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  1. TwilightBlader

    Rae Anne had brought up quite an excellent point and Dominik began looking around the area looking for the missing person "Hey! your right! Heshe is not around..." Domnik said jumping up to his feet and gave her a salute "but if we're to leave then lets not waste any time!" Domnik said. It was odd, the more he went on this travel, the more easier it was for him to speak. It was quite interesting really. "Alrighty! off we go!" Domnik said walked back through the path they came from.


    Aeron noticed the claim that Anthony had made and closed his eyes with a sigh "yes weaponry.." Aeron said pulling out a knife. "Me and Derron brought a couple of knives we found in the supply room. Jen was acting strange and trying to hide them so we had to sneak them from the supply room...there is no point in keeping it a secret. Me and Derron got 5 each so that leave 10 in total...we can always go back to the supply room if necessary..." Aeron said. Keeping the knives a secret was advantageous, but hiding them and being caught was something that could have ruined him. He was not in it to kill them, but he had to be cautious.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TwilightBlader
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by TwilightBlader, May 27, 2014
  3. TwilightBlader
    This was quite fun...for the one day I was a part of...

    ...I have no regrets about what I was worth it

    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. TwilightBlader
    With Fallen at an end I shall now present the tale of one of my most wackiest underused characters

    Ah, those days all seemed like such a long long time wouldn't be incorrect to say they weren't however. I was such an odd boy really, living in my fantasies with such a vivid mind. It is not unusual to say that a child lives in the fantasies that they have created, but I was different. I lived in them with great detail, great passion, as if they were real and just. These fantasies were not of the norm, tales that did not fancy that of the mind of the undeveloped.

    I cannot blame them for how they saw me, after all, all beings have an ugliness deep inside. A weird kid with a weird name that told of weird stories. My days resulted in that of solitude, at least this is what I believed. This girl...she was unlike the rest, she joined me by my side and she would listen to my tales, no matter how unusual they truly were.


    Ahh how I wish I could have appreciated her beauty the moment I set eyes upon her. In those days it never mattered to me about looks or who they were, she listened to my tales and for this she was special to me...she was my friend, and our friendship lasted so long and remained unbreakable.


    Ahh such a torturous time, my mind just keeps on racing back to her beautiful face. We split our ways and traveled on towards different universities in order to strengthen our lives, but to do so we had to of separated. I cannot write, I cannot concentrate, I cannot leave her side. is not needed for me, I will join her side once more, all I wish it to be by her side once more....


    This life is as if it is a dream, a gift from god itself. The books I wrote, after the ridicule I lived through my life, my work has finally been accepted. They took interest, loved them, demanded more. Such a pleasing moment for me, but all I truly care is for one mere opinion and that was from the woman that would always be by my side. She is my inspiration, my muse. These tales that fill place my heart into are all with her on my mind. It is a boon as well as a curse. With her I am able to make something beautiful, but a tale must need sorrow after all. To write such a scene is nothing I dare wish to do. The mere thought of losing her is to great, an impossibility for me that I dare cannot even imagine.


    She will be by my side forever more...I shall propose to her...together let us hold a happy life together...


    Such a joyous time! A child! she bears my child! There is so much I wish to do, so much that I cannot even contain myself. A family, truly this is what I desired. I must prepare, I must make sure I am ready. Will my stories be adequate for the child? So few time until it arrives, 9 months feels like seconds to me! Just imaging that warm smile of my boy or girl is something that makes me cannot wait any longer. My stories are those that are to bring smiles and adventure to the people, as such my child shall be told the greatest stories I can ever muster. A tale for children...ah how long has it been since I've done such a thing...I guess I would have to look back at my childhood.


    Truly a phenomenon, the child has grown so much in such a short time. Already I can see the huge lump that is placed on Diana's stomach. Is this some sort of miracle? the doctors state that they do not know just why this has occurred, but so long as they are well this is all I truly care for. The child has been identified as a little little angel...such a thing has gifted me with a story idea. The tale of a small girl to obtains wings and flies off in the middle of the night and goes upon a magical adventure. When all is done the child returns home to the embrace of her parent...such a corny idea...but something I can only hope that children will love...this shall be the one book that will be only for my children, no other.


    That beautiful smile, why must she place such a smile on? The pain she feels must be unbearable but even so she always gazes upon me with that wonderful smile as if nothing was wrong. It almost made me feel content, but I know better than to believe such a lie. She was in immense pain, something he could not ease no matter what he did for her. He felt powerless, worthless, this baby's rapid growth is nothing but a curse. My dear Diana cannot bear it anymore and my poor child cannot survive without her mother. I pray to the gods, for all that they have done for me, for granting me such a wondrous life, please save my dear Diana and my child. I beg, I will do whatever it is that is needed, I will sell my very life to a torment of damnation if I must, so long as they live...I wish to see a miracle, I wish to see the light of this world.


    They're gone,

    my muse,

    my love,

    my life,

    all gone form me.

    No longer will I be able to touch them, no longer will I be able to embrace them. The mother could not supply any more and the daughter that relied on the mother perished along with her. All these books that I've written, they all remind me of her. They are all worthless, I am worthless, I cannot stand this pain. I wish for it to end it all, but my dear sweet Diana...she would watch and grieve for my choice. I must live, not for myself, but for their sake...


    This world feels like a dirty place, a land of corruption and pollution of the human mind. No matter how much I've traveled I cannot change my feelings, I cannot forget the precious two that I've lost. I've lost interest in the world that once amazed me so, save for one book. It was a worn grimoire, filled with unusual text, text that I've never seen before. It was odd, such enigmatic text that I could somehow understand. The author of the book...Kiraman Katibin...why does this sound familiar? why do I feel so intrigued by this book. It is something I wish to check once I return home.






    Such terms that were written in this text, it was as if it was that of a religious more than this, such detail has never been captured before in such text. Such a fantasy written in such a book...surely it must be so? My head is pounding, but something is urging me to continue to read on...


    The fallen angels...

    Those that were cast away from the heavens and forced to reside on the earth. My head is burning, with each word that I read the more the heat increase. I wish to rip off my very head in order to ease the pain...

    They reside among the humans...

    Who are these angels and what do they desire? Will they bring about the end? Will they bring about salvation? They have powers, power that mere mortals should not have. Will this power be abused or not? Something tells me I should not read further...but I must know...

    Current host: Lucius Nero

    My name...why is it that my name is there? Past my name is that other others, and above that is names that seem familiar to me despite the fact I've never even heard of such people. Kiraman Katbin...he is an that I the host of an angel?

    No, surely this cannot be, I cannot believe such a thing. There has been no powers that I've shown, there is nothing special about Lucius Nero...but what if this was the case, surely if it was then there would have been a way to save both Diana and the it sounds like a wondrous thing it is far from that. If this was the case then I would be far beyond worthless. If I truly had the power even if it was latent, then it still meant there was something I could have done.

    I cannot believe such a thing, no, I wont! matter how hard I try my mind drifts back towards a passage I read about Nephilim. Beings that are the children of angels, they grow fast and eventually stop aging once they come of age.

    Was it...was it that my child was a Nephilim?

    Was it that by accepting my seed that my precious Diana had to leave me?



    I cannot...

    Was it...

    Was it I that killed my wife?

    Was it all because I was the host an angel?

    They're all gone...gone because of my ignorance...the foolishness of a man...

    Had I known...had I only known...


    Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless,
    Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless, Worthless,


    How long has it been since I first started to read this book? The pain had all vanished and reading such a book had come with ease. My focus has increased and with it I can lift things with my mind, my powers increase the more I use them, but what good are powers when I have nothing.

    I still see a vision of a man holding a child, reading her a tale while the wife would sit by his side and listen with a soft smile...

    It would always bring me a smile as I watch it..

    ...but its a disillusion...

    It is a false illusion that he will never banish from his mind....

    Till his death he will never stop seeing this vision...

    But why did this vision stop playing for me? is it still playing for him? am correct in saying it will never stop playing for him...


    Who am I?

    Why is it that I see the life of that man before me?

    Why is it that I take interest in watching it's tale?

    Is the world all like this?

    Who is the hero of the tale?

    Who is the villain of this tragedy

    This is a world of sorrow and joy

    To which tale will stand up on top?

    I wish to see it, I wish to record it all...

    It was what I was made to do...

    I wish to see a miracle form...

    I will take the name of Lucius Nero and I will pursue this, I will find what I need, even if I must mettle to do so...

    Your story ends...but I shall accept your will...Lucius...
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TwilightBlader
    "it seems ignorance has blinded you thus"

    With that single voice a giant stone lance descended from above and struck the ground ahead of them. Armoured footsteps echoed forth as the giant red haired man merely walked toward the duo of Gold and the Warrior of Light. The aura surrounding him was strong and only reflected how powerful of a king he truly was. Though things has fallen poorly for him it seemed the outsider's power returned to him once more, granting him the power he needed once more to complete his goal.

    Smithy was a fool fueled with power he was given. If Smithy thought he was so powerful that he could control them than he was sorely mistaken. The machine was powerful he had to admit, but in time that would change, this was what Zangurak truly believed. For now he would merely follow the man that had brought him back to life, it was only fair he did so. He was given a second chance and he would gladly take advantage of it.

    The giant man that was clearly not human narrowed his white eyes and smirked as he stopped beside his lance and stared at them "you've done well against those mechanical beings...but they are far from anything you must truly worry about" Zangurak said gripping the handle of the blade and pulled it out of the ground.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TwilightBlader

    Alistair attention was suddenly caught buy the sight of Samuel walking out of the church and slowly a smile rose on his face. The smile continued to grow and grow until suddenly he had to cover his mouth with both hands in order to cover his burst of laughter. "pffffffffft holy crap he really does look like a gorrila in a suit" Alistair struggled to say as he tried to resist the urge to laugh loudly.

    Cal flicked her father on the forehead and gave him a disapproving glare. "Don't laugh at him. Not everyone where's a suit on a daily basis." Though, she couldn't help but crack a smile as well.

    "owowowow, c'mon you can't blame me...seeing the brute so well dressed is quite the humorous thing" Alistair said crossing his arms as his laughter very slowly subsided a bit.

    "Well I think he looks pretty sharp" Caius said walking up to the two giving the a smile before glancing back at the groom. "Its a very important day for him after all and he is trying quite a deal" Caius said

    "yeah he better be...finding a suit that fit him so well was a real pain in the ass...and I still think I failed in that regard..." Alistair mummbled a bit lamenting the waste of time that was finding a proper suit for Samuel. Suits were always Alistair's life...but finding a suit for such a man was quite the challenge

    Adam looked at the two and let out a laugh in response to the clear covering up of the story and he leaned a little forward in the chair, "I'm afraid of what you two were looking around at." he looked over at Samuel and he looked back at Min and Brandon and whispered, "Man oh man, I hope he doesn't get stressed out saying those vows or one of those buttons might just pop off and kill someone."
    Min giggled and swatted at Adam's arm. "Shhh, you're not helping."

    Adam looked over at Min and rolled his eyes, "Well I don't think I'm doing any harm either."

    "I do hope for something much more...interesting to occur...perhaps an elephant will rush through and get on two of its leg and proceed to shake its booty while juggling some balls with it's tail..." Lucius said with a bright smile

    "Human customs are so strange. Why does everything they do need some kind of ritual?" Soren commented as he eyed Samuel walk out in the ill-fitting attire. Anna held her finger to her mouth in a motion to get him to be quiet. ]"What? It's just..." His eyes shifted towards Cal's direction. "If two people care about each other so much, why does it have to be complicated? Why make a show of it?" He sighed and leaned back in his seat.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 26, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. TwilightBlader
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. TwilightBlader
    A church was not an ideal place of Caius as his demonic blood just did not agree with it. He truly was looking forward to this wedding but the fatigue was really affecting him. Even with this, having Cal beside him was something that made him able to endure it. Once he felt Cal let go of his arm he stare forward and softly smiled as he watched her embrace Soren. He glanced over at the others and noticed everybody moving around stuff only to say that the wedding had been moved outside.

    Outside was a great idea since it meant that he wouldn't be suffering in the church. The silver haired storyteller had already walked outside with some of the equipment floating behind him and Caius stared over as Alistair walked in with quite the disturbed look on his face.

    "What the hell is going on here...wait can I even say that in here?" Alistair said closing his eye as he shook his head and sighed "This better not be some crazy shenanigans....I mean its not like Im up for it, but I just promised to keep things...stable.." Alistair said

    After releasing Cal from the sudden embrace Soren turned his head towards the others. The wedding was moving outside? That seemed good to him. Churches made him uncomfortable. It was difficult to get along with the idea of "worship" that humans practiced. Even when his mother explained it all to him he couldn't bring himself to understand it. Perhaps it was just because he had witnessed for himself that beings like angels were not as perfect nor as benevolent as humans claimed them to be. "Well you could use some sunlight." Soren teased Cal, looking down at the blonde once more this time noticing her flushed face.

    "You're alright...right?" He looked her over and smiled. "You look beautiful."

    "Aw. Thank you, Soren." Anna's voice called out from behind him.

    "I-uh-um..." He scratched the back of his head. "You look nice too I guess, Anna." His sister frowned and punched his shoulder. "You're welcome." Sighing, Soren looked back over at Cal. "I think Anna's jealous."

    She gave him a skeptical look before following the others outside of the building. "That would be weird if she was." It was the truth. Soren was her brother, after all. "But thank you. You look rather dapper yourself." Cal tugged on his sleeve before skipping over to her adoptive father and grabbing his hand. "No hijinks today. Everyone apparently decided the wedding would be better suited outside so we're helping move stuff. You should help me set up the chairs." Cal gave him an 'I need to talk to you look,' before taking a couple of folding chairs from Tiia.

    "Well she is a little on the weird side." Soren spoke just loud enough for his sister to hear. She shot him a disapproving glare as she followed behind him but made no effort to offer a retort. Soren watched Cal go off with Alistair and crossed his arms.

    "Here. Make yourself useful." Anna shoved several folded chairs into Soren's hands before taking off to help the others. He sighed and glanced over Reuben's way. Despite the fact that a year had gone by Soren had not spoken much to the redhead boy. Reuben was alive, well, with his family, and did not have to worry about heaven or hell coming after him any time soon. To Soren, that was all that he needed to know. Still...

    "How often do you use your powers?" His blue eyes flashed towards the boy before focusing down on the chairs. "Given who your father is, I'll bet you train more than the others." He began to unfold the chairs and place them down. "Unless you're slacking off like the rest." Soren spoke the last line a little less seriously.

    "Hmm, I haven't trained with my father all that much. He's always sparring with Alistair." He thought about it for a little while. "I do train with him every once in a while, but a lot of my time is dedicated to studying. So, I guess I have been slacking off like the rest." The red-haired boy answered with a friendly laugh.

    The whole outdoors wedding fiasco would either go two different ways and that included either the bride loving it or hating it. Alistair could admit that the wedding being outdoors was an excellent idea, but he did wonder if Hana would actually want it inside a church. The woman was quite religious so her preference might have been a church. In any case it was something he would have to wait and see as it was far too late to fix now.

    And so at the request of his dear daughter he found himself holding up a bunch of chair and was ready to lug them out of the church and outside. Even so, Cal had given him an all too familiar glance and it was only appropriate that he responded. "Alrighty then whats up my dear?" Alistair said. He had an idea of what was to be said, but he would let her speak.

    She looked up at him hesitantly before glancing back over her shoulder. Cal wanted to be sure the other two were not within earshot, even though they both knew the truth by this point in time. "Am I a bad person?" she asked, still looking over her shoulder. Cal turned back to face her father and unfolded a chair. "Because I don't know if I'll ever be able to choose. It's easy when we're home. The choice is made for me, but then when we're together like this ..."

    "Nonsense...the fact that such a thought has come up for you proves quite the opposite" Alistair said placing down a chair and leaned against it "Love is filled with doubt and let me give you an example" Alistair said pointing his thumb back at the church "Hana and Sam...both of them are lovebirds and care for one another deeply...but even so, Hana is pretty nervous with this whole wedding. Just why does she have to be so nervous? she loves Sam but even so she still feels some form of fear" Alistair said closing his eyes chuckling softly

    "What I am getting at is even the strongest of bonds will have problems..what your feeling is justified" Alistair said before opening his eyes with a soft smile "Whatever happens, I'm sure those two will understand. When its all over they can finally be able to move on..." Alistair said
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 23, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. TwilightBlader
    Adjusting his collar as he had arrived to the venue, Sal had walked forwards seeing some familiar faces he hadn't seen in quite some time. With a delighted expression on his face, he said, "Hello. It feels like it's been forever since we've last met like this. I wonder how many of the others were able to come here. So, how're you all fairing these days?"

    William was one of the first to arrive at the venue, but even so he did not really take to standing inside as he always did prefer staying outdoors. It may have been because the sun was out, but William never questioned it. Arms crossed, he stared up at the incomming Sal and smiled. "Ah, life has been a pain in the ass, but I really can't complain, after all I am alive and well" William said closing his eyes with a chuckle. His body was fully covered with bandages, covering the burns all around his body. The only thing that one could say they saw of William was his uncovered eyes, his lips, and the hair that had managed to grow back. "It'll be nice seeing everybody together once more" William said

    Unlike the ones who'd gone ahead and entered the church, Logan choose to wait outside along with some of the others. He was spending most of his time fixing the tie that he had on and adjusting to his attire. Last time he wore something like this was when he went to church and last time did that was when he was 8. So needless to say, it was somewhat uncomfortable standing around.

    He fiddled with his tie one last time before taking a seat on one of the steps. Maybe he should go ahead and head inside instead of waiting out here. Nah. There was still some time he had that he could kill, so why not spend it out here in the open air. Logan took a moment to lean his head back and took a small sigh. He then reached into his pocket and took out his phone and started messing around with it.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 23, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. TwilightBlader
    "Hey! Move out of the way!"

    The sudden voice calling out to Shulk immediately caught his attention and immediately glanced over at the source of the voice. What he saw was what seemed to be a man dressed in something that looked like a mechanical armour. His right arm was shaped as a canon and from what he saw it seemed like it was about to shoot something from it. In such a moment there was no time for him to ponder about this stranger and immediately leapt backwards in order to avoid the blast.

    "Did that do it?!" Shulk said watching the beam hit the crystallized and destroy it. Closing his eyes, Shulk let out a deep sigh before lower the Monado and stared over at the newcommer. At this point Shulk had to be weary of anybody he met, but the fact that he had warned and helped him was good enough for Shulk. The lazer blade of the monado vanished and the blade closed as Shulk walked up to the stranger. "Thanks for your help, my name is you happen to know where we are?" Shulk asked keeping out his sword in case any more enemies would appear.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TwilightBlader
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by TwilightBlader, May 23, 2014
  12. TwilightBlader
    One year later

    Truly it was hard to quite believe that the two lovebirds were finally getting wed, but alas after all that occured it was finally time an all Alistair could do was give them his blessing. It would be quite interesting to be able to see everybody all together, but for Alistair it wasn't really anything truly special. He couldn't say he built the closest of bonds with the group as he had basically joined them during the last two day of their mission, but he could say he was pretty close to the two that were getting married. Samuel was his angelic brother, and like all sibling the two fought...and fought...and fought. It helped them get their violent tendencies in check, but lets be honest and say it held some pleasure for them. Their bouts were far too common so the brotherhood was just something that formed over time. Alistair thought of visiting the gorrila as he tried to put on a suit, but he truly did not wish to enrage the groom on such a day. If it was to be about pleasant discussion then it was only fitting to visit the bride. Raising up the cane he held, he gently tapped on the door that led to Hana's room "Knock knock! Permission to enter?" Alistair said cheerfully.

    With the knock at the door, Hana turned away from the mirror and smoothed out the lace sleeves on her dress. She recognized the voice immediately and nodded her head at Iris. "Could you get that please?" she asked before turning back to the mirror. A curly red lock of hair fell out of place and she ran her fingers over it, twisting it back into place.

    "Mom, why are you so nervous?"

    She turned to the boy sitting on the floor at her feet and smiled wearily. "I've never been married before -- not here, not there." Hana glanced up at the ceiling before her blue eyes fell back on the mirror. Through the reflection of the glass, she could see the door open and a familiar man walk in. "If Alistair is here, that means Caius and Cal are here now too. You should go find your friends before we get started."

    Reuben gave her a sour glance before getting to his feet and walking over to Anna, holding out a hand. "Come on Anna."

    "And check on your father!" she called as they walked out the door. Hana collapsed into the large chair behind her and sighed heavily. She lifted her gaze to meet Iris and Alistair and smiled warily. "Is it always this nerve - wracking?"

    The eyepatched arisocrat could only chuckle as he removed the fedora resting on his head and walked deeper into the room to greet the bride. "Its to be expected, after all you are making quite the big leap in your life...and it is with the big gorilla after all" Alistair said closing his eye with a smile "But even so when you truly think about it there really is nothing to be nervous is a day for you to enjoy and fretting over nothing is such a waste" Alistair said.

    She rose to her feet and pulled Alistair in for a quick hug, giving the man a kiss on the cheek before stepping away. "That doesn't make it any less terrifying when you're as old as I am, but enough about that I suppose." Hana gave him a smile. "It's good to see you could make it. Any luck finding Cal's sister?"

    With an exasperated look Alistair scratched the back of his head keeping his eye closed "that girl is a slippery one...but even so I feel she'll be able to take care of her self" Alistair said shrugging his shoulders with a sigh "I mean the girl has a home and all...but in the end its up to her to accept that home" Alistair said

    "The reverse was true when Henrik and I got married." Iris smiled faintly and looked down at the ring on her finger. "I practically forced him to go out with me after we first met. I thought I'd have to be the one to propose." She shook her head. "In the end all those feelings of anxiety just melt away." Iris spoke softly as she watched Reuben head out with Anna. Although she lamented Henrik's absense, she knew he would have been happy to see Anna adjusting to normal life.

    "It's just rather disconcerting knowing she's out there doing who - know's - what and no one can manage to locate her. It's been hard enough getting everything to quiet down without her help." They still had a lot of work cut out for them. Even with the war over, there was a great deal that needed fixing and rogue demons about. This life cycle didn't look like it would have much down time. They had to pretty much drop everything the way it was, in order to get around to the wedding.

    She glimpsed herself in the mirror and sighed. "I still can't believe it's here. We must have changed the date nearly one hundred times. There's just so much to do..."

    Thinking about Mali was something that was always unpleasant for Alistair. The girl was truly the daughter of Temeluchas and who know what stupid traits the girl had learned from his deceased mistress. It truly must have worried Cal, but she was a strong one and Alistair was glad for this. Dealing with demons was all he could do for the world now.

    He did not wish to think about such unpleasant thoughts on such a day and event so he merely returned his thoughts to the people he considered his family. He walked up behind Hana and placed both hands on her shoulders and grinned happily "Don't you worry your red little head. I told you that this is a day for you to enjoy. I'll take care of all the annoying stuff so just relax" Alistair said.

    Her right eyebrow went up skeptically as she stared at him in the mirror. "That's comforting." Hana pressed her lips together, feeling an overwhelming sense of dread in her bones. "If you really want to help, you can make sure no one loses a limb before the day is over. This is the first time many of us have gathered together in quite awhile. I'll be more surprised if I wake up tomorrow and everyone is still in one piece and alive."

    Alistair's eye softened and his grip on her shoulders a bit tighter in order to reassure her. They had all struggled so hard so it was no surprise that she would be feeling like this "Alright, lemme tell you one thing, nobody is getting hurt in the slightest..I promise you this alright? I'll make sure to keep this promise" Alistair said softly with a smile

    Hana let the muscles in her shoulders relax and nodded once to show she had faith in him. She rested a hand on his, lifting it away from her shoulder. "You best get to it then. There's no telling what everyone might be up to by now." She smiled.

    Alistair smiled as he brought his hand to his chest and gave her a small bow "Understood sis" Alistair said raising himself up to a proper posture and placed his fedora back upon his head. With that Alistair turned and walked out, raising a hand in farewell as he walked out.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 22, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. TwilightBlader
    "Where...on Bionis am I?"

    It was such an odd place he was in an area that was so bizarre and held many mysteries to the young blond haired boy.

    Reaching such a place was a big blur, but at this point all he really thought about was how his friends were doing with his absence and could only hope that it did not cause them too much trouble. "I hope Reyn and the others are okay...hmm, but I'd best start moving in order to find a way out of here, I cant keep them waiting any longer" Shulk muttered as he begun to walk onwards.

    His mission was an important one, but even so he had no idea where he was going and as he walked on it just seemed like he was going nowhere. Eyes closed, he slumped and let out an exasperated sigh before opening one eye and stared over at one of the giant mushrooms that were all over the forest. Unable to help but fall prey to his curiosity, Shulk ran over to one of the giant mushrooms and kneel down next to it as he began to examine it. "Fascinating, I've never seen such mushroom on Bionis before, I wonder what caused them to grow so big? was it the soil? or perhaps some form of ether in the forest" Shulk said before pausing as he closed his eyes and let out a small chuckle "'d be the time that Reyn would say something like stop being a nerd or something..." Shulk said rising up to his feet once more at the thought of his friends. When it came down to the land he always couldn't help but feel fascinated with it, after all it was his home and the Bionis held many secrets.

    Opening his eyes, Shulk prepared to leave once again, but his eyes widened and immediately his eyes began to glow blue. In his vision he saw it, he saw was seemed to be a spear being flung straight towards him and pierced his chest. His eyes stopped glowing and his eyes remained widened in shock "A vision?!" Shulk said before immediately jumping backwards as spear had flown through the air and hit the spot that he had previously stood upon. "An enemy?!" Shulk said grasping the red blade resting upon his back and narrowed his eyes as he searched for his opponent.

    Finding nobody, his eyes immediately returned back to the spear that was lodged into the ground the moment it begun to move. "What the?" Shulk said the moment the spear got it head out of the ground and stood on its feet. "A mechon?! no..its different" Shulk said pulling out the blade on his back "Whatever it is, its no match for the Monado!" Shulk said as the blade of his sword opened up, letting a lazer blade burst forth. Rushing forward Shulk jumped forward raising the blade upwards slashing downwards, slicing the spear in half. With opponent down, Shulk stood and sighed "that was easy...but what exactly is it?" Shulk said ready to place the Monado away, but immediately prepped himself once more the moment the crystalized spear moved and began to repair itself. "Self reparation!?" Shulk said preparing his sword. "Very well, come then, you are no match for the Monado's power!" Shulk declared rushing forward to defeat the spear once more.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. TwilightBlader
    How interesting
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. TwilightBlader
    Name: Shulk
    Video Game Series: Xenoblade Chronicles
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: He holds the legendary Monado, a blade that offers him a slew of powers such as visions, increased speed, and barriers. Effective against mechanical beings.

    Name: Bartz Klauser
    Video Game Series: Final Fantasy V
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Able to use crystal shards in order to transform into different jobs.

    Name: Zangurak
    Video Game Series: The Last Story
    Villain or Hero: VIllain
    Abilities/Equipment: Zangurak wields a giant weapon known as the Zan Lance as well holds the power of the outsider. The outsider's power raises his power but draws other into attacking him. In addition to this he is able to preform fire, lightning, and teleportation magic.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. TwilightBlader

    Dominik's eyes widened the mere moments the speakers went off and Dominik jumped up to his feet staring around the area as he did so. There was no challenge, but even so they had to do something. If anything the others had the right when the chose to move about instead of idly sit around. It was disappointing that Rae Anne was interrupted, but it wasn't like she wasn't going to speak so he did have a chance to listen to her.

    His interest was truly captured by the girls explanation of the event but even so it felt lacking. His body wanted to twitch, to burst from curiosity, but he had to restrain himself, he knew the girl was mentally scarred by the moment and badgering her would have only made it harder for him to find out anything.

    Just what awaited them in the future? he wanted to see what would happen next and as they walked on he noticed something up ahead "whoa?! what the?!" Dominik said as he rushed forward and kneeled down towards the two bodies resting on the ground. "Whoa..looks like their dead..." Dominik said poking James' cheek "wheres all that kill or be killed stuff?" Dominik said as he continued to poke the body before he looked up at Rae Anne "Their bodies are wet...wonder how they died..." Dominik said nonchalant as he stared at the bodies once more and placed a hand on his chin while pushin up his glasses "mystery" Dominik said
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. TwilightBlader
    Post by: TwilightBlader, May 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone