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  1. TwilightBlader
    Kassandra spoke in her normal emotionless self but Walter didn’t mind, perhaps this was probably what he liked about her. She spoke about disturbing him but this was the opposite. “Oh nonsense I love the company” Walter said with a smile. He really did not really interact with much people aside from those of the Raven Suns. There were the prisoners he had to interrogate, but most of those were definitely not good examples of good communication.

    With her question asked, Walter crossed his arms and stared at the wrapped wound. “Hmm, I’d probably advise once or twice a day” Walter said before looking up at the girl. “you can change the wounds yourself, though another piece of advice is that you should have somebody change them” Walter said closing his eyes with another smile “If you’d like, I wouldn’t mind changing them when you need them changed. It’d probably be fast with me and it’d allow me to examine the wound” Walter said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TwilightBlader
    Tinkering around with the contraption in his hand, Walter lazily continued on until there was a sudden knock upon his door. Glancing over at the door, Walter raised an eyebrow quite curious about just who it was and what exactly brought them over to his office. Did somebody get shanked so early in the morning? At this point Walter was not surprised if that occurred. Sitting around wouldn’t solve such an answer so the man decided to open the door and see just who it was.

    Kicking the table he rested his legs on, the office chair that Walter sat upon began to roll towards the door. Spinning the chair so that he’d be facing the door, Walter immediately placed his foot on the door the moment he got there, bringing the chair to a halt. Hopping to his feet, Walter opened up the door and raised an eyebrow before suddenly closing his eyes with a pleasant smile “Ah! Kassandra! quite the pleasant surprise. Your looking pretty today. Come in, sit!” Walter said offering the seat he had just used to traverse across the office. “So what bring you in today?” Walter asked
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TwilightBlader
    Slowly his body began to move, his head slowly rising from the desk before him and eventually he began to sit up with groggy eyes. Closing them, Walter let out a loud yawn and stretched out his arms before letting out a big sigh. “well that’s not a pleasant way to sleep…” Walter said scratching the back of his head as he stared over at the half made electronics before him. “I guess I worked myself into a slumber…” Walter said closing his eyes as he shook his head with a smile.

    Brushing his hair back Walter stood up and head off to the washroom he held in his office. Staying up working on his inventions was common for him and staying the night in this place was far too common as well. If was because of this fact that Walter had the morning necessities prepped in the washroom. Splashing his face with water and finishing brushing his teeth, Walter returned back to his office and took a seat upon his office chair, letting out a loud yawn as he took a seat back. He had no idea how much sleep he got, but from the groggy feeling he still had it must have not been much. Taking grasp of the electronic device he was making, Walter leaned back upon his chair and placed his legs on the desk. The man merely narrowed his eyes and smirked as he held up the device and stared at it “the brain is such an interesting much potential…just what makes it tick...I wonder” Walter said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. TwilightBlader
    Walter silently listened to the other speak on about the problem children. It was quite the difficult choice to make, but he didn't mind either choice, though if he had to choose then he'd rather the girl live and the boy die. Nonetheless he may give his opinion tomorrow as he finished up stitching up the wound upon Joshua's face. "The wifey will definitely not like this, hmmm, with the treatment the wound isn't too bad..." Walter said taking off the gloves he wore and tossing them away. "I advise keeping that eye shut for a few days, allow the wound to heal and all..." Walter said tossing over a eyepatch towards Joshua "Use this, tis quite the great fashion item" Walter said before walking off towards Kassandra.

    If Jason said he was tended to then Kassandra would most likely be the best choice to go next. "And next is you Kass, its been a while. Your looking quite lovely today" Walter said closing his eyes with a cheerful smile. Taking hold of her hand Walter held it as he used the other hand and yanked out the knife from the arm. Of course he could have let out a warning but she was a tough assassin and she would have been ready for it. Taking the time to stitch the wound, Walter finished off and gave the girl another smile "There, all done" Walter said.

    With that done, he moved on towards the second in command and closed his eyes with a chuckle, changing gloves once more "The life of a father and second in comand, heh, never easy" Walter said softly, speaking to the second in command as a friend. Working on stitching the side of the man, Walter closed his eyes and let out a sigh "Well then, wounds are complete" Walter said stretching before taking a seat on his chair "Quite the interesting day" Walter said with a pleasant sigh.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TwilightBlader
    Everybody seemed to agree with his suggestion and it seemed Jason was in need of medical help as well. This was no trouble for Walter considering the man did enjoy his job, but with everybody in agreement they soon begun to head off towards his office.

    Upon entering his office, Walter changed his gloves and brought out a suitcase, leading Joshua, Kassandra and Jason toward separate beds to sit upon. “Alright then, first shall be Joshua, second shall be Jason and finally Kassandra” Walter said placing his suitcase down, opening it up as he begun to tend to wound to Joshua’s eye.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TwilightBlader
    “well…that was quite the cheesy drama…” Walter said quietly as he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with a small chuckle as the fight came to an end. He was honestly quite disappointed that he really didn’t get to knock around the kid a bit, but it was to be expected with all these members all ready to calm the situation. There really was no point in him joining, but nonetheless he did witness and learn some new interesting facts.

    Crossing his arms as he listened to their words Walter glanced over at Benjamin and gave him a nod upon the order to tend to Joshua and Kassandra’s wounds. Kassandra’s wounds wouldn’t be a problem to deal with and watching her move about with the wound showed there was no real rush, but Joshua on the other hand was quite serious. Before he could really act, Joshua had already ripped off the knife from his face, taking care of trying to block the blood from the wound. The discussion of what to do with Tobias and Cynthia begun and though it was an important one he had to interfere.

    “Well this is all an important conversation and all, but if you still have more to discuss then shall we move to my office? It would not do to have two of our members getting woozy from blood loss now would it”
    Walter said. His office always was once of the biggest in the room, mostly because it acted as both an infirmary and a place to work on his inventions.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. TwilightBlader
    Walter patiently listened to her words, taking in the information she was giving him, but the immediate pause she had mid-sentence made the man’s eyebrow raise a bit. She was hiding something, this was what Walter believed, but what exactly was it that she felt was so important that she had to omit it from her explanation.

    “Interesting…” Walter said calmly as he unfolded his arms and begun to pack back his suitcase. “I cannot make such a promise…after all if he does wrong then we will have no choice, but if he is as tame as you state then there should be no problem….” Walter said closing the suitcase with a smile, the object closing with a click. He could care less about these psychic’s lives, but he did prefer them to be alive. The decision to kill and harm them was not his, but the decision of the other Raven Suns. “You’ve done good, but note that I’ve interrogated numerous people…so what is it that you omitted from your statement?” Walter said narrowing his eyes with a smirk. He had been generous with the girl, by now he would have broken her mind, but it was always good to spice things up. “So tell me, what ar-” Walter began to say but stopped the moment there was the sound of gunshot

    Walter closed his eyes and let out a sigh “well I just can’t ignore that now can I?” Walter said with a soft smile. “Rest here for now” Walter said before running off from the cell holding Rose. With his eyes opened and narrowed, the male smirked as he noticed a pair before him. There was already blood but by the looks of it, it seemed that the child of the group was causing mischief. He was a bit surprised to see both Kassandra here and for him it was a very delightful surprise, but at the moment there wasn’t time to chat with the woman. His heels sliding to a stop as he stopped a bit behind the two and brought out a gun and pointed it out at the target, ready to shoot at any time. In the case of the gun not working out he had his other hand in his jacket, holding a dagger. “ah kid drama…how lovely” Walter said with a smirk ready to attack if the taser didn't work.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. TwilightBlader
    “ah…now I see…you truly are an empty being” Walter said calmly finishing up with the last of the wounds. “that day you chose to commit suicide…you truly killed your sense of self…that is the only answer I can give to this selflessness I see before me” Walter said as he placed his hand on his chin. “At this point death would only be the best option here…” Walter said closing his eyes as he let out a sigh. “Your lucky that I was sent here for now…this will be the only rest you shall ever get from here on out. You will endure this pain each and every day, kept alive to continue to endure…” Walter said grimly “Eventually if this boy does care about you, you’ll be a perfect bait and a trap shall be sprung for your dear friend Jex.” Walter said

    “As such your life holds no value my dear…either die or suffer and be a burden…” Walter said closing his eyes with a smirk “but of course there is a third option…tell us were Jex is an you shall be set free…” Walter said crossing his arms with a smile “Quite the difficult choice right? however we truly have no qualm with those of peace…truly if your precious Jex is as such a kind guy as you believe we of the Raven Suns will not have any reason to harm him…or Eroll…” Walter said nonchalant
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. TwilightBlader
    His ears perked up as the sound of something occurring had been caught and quite nearby, but in this case, Walter chose merely to remain where he was at moment. Of course there were many ways of interrogation that Walter had always gone through, but this girl was quite unique. At the very least he could say that this girl interested him. Her resolve was actually quite refreshing and new, something that Walter would have quite the amount of fun with.

    The girl’s eyes stared at him and he stared back calmly with his gentle smile. “No, I do not fear them…not in the slightest” Walter said simply before closing his eyes with a chuckle “no, it’s quite the opposite my dear” Walter said beginning to work on the wound upon the girl’s face. “Such powers that the brain can produce…they are intriguing” Walter said closing his eyes with a smirk. “The brain has limitless possibilities…the sheer fact that we of the Raven’s Sun can produce technology is proof that this is something natural. I believe in magic and the sorts, but this is definitely not of the sorts” Walter said.

    “It’s quite interesting…after all I knew of a man named Errol Ingrao…ah that man was quite the rival…it’s amazing how normal these people can be” Walter said chuckling as he lowered his arm and suddenly began to wrap her wounded eye with a bandage. “But enough of that…I wish to know…are you afraid of death? Are you truly willing to accept it?” Walter suddenly said, his voice calm and serious.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. TwilightBlader
    How interesting, this was the very thought that Walter could only think of as he listened to the girl’s words. “So your life belongs to him…” Walter said calmly, before his eyes widened a bit as the girl begin to shake. Immediately Walter held her, supporting her from falling and retaining a gentle grip. “whoa whoa whoa there, you shouldn’t be standing like this” Walter said. In her weakened state it was very easy for Walter to bring her over and place her upon a seat, gently placing her down on it taking notice of her wounds.

    With her upon the chair Walter got on one knee before her and calmly brought his hand up to her face and begun to wipe the tears from her face, taking care to avoid the wounds on her face. “Now then, let not let those fall now shall we?” Walter said closing his eyes with a warm smile before calmly moving on towards the next wound.

    “More and more I speak with you, I am impressed by your devotion to your cause…” Walter said calmly “However…if I may ask, what is it that drives a person to offer their very life for another. To endure such punishment just for another…is it worth it? Or perhaps you lack a sense of self…” Walter said before suddenly letting out a small chuckle “ah but of course you do not need to answer such a thing…we can talk about whatever you desire…if you wish of course” Walter said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TwilightBlader
    Walter couldn’t help but let out another chuckle, something he found himself doing quite a bit lately. “my my my, how enthusiastic” Walter said rummaging through the suitcase before suddenly pulling out a bottle filled with liquid and a cloth as well. With the two in hand the man walked up to the girl and poured the liquid onto the cloth. “Now this may burn, but compared to what you went through you should definitely be able to manage…just grin and bear it...or scowl and bear it…your choice” Walter said before placing the bottle down, still holding the cloth.

    Gently grabbing the girl’s arm, Walter held it up and begun using the cloth and begun cleaning the wounds upon her arm. “I admire such tenacity, especially at such a young age. Most men and women far more experienced in life surely would have squealed and begged for it to stop by now…” Walter said reaching into his pocket as he pulled out a roll of bandages which he proceeded to use to wrap up the wounds.

    “If I may ask, what does that boy mean to you? What drives you to such lengths that you are willing to die before betraying him? Is he a lover? a friend? Or a mere stranger that you wish to protect? I am curious” Walter said as he begun to work on the other wounds on the girl’s body. Though the alcohol covered cloth he held caused a burning feeling, Walter was calm and gentle with the girl, both in the way he handled her wounds and in a way that he spoke to her.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. TwilightBlader
  13. TwilightBlader
  14. TwilightBlader
    “Wow…what a flashy guy…” Walter could only say in response to the explanation involving Tobias. He could only smirk and chuckle slightly at all the drama however he did notice the fatigue the old man was going through. Closing his eyes he stretched his arms as he listened to Benjamin suddenly tell him of a task that the man had for him.

    “Oh, is that so?”
    Walter said before standing up from the seat he sat upon “Ingrao…how interesting…” Walter said before placing away the dagger he held in his hand “well then, you always did give me the most fun assignments” Walter said standing up as he walked off towards the exit of the office. “Well then, I’ll get your answers…or have fun trying” Walter said to the old man in a carefree manner, almost as if there was a bounce in his step.

    And so Walter walked off towards the cells where this little girl was held. In his hand was a suitcase closed and locked tightly. He always liked to deal with prisoners, especially the resilient ones. These prisoners always brought for a new perspective to view. And so the man closed his eyes and stopped in front of the cell that held the girl. “Good morning” Walter said calmly with a smile as he entered the cell and placed the suitcase down upon the floor. Opening his eyes and looking over at the girl he glanced down upon her wounds. “Oh my, Jason did quite the number upon that body of yours…how barbaric” Walter said cupping his chin as he leaned forward and observed the wounds of the girl closer. Leaning back Walter closed his eyes once more, his smile still upon his face. “ah, but where are my manners! My name is Walter. I will be in charge of you from hence forth” Walter said crouching down upon his suitcase and opening it up. “Well then, first thing is first….shall we deal with those wounds?” Walter said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. TwilightBlader
    It was quite funny really, like a twist of fate he seemed to quite enjoy. It was always a party over at the Raven Suns and for him it was quite the blast. Over the past few days he went off on a little trip, though it seemed he missed something quite interesting while he was gone. It was truly a stroke of luck that the rare time he actually got out of laboratory was the time where drama and nothing but drama came up.

    And so Walter found himself sitting by his chair nonchalantly watching as Benjamin dealt with Tobias, merely watching with a smile. There was some more drama out in the hallway and though Walter was intrigued by the sudden brawl, Walter chose to watch the drama between Benjamin and Tobias.

    Nonchalantly twirling a dagger between his fingers, he watched on until Tobias suddenly was smacked by the old man’s cane. His eyes widened, caught off guard by the sudden move, but it was more so like a person watching a movie where a really interesting plot twist occurred. Of course, Walter would have liked to say something, but even though he treated this display like an episode of Jerry Springer he chose not to be like the audience and remained quiet until it was over…man did he wish he had popcorn.

    Once it was over Walter merely closed his eye and let out a small chuckle, still twirling the dagger between his fingers. “Always sunny here at the Raven Sun’s” Walter said casually before opening his eyes and stared over at the old leader. “I’m not going to say what you did was wrong, hell I actually encourage it…though the boy did have a bit of a point…” Walter said looking down at the knife “Control is nice and all...but results are nice as well…at the very least that boy managed to retain himself in a more dignified manner than the other squabble outside…if anything from what I heard I’d be more worried about the family disaster” Walter said before taking grip of his knife and letting out a casual sigh “though I digress…I'm just glad I chose to visit when I did” Walter said with a grin.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. TwilightBlader
    Walter was met with a rather curt and displeased response from the leader of the very organization he worked in. The stress was clear as day upon Benjamin’s face and yet even so Walter merely closed his eyes and let out a small chuckle as he unfolded his arms and walked into the office “do be careful, that stress can be truly a killer, especially at your age” Walter said as he entered.

    Upon entering he casually took a seat upon one of the chairs in the office and smirked as he leaned against it and rested his elbow upon the seat handle, his knuckle resting upon his cheek. “Come now, is this the response I am to get dear old friend? You wound me” Walther said closing his eyes with a smirk totally contradicting the words he spoke. For him the reaction of the man was quite reasonable, though he would have assumed the old man would have gotten used to his personality by now.

    “There isn’t any help I desire from you, I rarely ever needed after all...more so I wished merely to see how my old friend was doing in these…trifling times. Perhaps some assistance is needed?” Walter said calmly, the smile still remaining upon his face. His voice was a nonchalant and casual one that held what seemed to be a void of care, but at the same time for those that knew him long enough it was not the case. He couldn’t help but say he genuinely meant what he said, after all Benjamin was a good buddy of his.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. TwilightBlader
    It was truly amazing thinking about what exactly made the brain tick. The brain is truly a powerful thing however it was a thing that was limited, limited by its users of course. When some of those limits were shattered however it allowed one to perform miracles, acts that humans just could not understand. It was amazing to think of such things and Walter did just that as he leaned back on his chair, rocking it as he tapped the back of his pen on his lip lightly. People who were born with these limits shattered, it was merely something that was not meant for this world, but something that was merely a fluke. The sheer fact that they could combat against such things was proof enough that this was something natural.

    Walter could only close his eyes and smirk. He had spent numerous times in this laboratory despite the numerous times he was ordered out to battle. Truly the Raven Suns were deprived of a grand killer, but if Walter as the killer they desired, they would deprive themselves of the creator of the weapons they needed to kill. Of course he could do both, but he disregarded such a thing. He had no desire to kill mindlessly, but found it more interesting to work on his inventions and weaponry.

    The man could only rise to his feet and walk off from his laboratory. Though he enjoyed his work, he was not one to devote his entire life to it. He enjoyed doing other things and he definitely took time to get in physical shape. He walked off and smiled as he leaned against the doorway leading into Benjamin’s office. “My my my, have the woes of life gotten you down…or perhaps I am mistaken and the wonders of this oh so functional organization has brought forth a smile upon your face?” Walter spoke with a smirk, the sarcasm in the second part of his statement overflowing as he spoke to the old man in the office.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. TwilightBlader
    Yup that's what I meant!
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. TwilightBlader
    Code Name: TwilightBlader
    Full Name: Walter Miles
    Date of Birth: 09/06 Age: 35
    Photo I.D.: Here
    Personality: A nonchalant and eccentric personality, Walter remains cool though most things he does throughout his life. It is extremely difficult for him to get upset, a true accomplishment if it ever does happen. He likes casual banter as well as annoying others with his words, but that tends to be something he doesn't try to do, finding it more of a natural thing. Regardless he had quite the twisted mind when it comes to the telepaths and doesn't really hide it
    History: His past is truly an enigma but at the age of 8 the young boy was brought over to the Raven Suns by a government official that had ties to the organization. The official believed that the child would truly fit in such a position and after being tested the young Walter met expectations and even surpassed them. The child showed great skill in combat, a true killing machine who never taking interested in what he did however the child who never showed interest at all suddenly took interest in working with tools and weaponry. Left to these instruments, the child began to change, growing into a more expressive person. Though his greatest skill had always been combat, the man would stay back and work and tinker with new weapons.
    Member Title: Inventor and Medic
    Time in Raven Sun: 27 years
    Weapon(s): A set of knives, a broadsword sword and a pistol
    Special Gadgets: Walter possess a chip that is connected with his brain, preventing the use of telepathy affecting his mind. It is widely believed that the mask upon his face is responsible for this, however the mask only strengthens it. With the mask on, Walter can reflect mental attacks back at the user, effectively utilizing the caster's ability for a couple of seconds. In addition to this Walter carries a tiny box that sets off a silent sound wave that is very difficult to even hear. Once a person uses telepathy or telekinesis while the box is active then the user will be assaulted with a terrible headache, preventing them from using their ability. In addition to this he holds gloves with electric property, able to be used to electrify his sword and knives along with a pair of smoke bombs.
    Strengths/Abilities: Great skill involving weaponry, whether it involves fighting with them or creating them. He possesses a high IQ as well.
    Weaknesses: Greatly does not put effort in things that do not interest him.
    Hobbies: Tinkering with machinery, experimentation, chess, combat.
    Other: N/A
    Side: Neutral
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. TwilightBlader
    Giant Drills
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone