every time someone asks for anime recs i am obligated to say infinite ryvius, but iunno if i'd call it trashy. just under-appreciated anyway i barely watch anime anymore and i'm having a really hard time coming up with series i can recommend without some sort of inappropriate content disclaimer which makes me nervous to post my recs and also disappointed in myself. but please watch s-cry-ed if you have not already
I DO, Cal omg I know how you feel. In high school -- I will never forget this because it was genuinely terrifying as it happened -- I once woke up mid-nightmare convinced my family was being murdered & spent several minutes sobbing on the floor until I realized I was dreaming. Super embarrassing in retrospect (and I'm lucky no one was around to see it lmao) but like in my experience, even if the dream feels 'surreal' after the fact it feels soo real and scary when it's happening??? It was pretty much the worst. Interestingly I have also had a concussion before -- curiouser and curiouser. But I hope your nightmares subside lol. I know I always get my worst ones when I'm particularly stressed out. :v
Imho, Majora is just great at creating a foreboding atmosphere & telling alarmingly affecting stories with very little screentime, but you get as much out of it as you put into it. That is to say, its basic story is rather minimalist in presentation, and getting a real view of what is going on in the world around you requires working through a lot of optional content. I think it suffers from a lot of things that 3D games of its era did; the camera is asinine (on the N64, I assume it's better on 3DS) and some of the things you're required to do are so frustrating, precise or obtuse that you might want to throw things. The Great Bay Temple is a disaster and is basically a showcase for all of these shortcomings. But it's a worthwhile and memorable game, if a bit subdued? My experience with Majora's Mask isn't a complete one so someone else more familiar with it might disagree with me on my assessment here, too. Take that as you will, I guess. edit: I'm a dunce and didn't mention this. If you're wondering whether or not you need experience in other Zelda games to enjoy it, you really don't. It shares a lot of assets with Ocarina of Time out of necessity but it's got its own story to tell.
Hi Sara! Just wanted to stop by and drop you some well-wishes; heard you were feeling a bit blue today. All the best.
I FEEL YOU. I'm not a big fan of turn-based RPGs so if/when I get to play it I'm depending wholly on the writing and presentation to get me through, lol. I've never played Stick of Truth but if Earthbound's universe makes it worthwhile, that's a good sign in my book!
maaaaan I have wanted to try Earthbound for forever; people keep recommending it to me bc I really enjoy games with a quirky sense of humor (Ace Attorney, LucasArts adventures, Kid Icarus Uprising etc. etc.) but I desperately do not want to emulate it. Or at least if I do, I want to play it in native res, which would require either a console or a whole lot of downconverting/deinterlacing software/hardware, potentially both. I accidentally turned myself into a snob about this sort of thing and it follows me everywhere. Far as I can tell it will be expensive no matter which route I try so I've never given it a shot :C If you keep going let me know if it lives up to your expectations!
If there is no information about what they're doing with your membership fee, or such information indicates that very little of it is being used for their students' benefit (i.e. mainly going into operating costs or what-have-you), then right off the bat any organization asking for your money is a bit suspect imo. Joining up also doesn't guarantee you'll receive any scholarships or resources. You may be looking at a payment with zero return. NSCS invites any freshman or sophomore student with a 3.4 GPA or above. If you continue to meet this criteria and do not accept, they will continue to contact you, and you will probably receive nominations from other organizations as well. So if you change your mind later, it's no big deal.
Seems to be working properly now; thanks @libregkd!
Soo, if you upload an avatar greater than 192x192px, it gets automatically resized to that and blurs the image in the process. E.g., here's my original 200x200 on the right and the uploaded version on the left: I asked @The Grinch (Thanks!) about his since he has the same size avatar; it was resized as well -- apparently a XenForo default!
Most excellent~ I'm curious about the writing this time around, looks like Yamazaki isn't doing it. I hope they're not involving too many people in the process; that's a definite recipe for poorly focused output. :v ...Also at this point if Maya doesn't show up in this game I will riot
Maybe she'd be more receptive to an ombre instead of a full color?
Are you sure they care what you use and weren't just defaulting to Microsoft Office? As long as you turn things in in the right format it really shouldn't matter, I would think :V Ask your prof.
every time he says that flipendo spell i hear 'NIIIIIINTENDO' (watching silently bc i lack a twitch im sry) edit: ah yes. the dreaded fly-through-hoops minigame I played the PSX version of this as a kid and I vaguely remember the hoops being the bane of my existence; godspeed
i dig it
i missed you
I'm just : ))) not crafty enough to be the accomplice : )))))) you know??