i was eating mini m&m's and i picked one up and put it in my mouth and it was a ladybug (it wasn't from the package mind, or from the ground tyvm. i'd taken them out) so now i know what ladybugs taste like and i'm pretty sure i can never eat m&m's again
I'd actually go even further and say not only would I like this feature, I'd prefer for it not to be locked behind tough requirements :v. imho it defeats the purpose if it's difficult to obtain the tracks to listen to. I also agree that it's not an ideal solution in terms of just wanting to listen to the soundtrack? I very rarely make use of this feature when it's present, because I'm not going to boot up the game and let it sit just to hear the music if I can listen to it elsewhere, to be frank. I'd be on board for, say, just finishing the game (not 100%) to unlock the soundtrack. Especially a soundtrack you could listen to outside of the game. But doing a bunch of extra and sometimes tedious tasks just to hear your favorite track again... Ehh, I feel like most people would sooner track it down on the web, which is what the whole concept would be trying to combat. In this context in particular, I just don't think that method of incentivizing works so well. Again though... An included, separate soundtrack would be cool, even one locked behind a basic goal. And to a degree I'd be willing to pay more for a game that included the OST in that manner, as well. edit: Just to clarify lol, I realize this wasn't/isn't always in the realm of possibility depending on a game's mode of distribution. I guess the bottom line is I'd prefer a soundtrack to an ingame music player, and a relatively straightforward unlocking process for an ingame player if that's the only option.
petition for Hayabusa's name to be changed to this, tho
tbf when was the last time they did this :'v
Afaik some games, often from Japan (just bc of different cultural perspectives/influences, and I'm sure it can happen elsewhere) have a track record for including designs/elements that could be misconstrued as racist overseas, even if they were (hopefully) intended to be innocuous/weren't interpreted that way at all in Japan itself... Off the top of my head, both the designs of Oil Man from Mega Man Powered Up & the Skull Kid from Zelda had to be altered for overseas release, due to a resemblance to blackface/racist caricatures. :v My gut reaction is that this might be a similar case, or that's what I'd like to believe I guess. But everyone's got different perspectives obviously.
I can't tell if this is in reference to the 400+ years it would take to crash the game or if you're implying that other old games stop being worthwhile later down the line :'c
hi i'm sorry, we all have that one thing we're sticklers about right Spoiler The BVM shot isn't mine. So the 3DS version of Ecco the Dolphin has this quirky CRT filter and look at it, it's so close to being a nice compromise, you guys. It just is too soft (whereas vanilla is a little sharp imo) and it does this awful like... fish eye warping when you scroll, ugh. CRTs may have screen curvature but they don't... They don't do that. I'd play it with that filter on 100% of the time if it didn't, and if they sharpened it up a tad. Cry. It's a cute extra feature tho. a-anyway it's on sale rn if anyone cares, like a few bucks off i think. that's how i ended up with it lmao
Well what's odd about this complaint to me is that it's not really a comparable situation; this isn't a public television broadcast for kids where censors might feel compelled to be particularly content-careful, this is a purchasable product with a Teen rating (so equivalent to PG-13 really) with every opportunity for parents to review the content and decide if it's appropriate for their children ahead of time. If I were to hazard a guess I would say that the main reason this became an issue is because the straps on her legs, which are probably pretty innocuous otherwise, happen to make her butt stand out from this angle. The request comes off a little strange to me -- a young child is not the intended audience for the game, so at a glance it seems almost like he's asking them to change that for his daughter's benefit. But more than that, he goes on to admit that there are other characters with provocative poses that he's okay with, and by extension ostensibly okay with letting his child see... Just not this one, because she's become a role model (& honestly being sexy and being a strong character are not mutually exclusive things, but that's kind of a separate discussion I guess). So is that the sole character he thinks his daughter will take a liking to? Especially because of that last point, I sympathize with people feeling like this is an overreaction... At the end of the day I guess I don't see it as a big deal in itself though, like little was lost from this imo? They may well just come up with a different pose to replace it, maybe even something ultimately more dynamic or interesting, and I'm personally impressed with Blizzard's responsiveness. I just feel though that there are a lot of parents out there that have never caught on to the fact that games are not always for children, and that there is a clear rating system in place to tell them so that they are free to utilize, much like the MPAA. :v
it certainly can be, it doesn't have to be It's just really hard to live with other people and whether or not it works out boils down to luck & the amount of effort you're willing to put into adjusting to a shared lifestyle with someone who might be completely different from you. I'm still kinda hurt/bitter about my first sophomore year roommate who essentially bullied me out of the room because she couldn't bear to share a living space with someone. I understand not wanting a roommate, like neither did I, but that's the worst way you could possibly react. Anyway @61 an apartment might be a good alternative, if you can swing it I'd probably recommend it over (what I assume is) a dorm even if you have to have roommates to afford it. You'd at least be more likely to get a room to yourself separate from the other tenants, and even if you didn't I imagine the larger amount of space would be a big help (e.g. if you and your roommate aren't getting along you can go hang out in the living room or something). Of course apartments come with caveats all their own lol and it's a lot more work to arrange, but just my $.02. You could also end up with an awesome roommate like I did freshman year though, and I had a blast that year! It's how I ended up living on campus again the next. It's just... Luck of the draw.
I disagree... I think it's fair for parents to want to introduce it to their kids when they think they're old enough to understand not just what sex/sexualization is but what it means and how important it is to be safe, aware and respectful about it. Children's television is supposed to be a controlled/safe environment for kids & as such has standards which include an obligation to try to allow parents to do that on their own time, even if in many cases kids do learn about it before their parents would probably like. It's not really about the eventuality of it imo, and keep in mind different cultures have different ideas of when the 'right time' is. Not necessarily saying I agree with all changes/edits done to dub broadcasts mind, like sometimes they are genuinely ridiculous. Just referring to sexuality in children's programming here. anyway the Gundam Seed ray guns are forever my fave example of dub edits because they didn't even try
i don't have access to my steam wishlist rn lol but off the top of my head $$$$: Demon's Crest Pocky & Rocky Mega Man: 7, Legends 2, Misadventures of Tron Bonne Earthbound Wild Guns Snatcher Harmful Park?? arcade: sega naomi or cps2 innards would be SWELL Spare RGB monitor(s) Marvel vs Capcom 2 Windjammers (Neo Geo) misc: Heart of Darkness Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, A Link Between Worlds Another World Machinarium Transistor Bastion (I technically have this on my phone but it doesn't work lol) Limbo? Thunder Force IV ("Lightening Force") Sonic CD Ecco the Dolphin/Tides of Time Ghosts n' Goblins Ultimate Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Pirate's Curse Undertale Super Meat Boy Catherine Ducktales. damn it capcom, you and your moon theme KH Dream Drop Distance NiGHTS Into Dreams Gunman Clive (this game is so cheap i have no excuse by now tbh) Dangan Ronpa, maybe Marble Madness Her Story Astro Boy Omega Factor Vib Ribbon Life is Strange Gravity Rush The Cave Dino Crisis? unreleased: mostly just excited for Ace Attorney 6 rn tbh, and Day of the Tentacle Remastered oh & Indivisible~
hi sorry not directed at me i know but. can you use an ethernet connection? at least at my school, ethernet was blazing fast but the wifi connection ranged from adequate to practically unusable.
hi bumping because my dream last night was.... something i don't remember everything or how it all connected but it involved the following: 1) my mom convincing me to email an acquaintance and panicking bc i thought i sent him a draft intended for someone else in which i explained i was pretty sure the person in question was suicidal 2) seeing britney spears walking around w/ some guy at a small outdoor night festival/party in the middle of nowhere?? 3) remote control model aircraft interfering with low-orbiting satellites at what i'm pretty sure was the same festival. the satellites looked like floating radio towers 4) seeing a jimmy neutron/dexter's lab crossover cartoon on a television
hi everyone i bought majora's mask 3d yesterday because i'm weak also @ nintendo wtf you changed odolwa entirely like for a min i was just sitting there like. nothing i do is working, why at this rate i'm really scared abt gyorg regular has SIGNIFICANTLY smaller screens, like as someone with an OG 3DS it's not a big deal until I see it next to an XL and then i'm like "oh" and get kinda jealous lmao
hello friends i actually had a really nice morning this morning like i'm all dressed, had breakfast & w/e and i don't even have to leave for another half an hour or so. wish every morning could be like this but alas this only happened bc i had no homework/exams to ensure i was up panicking half the night last night, so i went to bed early i just had to enthuse about this rare occasion somewhere sorry. i hope you all have a nice day~
i had one the other day where my laptop charger broke, like the cord severed, and i told my dad i needed a new one and he was just like "just fix it with electrical tape" and gave me some and i was like "no dad i'm going to electrocute myself if i try to do that?? i think we should try to get a new one" and he was like nah just tape it it'll be fine everything else is hazy bc alas i didn't write anything down when i woke up. i just remember standing there holding a roll of electrical tape & a broken laptop charger despairing at the inevitable, electrical end i was about to meet perhaps it is symbolic of my broken hopes and dreams
Spoiler: rescue me WHAT KIND OF UNDERSTATEMENT i accidentally triggered this nostalgia trip. i am disappointed in myself, please save me from this hell
omg the new layout messed up the autofill and I'd autofilled the email box for so long I forgot which address I used. I figured it out eventually but lol. It doesn't behave very nicely either; if you mistype something it pushes you to the new account form and idk if this happens to everyone but I can't click login in the corner after that or even backspace my previous info. I have to hit the browser back button to try again :V not cool tumblr, but what else is new