The girl said absolutely nothing to him and reeled back a bit making it quite difficult for him to have cleaned her off, but in the end he managed to at least do so. Regardless of her reluctance of letting him dust her off, she did however answer his question, albeit in a simple gesture. It was a good sign in the very least as it meant that the girl actually understood what he said and confirmed that language barriers would not be an issue, but she still did not speak a word at him. She pointed off at the road trying to tell him something, but in the end he did not understand what exactly she was trying to get at. Alistair looked at the road and then back at her before raising an eyebrow as he scratched his head in confusion. "You'd be easier if you told me what your trying to say" Alistair said before crossing his arms. "You...angry at me or something? Im usually fine with people getting pissed off at me as I usually deserve it....but in this case I don't think I did anything bad...unless you were trying to commit suicide..." Alistair said before narrowing her eyes as he looked at her. She didn't seem like she was angry at him, but more so frustrated if anything, like she was trying to say something...and then it hit him. "...or maybe your having trouble speaking?" Alistair said before ruffling in his pockets. "If thats the case...hmm...ah, here it is" Alistair said as he brought out a piece of paper and a pen. "Do you know how to write?" Alistair said holding out the paper. If anything, hopefully they could communicate through writing.
Oh dear, he was truly having far too much fun with this and it definitely reminded him of his youth. He knew Cal would have disapproved of all this but she wasn't around so he could be a bit naughty. It was honestly too easy and he was ready for more however another decided to join in this little conversation they held. This guy sort of reminded him of Danel, quite the calm individual in comparison to their psychotic partner. After his words Alistair could only close his eyes and let out a sigh, a small smile upon his face. "Ah, you needn't apologies...I had my fair share of not caused by her of course" Alistair said with a sly grin as he looked at Isabella. "Your right, I'mma bit lazy today so I really not in the mood for a fight. I shall take my leave. I was so nice to talk to you" Alistair said jumping up to his feet and walked off. "See ya" Alistair said raising his hand in farewell as he walked off. Leaving her without letting her do her experiments, it made Alistair wonder if that made the girl chuckle. There was pain and Altair definitely hoped he did not break anything. That man was truly a monster and and idiot...mostly an idiot. As he laid on the ground trying to get up he noticed somebody stand before him. A pretty girl stood before him and offered her hand to him, offering to help him up he assumed. Not shy to take the help, Altair accepted her hand and got up with her assistance. "Um thanks" Altair said with a small smile. Without even saying a word the girl had given him a nod and walked off. She was dressed quite odd and with both her and that beast of a man, this was definitely an odd experience. "WHOAHOHO! what happened here?!" Upon hearing the voice of the red haired man who had just entered the hallway, Altair just rubbed his temples. "You...don't wanna know" Altair said with a sigh. "Actually I do, I love me some discord, buuuuuuuuuuuut if your not gonna say then thats coo" Alistair said still looking at the crumpled up students. "Maaaaaaaaan I really missed out" Alistair said quite disappointed as he walked out of the school. Now that he was outside he stretched his arms out wide and let out a loud sigh as he enjoyed the outdoors. His eyes scanned around the area looking about as he walked off, watching as everybody was doing their own thing, however the moment he heard a loud beeping noise his attention was drawn towards the road. Normally Alistair would do something witty or stupid however in not even a second his body began to bolt forward towards the girl standing in the middle of the road "HEY WATCH OUT!" Alistair yelled out as he immediately ran forward at the girl. If he had his powers he would have surely been able to easily stop that car from where he stood, but without them he actually had to work more harder to fill that gap. Of course training his body immensely was something he was able to do due to his numerous and intense battles with Sam and with this training he was able to run quite fast without his powers. Reaching near the girl, Alistair immediately lunged forward and tackled the girl away from the speeding car. "G-god that is was too close" Alistair muttered, panting slightly. Now on the safety of the sidewalk, Alistair quickly stood up and dusted himself off before grabbing hold of both arms of the girl and helped her up "You gotta be more careful" Alistair said suddenly using his hand to dust off any dirt on her clothes that must have been caught during the fall. His time with Cal sure as hell changed him, especially with the innocent looking girls. "Your not from around here...are you?" Alistair said noticing her clothing. Of course he himself didn't exactly know where they were, but at the very least everybody looked quite modernly dressed, excluding her.
"G-Gas?! di-did you say gas?!" Alistair said suddenly beginning to stop laughing, fear began to appear on his face. "Y-your joking right? you wouldn't do such a thing like that to me!" Alistair said almost in a begging tone. "Please please spare me plea-PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT OH GOD I CAN'T DO THIS ANY MORE" Alistair said suddenly began to start back into his laughing fit "OH GOD I CAN'T EVEN PRETEND TO TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY. HALLUCINOGENIC GASES? WHAT A LOSER! OH GOD YOUR GOING TO KILL ME! " Alistair said in glee trying to calm down."haaaaaaaaaaah, last laugh? sure you can have it....after all Im sure as hell not gonna laugh at your dull ass shit" Alistair said with a grin and a sigh. Alistair continued to sit by his desk, his feet still resting upon his desk and listened to the girl ramble on about nothing "we all heard that voice, if people call you the great Bella for such a plebeian logic then I woe for those that would call you great" Alistair said before the girl suddenly grabbed his arm and attempted to drag him away. "Whoa there girly, I'm flattered that you want me in your room, but I am father of one and I already have a dear sweet pervert" Alistair said resisting being pulled.
The tears slowed down and soon enough ceased. Though it was a beautiful friendship he had just listened to, Magnus could not just sit around and cry though! The day was still young and there was so much passion and intensity to the day that he could not waste it! The white haired lady who seemed to be the boss informed them to go to the apartment buildings, it seemed they would be taking the bus as well! PERFECT! Oh how wonderful a bus right with him was surely to be! they were sure to sing wonderful songs such as classic like Row Row Row your boat to strengthen your core muscles, twinkle twinkle sparkly sweat! Mary had a little lamb that would be used for protein! and London Bridge is falling down due to our intense push-ups! With all this excitement, Magnus couldn't control himself, he rushed out the door and suddenly he witnessed a sight of beauty. The halls were crowded, filled with students trying to force their way through the hallway in a mad rush to get out of the school. "This intensity, this struggle, oh how beautiful this truly is" Magnus said as his body began to shake. "THIS SCENT! IT IS THE SCENT OF ULTIMATE STRUGGLES OF POWER! THE STRENGTH OF TESTOSTEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!" Magnus yelled as he spread out his arms "I WISH TO JOIN THIS STRUGGLE!" Magnus yelled as he immediately rushed forward. And so Magnus ran, he ran and ran through the crowd not even slowing down in the slightest. Magnus desired to hug all these people, but his arms knocked away all the students as if he was preforming a clothesline attack, those that hit his rock hard muscular chest went flying. Meanwhile Altair let out a sigh as he tried to head outside, barely avoiding the student rush and almost reached the doors leading outside. He couldn't deal with such madness, the old man was bad enough. Thinking back to the old man caused him to suddenly clench his fist slightly. "Tsk...sorry gramps...couldn't keep my promise..." Altair muttered but suddenly his eye widened the moment he heard a loud boom voice yelling something about testosterone and the screams of numerous students. Looking towards the commotion his eyes nearly popped out of his head and his jaw fell open as he saw a monstrously gigantic man rushing threw a crowd of student, causing the students to be sent flying and worse of all it seemed the man was heading straight at him. "WHAT THE FU-" Altair yelled but was suddenly sent flying as Magnus collided with him. The rushing Magnus eventually reached the door leading outside. When he saw nobody else, Magnus looked over his shoulder and noticed everybody laying either on their stomach or back letting out a loud groan. Magnus raised an eyebrow and smile "Oh?! So you guys are now doing push ups and sit ups?! Excellent work you guys! May the Testosterone be with you!" Magnus said happily as he gave everybody a big thumbs up and grinned as his teeth sparkled. "Y-you bastard" Altair muttered as he struggled to get up
He stood there staring up at the sky, nonchalantly pretending he was focused on the sky, however from the corner of his eye he kept an eye on the girl beside him. The poor kid was upset and he really could not just stand by and not at least try and offer assistance. Of course he wasn't the best when it came to emotional support, he would at least try without being nosy. It was fine if she didn't respond to him, he was quite fine with that, but even so it kind of surprised him when she responded in agreement to his words. Once she looked up at him and the sky he merely closed his eyes and gave her a warm smile, but that smile turned to a frown the moment she lowered her head in despair once more. He needed to say something, but he really did not know what to say. He scratched the back of his head in thought but the moment he heard somebody call out to her his eye widened a bit as he watched her run off. "Hei...di?" Julius muttered silently. For some reason he always had some fondness for that name, it was the name he was going to name his daughter after all...well that is if he had any kids after all and that depended on how things would go with Lennox. Regardless, for some reason he just could not stand seeing that girl upset. The girl named Heidi and the boy she called Harley hugged it out and the boy comforted her. Julius let out a sigh a bit relieved that the girl had somebody and the rest was for them to deal with. Glancing up at the sky once more, he looked over his shoulder the moment Harley called out to everybody that was around. "Hmmm, ah the names Julius, nice ta meetcha kid" Julius said with a bright grin.
And so Alistair and Julius continued to stare at the weeping man, a dull look as they wondered just what the hell was wrong with the man that refused to stop crying. They were in the mindset of wondering just what the hell they should be doing and once they realized that this bout of tears would not end for a while they just continued to doing what they were doing. "So asshole, what the hell are-" Julius began to say but suddenly closed his eye the moment he heard somebody call out. "oh god damnit" Julius muttered. Julius immediately looked over to his side, looking over at Alistair who had a big smile on his face and his cheeks popping up, definitely trying to hold off laughter. "Oi...I care about fun I just don't give a shit about yours" Julius said. SHe spoke about bombs and stuff, but Julius stared at her with an immensely perplexed face. "What the hell are you blab-" Julius said but immediately was cut off by the hysterical laughter of Alistair. "OH THIS IS RICH! WHAT A TOTAL CHILD!" Alistair yelled as he laughed loudly and slowly tried to calm down. "haaaaaaaaaaaah, oh imma use my super bombs and cause this awesome bomb that'll totally fuck you up yet not kill you, but hey! I know what super fun is so it all cool!" Alistair said poorly trying to mimic Isabella's voice only for it to be royally screwed up by his sheer laughter that he just could not stop. "OH BOY IF THATS YOUR FORM OF FUN THEN I WOE FOR YOUR LAME DULL LIFE! SUCH PATHETIC SO CALLED FUN" Alistair yelled as he laughed. Julius merely watched Alistair laugh on and his eye twitched slightly, overwhelmed by all that was happening. "yeaaaaaaah...Im just...gonna...go now..." Julius said immediately getting and walking out of the class room to get some fresh air. As he walked out he noticed a certain event, watching a young girl run off from another. A bit curious he decided to check up on the girl, see whatever it was that troubled him. There was something pushing him for some reason he just couldn't shake, but in the end Julius walked outside and stood beside the curled up girl. His hands in his jacket pocket as he stared up at the sky. "Hmm nice weather out here....wouldn't you say?" Julius said
It was utter chaos out there, noise, yelling and everything that could assault the ears. Altair just wanted to ignore it all, to continue this dream that he was in, but as time continued on it was more and more apparent, even if it was a dream it still felt like reality. Alistair Geis died upon that date, possessed by a being that was practically like a god he went off and killed numerous people before at last he killed himself. He was supposed to be dead, in a state of nothingness, yet here he was. Was he ready to face guilt? Altair was not sure of that, but nonetheless he rose his head at last. This feeling truly made him feel alive This situation he was in was similar, he was dragged in for entertainment, but there was definitely no sign of death yet. He rose his head and stared around at the classroom not even bothering to look at the classmates. Just how were the others...who survived and who died. He grit his teeth tightly as he though back to his past, one ever thought swirling through his was Heidi. Was she lost? was she confused without him? did she move on? oh god did Altair hope that she did. He only hoped the girl was strong enough to move past from his death, that she would live happy. It was pitiful how attached he was to someone he started off thinking as a pawn, but he held no regrets. Raising an eyebrow he noticed something inside his pocket and immediately pulled whatever it was out. A button, a single button with a child word upon it, yet still a great treasure for him. "Jr Hero...huh" Altair muttered quietly with a smile as the tears started to form at the corner of his eyes. His hand shook as he held the button and his eyes closed tightly. "I...gotta be strong right now..." Altair said wiping away whatever tears even dared to form. His eyes widened as he heard the massive cries of a gigantic man and he glanced over at the man and narrowed his eyes with a deadpan stare. "For some reason I...really hate that guy..." Altair said placing away his button before glancing over at the girl. Such innocence kind of brought a smile to his face, but immediately noticing the girl falling back he jumped out of his seat and immediately caught her as she fell back. "Whoa there, gotta be careful" Altair said closing his eyes with a bright smile.
Alistair raised an eyebrow and began to blink once before he suddenly began to laugh at the sudden greeting the angel of annihilation had gifted him. "Ah, love you too Bonbon" Alistair said with a wink before glancing over at Julius as he was called by Bonnie. In response, Julius rose his head up and stared forward at the silver haired woman calling out to him a bit perplexed as to what the hell she was calling out to him about. "Wh-wha?" Julius muttered utterly confused at what she was saying to him. "Azrael? As in the angel of death? how-" Julius began to say but immediately paused the moment he noticed Alistair pointing at himself. "...Are you that narcissistic that you'd call yourself the angel of death...." Julius muttered quietly before closing his eyes and scratched the back of his head. "hmm yeah, he is a buddy of mine I met during a special event....punched him right in the face and we became buds after that and-" Julius began to speak but paused once more the moment he heard the sound of really loud sobbing. Glancing over his shoulder, both him and Alistair stared over at a gigantic muscular man in sunglasses was sobbing his heart out. Compared to the size of the desk and chair he sat in he was definitely far too big for them, like a pro wrestler sitting in a kindergarten class. "th-that story....SUCH A BEAUTIFUL FREINDSHIP! FISTS COLLIDING INTO ANOTHER'S FACE! THE DEEP CONNECTION OF BROTHER IN A ETERNAL BOND OF MANLINESS! TRULY A TALE WORTH OF TESTOSTEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!" The gigantic male named Magnus yelled. HIs body tensed and flexed his manly muscles, the sheer action causing the desk, chair and tears to be flung about as he continued to wail and mighty cry.
"Oi, will you pipe down there bitch? Nobody cares about your damn fun" His voice was grumbled and muffled, yet still quite clear enough to hear. His head was pounding for some reason and for the hell of it he just couldn't remember what the hell he was doing before he got swooped in here. Just who the hell was causing all this, yes he had gotten into ridiculous shenanigans before, but this was another level! He was now some sort of pawn for where the hell did he hear that from? Regardless he was pissed and his head was still resting on the desk his long hair sprawled on the desk with a groan. "God I hate my life sometimes..." Julius said. "Now now Julius, mind you manners..." Just hearing the familiar voice immediately caused Julius to perk up his head from the desk. "That voice?!" Julius said immediately looking to his side. Sitting on the desk was a crimson haired man, legs resting on top of his desk as a smirk rested upon his face. Alistair Grey merely stared over at Julius and closed his eyes with a bright grin. "Long time no see, Julius" Alistair said. "YOU!" Julius yelled as he jumped out of his seat and pointed at Alistair "ME!" Allistair said happily pointing at himself "What the hell are you doing here?" Julius said. "Your guess is as good as mine...But I did miss those over-exaggerations of yours Julius" Alistair said with a smirk "Tsk course you piss me off any time you get the chance" Julius grumbled as he took his seat, sitting next to the silver haired kid who was resting his head on the table with a groan. Joining the kid, Julius rested his head on the desk once more and returned to groaning. Alistair let out a chuckle and turned his attention to the front. It was quite interesting phenomenon that was going on at the moment. All he remembered was being an old geezer and now here he was, back in his youthful body with his other eye in tact as well! This was going to be fun that is for sure. "Well well well, looks like the lovebirds are here as well" Alistair said
Username: TwilightBlader Name: Altair S Geis Age: 17 Appearance: Here Species: Human Special Powers: Punch things really hard! Personality: Friendly guy with a dark side~ Original Roleplay: 100 Days Link to Original Form: Here
Username: TwilightBlader Name: Alistair Grey/Azrael Age: 28 Appearance: Alistair / Azrael Species: Fallen Angel Special Powers: Stuff involving summoning blades from his body, super human strength, death corrosion, spirit stuff and other things Personality: He is an ******* with a heart of gold Original Roleplay: The Fallen Link to Original Form: Here Username: TwilightBlader Name: Julius Menon Age: 28 Appearance: Here Species: Human Special Powers: Punch things really hard! Personality: Nice guy with a temper Original Roleplay: Cupid's Brew Link to Original Form: Here Username: TwilightBlader Name: Magnus Age: YES! THE AGE OF TESTOSTERONE HAS BEGUN! (Unknown) Appearance: Here Species: Valen Special Powers: Power of the Stupid: This power is an immunity towards mental attacks, Magnus' short attention span and dim witted mind cannot comprehend the invasion of his mind and merely rejects it. It isn't to say that one cannot ever use mind powers against him however Overwhelming Emotion: Using emotions to power and strengthen one's body. With strong emotions one can make their body grow much more powerful and can even repair the body if the emotion is strong enough. Personality: TESTOSTERONE! Original Roleplay: RESET Link to Original Form: Here
Username: TwilightBlader Preferred Name: TB....which stands for Toilet Biscuits apparently Timezone: EST
Well, I really wasn't expecting the 4th game to be announced so fast. Spoiler Despite it being obvious he wasn't going anywhere it makes me smile to see Hazama and Terumi still up and about Looks like Nine/Konoe is also playable as well.
Surprisingly Kassandra actually took well to his flirting which only made things more interesting for Walter. He listened to what made Kassandra join this organization and from Walter heard it just seemed that the organization was ingrained into her life in such a way that she’d willingly stay without thinking of leaving. He immediately raised an eyebrow the moment Kassandra asked him what his reason was, definitely surprised and not expecting the sudden reversal of questioning. “me?” Walter said before letting out a soft laugh, continuing to lean against the wall as he brushed back the bangs of his hair, holding the bangs back with his eyes closed and a calm smile “Ever since I was a child I never had a choice of whether I desired to join or not” Walter said as a grin formed on his face. “I was only 8 years old when the government brought me over to this organization. A mind of steel…a true killing machine…nothing more than a doll…that was the child I used to be” Walter said chuckling “though my time in this organization has…changed me into the charming man you see before you” Walter said opening his eye and stared over at Kassandra with a charming smile.
Walter raised an eyebrow taking notice of the small discomfort the girl was showing, but Walter didn’t mind. He felt it would do good to at least try and get the girl to open up what little she could. Placing a hand on his chin he looked at her with a curious look “hmm, so your actually going to let me try? Hmm what to ask…oh I know!” Walter said with a sly smirk as he leaned in close to the girl. “Tell me…are you single?” Walter said with a charming grin. Giving her time to at least process his words the man could only start laughing “hah that’s a terrible first question” Walter said before letting out a sigh and smiled “alright I’ll be more serious, why did you join up the organization? Uphold some family tradition?” Walter asked leaning back on a wall as he crossed his arms.
Eyes still closed, he crossed his arms and listened to the girl speak about how he would have been considered a traitor in the eyes of previous leaders, a mere thought that Walter could only smile upon. “Maybe, though if it wasn’t for your father I wouldn’t have grown into the man I am today” Walter said. It was quite amazing when he thought about it, the empty and emotionless child he used to be now turning into the man he was today. He truly had to thank Benjamin for it. “Besides, you’re the only one I’ve told this to” Walter said with a smile still speaking even though she ended the conversation. Opening his eyes he watched her walk off to his workbench. It was quite a surprise to see the girl so interested in his work, but at the same time something he liked. When he looked at him he merely walked up to her and reached out to a sheathed katana resting upon the workbench. “Well for one there is the manufacturing of weapons that the Raven Suns can use such as this katana” Walter said taking grasp of the sheathed katana in one hand and a bunch of pencils in the other. Throwing the pencils upwards, Walter held the sheath of the sword with his left hand and the hilt of the katana in his right. As the pencils began to descend, Walter immediately drew the katana out of its sheath and swung the blade at the pencils, skillfully slashing 3 times before sheathing the blade back inside its sheath. “Of course in the end it all comes down to skill, but to make a weapon that a person can truly rely on without restraints is what I make. Swift and powerful” Walter said placing the katana on the desk, each pencil that having been cleaved into three pieces landed upon the floor. “However my main project involves the workings of the mind” Walter said picking up a small rod that rested upon the desk. “The mind holds numerous possibilities, limits that hold the mind back from awakening it’s potentials. I hold a desire to learn more about the brain as well as the anomaly that is the psychics…I’ve made great progress as it has allowed me to make weapons to combat against them…but there is still more to learn” Walter said raising the rod up and narrowed his eyes with a dark smirk as he stared up at the rod before lowering it back down and letting out a nonchalant sigh and smiled his usual cheerful smile “Ah, but here I am rambling about myself. I’d like to learn more about you” Walter said.
Walter had finished his explanation and the response he received was quite pleasant. He honestly had hoped his explanation wouldn’t bore the woman too much and for her to find his contraption interesting was something he really enjoyed hearing. He wasn’t one for praise as he tended to not truly care much as these inventions were mostly for his own leisure, but it was different that Kassandra said it. He did take quite a fancy to the woman after all. He listened to her compare his invention to the other tools of Benjamin, but the man honestly was a bit surprised to see the sudden smile upon her face. He immediately cursed himself that the change of topic caused her to lose that smile upon her face and let out a sigh, but what she spoke about was interesting. Lowering his eyes, he smiled a calm smile, different from the cheerful ones he had before. “In this time, it’s impossible” Walter said letting out a small chuckle before continuing his words. “They are human as well, they think and feel like anybody else, but there is a difference between us and them and that difference is clear as day…their powers” Walter said closing his eyes with a smirk. “It is because of these powers that these psychics may see and experience the world in a different way, a way that normal people cannot possibly see or even comprehend. A mind reader will see nothing but lies in others words and contradict their true feelings, a telepath may feel as though their powers are a natural thing and struggle to hide their own way of life, or simply a lack of control is an issue. Normal people cannot comprehend such things; they cannot accept change so easily as well. Their concepts of living, things that are considered impossible, becoming possible…the mind cannot accept such a change that destroys their belief of the reality of things.” Walter said closing his eyes “And so the common folk will try to erase what they consider a contradiction in their life, an impossibility that should not exist, and in turn the preyed psychics will counter to retain their life that they were born with” Walter said chuckling once more. “Of course this definitely does not apply to everybody as some can accept such a change…a prime example being our dear Rose who is being held in the cells. Psychics are a danger, but that’s merely because a minority has to screw it up for the majority. Though in time it may be possible, currently the common world is not compatible with the psychics roaming around yet. It is not a concern for the safety of the common folk, but for the psychics instead…” Walter said.
Bartz looks like he is actually using stuff from his own game. I'm guessing each weapon represents a class and using a certain weapon a certain amount of times levels the class up to max/three stars. If this is the case then I am quite interested. Squall actually using Draw is also interesting as well.
“Oh? So you’ve taken notice of my little project” Walter said with a smile, still looking down and working upon the wounded arm before him. “It’s a component for a bigger tool that I feel will become a great asset for the Raven Sun headquarters” Walter said. “It’s a shield…hm…no that’s not a good way of explaining it” Walter said closing his eyes giving it some thought before opening his eyes once more. “Ah! Yes! Its more like a domain instead, a domain that will hamper the telepathy and telekinetic users.” Walter said. Reaching into his pocket with his other hand, the medic brought out a small box and held it up. “It will be something like this, a tool that sends out harmless signals to the brain. The only time these signals will indeed assault the brain is when any form of mental powers being used…” Walter said narrowing his eyes with a smile “if this should succeed then I’ll be able to utilize this to cover the entire’d be suicide for a telepath to attack” Walter said before closing his eyes with smile "other than that I do have business with a prisoner...though I'll let her rest for today" Walter said.
Walter merely gave the option of changing her wounds now, but his decision was actually quite quick. “well so long as I have you here then this will be good time, besides it would give us a good opportunity to talk” Walter said giving her a wink before looking down upon her hand and taking grasp of it. Lightly with it in his hand, Walter brought it up slightly and begun to unwrap the gauze wrapped around it. “yes, if Im able to keep an eye on that wound we should be able to get it healed in no time” Walter said.