, taking form of a woman and minions of flame. She desired the orbs they held, but were these orbs truly that special? The orb he held did not feel that special, but regardless he would not merely hand it over to the enemy. "Lets make this quick" Alkes said. Pulling out his orb, Alkes held out his arm and clenched the orb tightly before it shattered into energy. The energy began to spiral around him until it surrounded his arms and legs. Looking down upon his hand he closed his eyes "This will do..." Alkes said. For him his body was a weapon and under the rules of a saint he could not use a weapon. From behind a beast attempted to take a swipe at him, but Alkes was fast. He turned around quickly and with his clenched fist he thrust the fist forward, connecting the fist with the beast's head and knocking it off the body. Dashing forward with his fists clenched, Alkes quickly sidestepped and dodged a blow before he sent his left fist through the Umbra of Fire's chest. Two more attempted to attack Alkes while he was preocupied, however Alkes quickly pulled his fist out and spun, raising his leg and preformed a powerful roundhouse kick that cut through the opponent. They were easy, but there was still a hoard left as well as that woman as well. He could not lower his guard. 12/50 Defeated
So there were worlds other than the world that he lived in. It was an amazing thought, but at the same time he could only question why he was drawn here. Alkes was not in the best position, he was brought forth without his cloth and though this was a hindrance, his cosmo seemed to be inaccessible. He couldn't understand it, but he would have to make due with what he could access. And so Alkes crossed his arms and watched as the others began to introduce themselves. The purple haired man could only smile slightly as he watched the girl began to introduce herself, but the following intros were not the best, most of them becoming quite annoying. The last two however were beyond annoying and just caused Alkes to merely rub his temples at their display. At this point it was quite ridiculous and the ridiculousness really made him not even think to introduce himself. His eye twitched and he groaned, but it seemed he was able to not bring attention to himself as they were able to move on towards another world. He stared over at this Styme person calmly before walking off with a few into a portal. To save the worlds and protect them from those that threaten the world. To preserve order was something that was Alkes' mission, however it didn't matter whether it was for Athena or not, to protect the weak was the duty of a saint. He would fight, but could he say that he was really fighting for justice? just who was this Styme? He would be on guard for now. This world before him was quite different from the world he originated from, quite the amount of conflict had plagued this world and Alkes was beginning to see just what caused this conflict. The rule of a king and the struggles of the people, just who was right in this conflict? "Agreed, we cannot just go blindly rushing into a fight. We should start investigating this guild, learn the basics of this world and move forth later to the king's area...dependant on what we've learned" Alkes said silently to the others.
Edolas for Alkes
Username: TwilightBlader Name: Alkes Age: 21 Gender: Male Homeworld: The world of abundant light Personality: Outside of battle, Alkes is a calm individual that usually nonchalant when going about his life. During battle however he can become quite passionate, never giving up until his objective is complete. Brief Bio: Since the age of myth young men would gather together and train in order to earn the title of saint. Garbed with a mysterious armour known as cloths, they utilize the hidden power deep within them. By burning the miniature universe inside them they call cosmo, the saint burn bright and cause miracles in the form of super human strength. Their mission is to protect their goddess Athena, who has been reincarnated as a human every century. Never knowing his mother nor father, Alkes moved forth with the difficult and harsh training, Alkes found himself earning the title of Silver Saint and earned his cloth. To fight for Athena is to fight for justice. Though a man who fought for his goddess, he was soon taken away by the power of the orb and wisked away on a matter that required his help. Appearance: Here Weapon: Gauntlets and boots Path Chosen: Power Path Sacrificed: Wisdom Other: Alkes does not have his cloth with him. Due to leaving his world as well his cosmo has responded negatively to it, preventing effective access to it and making him much weaker that his true strength.
I don't always post in other boards, buuuuuuut I'll make an exception for this one~
How long had it been since he had been drawn into this hellhole? Time had gone by but at this point Wallace hadn't been keeping count of the days that had gone past. It wasn't something that he really cared to think about nor ever really thought of as for him there was no point at moment. In this place it was as if it was a fantasy land, a nightmarish fantasy in which one could never imagine truly happening to oneself. To fight to live, that was what they had to do to survive. He fought and fought but at the same time he learned something about himself that he had never learned before. His eyesight was not the greatest and he always wore his glasses. Sure he could still see without them, there was something more reliable than his eyes, even with the aid of his glasses. His sense of hearing was immense, allowing him to of survived so long in this battlefield. Did his captors have something to do with this? He did not feel that they simply captured him just because he was special. Perhaps they merely kept him because he survive for so long. He rarely kept his eyes opened as he focused more on his ears. It was dark most of the time so there really was no true need to have them opened. Fight and rest in darkness, that is all that seemed to be his fate in this mad place, but he'd accept that fate. He was afraid, but he was interested in just why he was here and just who these people were as well as their desire and purpose. If this enhanced sense of hearing was something he got due to this then was it possible to awaken something even further? was this the limit? he desired to know. Perhaps that disgusting drink that he was given was probably something that affected this. The sound of a door opening was caught and Wallace sat up, eyes still remaining closed. He expected to hear the sound of somebody entering but instead he heard the opposite. Instead he heard the sound of footsteps leaving. It was odd and it caused Wallace to open up his eyes, blessing his eyes with the scene of light. He rose up and decided to exit out, deciding to investigate the scene. Walking out and up the stairs, he entered into what seemed to be an empty barn. He glanced over at the few people that had gotten there before him, but his focus was on the one woman, the woman named Lilim. He stared at her and closed his eyes, awaiting for the others that were to arrive. This was sure to be an important meeting and Wallace was curious.
Username: TwilightBlader Character Name: Wart Based off the Fairy tale Character: King Arthur Age: 21 Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/1586729 Born: Unidentified Village, has been travelling with Merlin ever since leaving said village Origin Story: The story of Wart is nothing more than that of an orphan that was raised by the great wizard Merlin. From humble beginnings, Wart was trained in the art of swordsmanship, hoping to aspire to become something great, however over the years he had never been able to truly give himself a name. He dislikes the name Wart, but retains it and swears to change it once he reaches his dreams. His childhood before being raised by Merlin was something that Wart rarely talks about and keeps a secret, but at the same time it is something that pushes him further. Personality: Wart is a calm and friendly individual, typically looking out for those that he cares for. He values what is right and strives to protect the weak and punish the wicked. He is usually one who is a bit carefree however he does get a bit embarrassed easily at times, but he does have a bit of a mischievous side to him. Even so Wart can become a very serious individual, doing what he must in order to defend the weak Weapon: A broadsword Special abilities: Wart has knowledge of light magic due to the teaching of Merlin, however this is mostly use to increase physical aspects, strengthening his body or coating his sword in powerful light. Moral Compass: 50% Happy Ending: To fulfil his dream Color that best describes your character: Blue
Think Im late but happy birthday! Hope you have a snazzy dazzy birthday
Daww Jayn ;_; Its really sad to see that you have to leave, but real life comes first and I really hope that things look up for you. I still hope that we can still keep in contact via skype or anything else! I've had a blast rping and talking to you and you've done so much for the site! Truly you have made your grandfather as proud as he can be! And so I leave you with Grandpa TB's words of advise: If you ever encounter a giant killer noodle and kicking it in the crotch just doesn't work, just think of Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz and splash the mofo with water (evil villains usually have their weakness in their lair so your safe there!). That damn noodle won't know what hit it and will become just a damn wiggly noodle...whether you eat it or not...I ain't gonna judge! Stay safe and well!
Name: Zeiken Age: Unknown Appearance: Ω Class: Sin of Pride Name: Wallace Miles Age: 23 Appearance: Σ Ability: Enhanced Hearing
For Christmas I'd like a NNTENDO SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUR........and destruction.....but honestly I have no idea....probably a lump of coal so I can smack somebody annoying with it.....
Another day and surprisingly for the horned nephilim he managed to get a content amount of rest for the night. Saturdays were always nice and it meant he could move at his own pace, however Caius tend to be a bit stubborn, pushing himself further than he really should of. Caius was a bit of a light sleeper and once he felt the touch of Cal he could help but awaken. The feeling of rising from the bed was always a difficult one, but eventually Caius was able to do. Groggily sitting up, he scratched the back of his head lazily before looking over at the girl standing over by the mirror with a soft smile. "hopefully we can figure that out together" Caius said rising to his feet before walking up behind Cal before wrapping his arms around her waist "Good morning" Caius said before giving her a kiss on her cheek and proceeding to release her and head over to get changed and ready for the day. With the festivities coming up things were going to be a bit busy for them, but even so things were a bit more complicated than that. There were numerous things that were bugging Cal and Caius could see that. He had his own issues he held as well, but Caius had hoped these wouldn't cause any problems, that they would be able to sort out whatever has been bothering them. Getting dressed, Caius placed a trench coat on before walking out. "I hope you slept well" Caius said closing his eyes with a smile as he placed on his glasses.
The sudden collision causing them to fall with a big thump, but even so he couldn't help but join in the laughed. He was pleased to see how much enjoyment she was having and it just didn't make him feel alone for feeling it. Of course he would not let her snatch victory away from him so easily. He struggled attempting to get the quite heavy girl off him. After a brief struggle, she got tossed aside once again. She lay there for a little bit before getting back up. Her breathing was definitely heavier than before, the aches and pains getting even stronger. "C'mon, what's the matter? I thought you were gonna break my bones!" she taunted. Panting slightly, Albrecht eventually rose to his feet too, taking his time a bit due to the blows that he had taken from the girl. "Come now, I chose a full body to destroy, you on the other hand chose a mere face! my face is intact so I say you should be questioning yourself!" Albrecht said with a grin as he jumped forward. Twisting his body he sent a horizontal kick towards the side of her body His response really got to her. He made sense, and she hated the fact that he did. Now it was his turn to jump and kick her, and now it was her turn to grab his leg. As his foot connected with her side, she staggered slightly before regaining her balance and latching onto his leg. His foot connecting with his prey, he soon found himself in a reverse situation with his leg now being the one to be caught by her, but he would simply allow things to play out the way they did before. As his body fell due to the wonders of gravity, Albrecht reeled back his free leg and kicked forward at her. As she held onto his leg, he tried to kick her with his free one. She started to spin him around as a knee-jerk reaction before tossing him aside. The spinning around made her lose balance and fall flat on her back. She let out a quick huff of air before propping herself up on her elbows. She was fast, and her instincts were quite sharp as well. Hitting the ground seemed to be something occurring a lot, which was quite reasonable considering the fight. He pressed his hand against the roof floor as he made contact with the ground. Slowly rising to his feet and stumbling a bit, he gathered as much energy and dashed straight forward at the girl. Attempting to act before she got up he jumped once again and directed his knee downwards at her. As she watched him get up again, she decided to stay on the ground to see what he would do. Sure enough, he leapt at her once again and tried to attack her again, this time with his knee. She let herself go flat on her back and roll out of the way of the attack. There was a crack, but not of one that of bones. The contact with the ground and his knee hurt like hell, but at this point there was far too number of things that hurt like hell that he couldn't complain. Rising up from his knee he glance over at the girl that managed to dodge. She pushed herself back up and met his glance. With not much else coming to mind, she rushed at him again and tried to tackle him while he tried to get up. Immediately the girl dashed towards him and instinctively he crossed his arms over his chest as she collided with him. The two once again fell to the ground only this time the ground cracked and immediately gave way upon the contact of the two, sending the duo falling. As they fell, she noticed that they were falling a little longer than before. "What the-" She managed to get out before both of them hit the stairs below and started to tumble down. Each stair they hit along the way was accented with a cry of pain. When they finally stopped, she lay beside him, a low whine escaping her. "Ugh... fuck..." The pain was definitely way worse than before, and she felt blood running down her forehead and from her nose. Goddamn it why couldn't they of just hit the floor and be done with it? Each stair that he hit was pain and in his weakened state this pain was pretty tough and did not allow him to really move. Once they finished their tumble he just laid there sprawled on the ground beside her with a groan. There was blood running down so if there was any doubt that this was not intense well they now had proof it was. "Well you didn't break my face and I didnt break all your bones, but we sure as hell broke something" Albrecht said panting while doing so. Weakly, she tried to slap him across the face, but only brushed his cheek. "You dumbass." Her breathing was ragged, and trying to move only made it worse. "Man, the staff is... gonna be pissed." she laughed weakly. Albrecht couldn't help but close his eyes and let out a weak chuckle "I guess, but you sure as hell can't say you regret this" Albrecht said.