No worries! Sorry for the delayed response; I've moved it, thank you. I apologize if the PM system is confusing! You should be able to do that...
i know you wanna let this go so no pressure to respond to me. but i don't get the impression this is what everyone takes issue with necessarily, e.g. from the article Haya linked earlier. the author doesn't believe it's permanent either. she's not mad because she thinks this twist will have any staying power, she's mad because she feels it trivializes the holocaust for shock value. anyway i didn't even know this was a thing that happened until a minute ago so i don't really have an opinion on this rn. just felt like the article did address this.
Oh, I figured for standard def but for HD I thought the ideal max length could actually be pretty short (ex ex)? Esp depending on cable quality. I get some mixed results researching it tho, mea culpa.
pff welllll no guarantees i can help but can you elaborate on the situation that's requiring a cable that long? is ypbpr your only option? generally speaking i would say to try & avoid really long cable lengths as much as possible as it can lead to signal degradation or interference. also bc long cables can be a pain in the butt [sobbing] danananaaa super fighting robot
this on top of the fact that the 2017 Mega Man cartoon might be a bland middle school AU is too much for me today honestly i'm less concerned about how MN9 looks, or how dumb the trailers are, than how it plays tho & ultimately I can't know that until I've got a controller in my hands. So I get it but for me personally it's whatevs. Keep in mind tho, this is coming from someone who didn't back it. I did take a peek at video of the first stage. Spoiler: is talkin about the intro stage a spoiler i dunno A big beef I honestly have with so many post-X Mega Man games/clones is the insatiable desire the devs seem to have to recreate that central highway stage. I wish they wouldn't. I'm sure it's just intended to be an homage to one of the most iconic levels to come out of the series but the thing is, it's really hard to pay homage to a level in any capacity beyond aesthetics. It had a very specific design suited to the mechanics of the game it was made for, and it basically came out perfect for the purpose of introducing them. Every time another game calls back to it it's just another Not As Good Central Highway imo. kind of a dumb complaint maybe idek. but as soon as i saw it i just couldn't help but wish they went with a different theme lol.
Okie well i'm not sure it really matters a whole lot what kind of display you get then tbh. Just get something in your budget that scored well with consumers (you mostly need something reliable). i will say i don't really think of TV setups as very 'permanent', just because they're intended for you to be plugging and unplugging stuff from. if you're just using it for your computer then all of the extra inputs, the tv tuner, etc. would be a bit of a waste, although you'd have to think about how much you value a remote (since a monitor is a lot less likely to come with one). there are plenty of monitors out there with built-in speakers but speakers on flatscreens can be really ******, so if that's a major feature you're concerned about i'd be on the lookout for ones that score well w/ sound in particular. or invest in some wireless speakers/a soundbar. it's difficult for me to make straight-up recommendations, sorry. i've had a samsung and a sony (hdtv) and they both work fine, the sony does this obnoxious-ass on the fly backlight adjustment tho and i hate it. hella distracting. that can probably be turned off but it's a spare tv i got from family and i don't have the remote. the samsung has conspicuously awful black levels, but it's old and i'm sure a new one wouldn't be so bad. can't speak well abt sound quality since both sets are quite a bit larger than what you're looking for.
wow you're in luck (or maybe in unluck sorry) bc bitching about display tech is my favorite thing As @♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ said, HDTVs have terrible latency and I would not recommend one over a monitor, especially for PC gaming. This site documents input lag for different displays and classifies them for gaming: Monitors are still not perfect, but as you can see they tend to top the list. HDTVs have a ton of post-processing garbage they like to do in an attempt to improve the picture, and it causes a big delay between what you feed the television and what you see. I feel like someone who has played on an HDTV for a long time could have adjusted to input lag unless it's really bad, but as someone who still regularly games on a latency-free display it's pretty jarring (idek if I'd notice it on a new model so much, but the one I have at home is a bit older :v ). It's a difficult sensation to describe, everything just feels... muddy. I also have an active disdain for LCDs because of contrast ratio, response time, and color reproduction issues which have mostly improved to acceptable levels by now, but it grinds my gears that a technology that has had to spend years just working up to the standards of its competitors has won out like this in the end. They are very bright and sharp, and they have other advantages like relatively low power consumption, but I'm still just... I'm bitter. RIP plasma. The bottom line of this tangent though (sorry) is that there are a lot of other qualities that go into a good display that I feel are frequently overlooked by consumers, and you should ideally look into those specs as well.
it's so depressing how real this is like we've already been waiting for ten years. gat dang.
feel my wrath, khv
I'm an INTJ lol. Altho I could probably do with taking the test again; I haven't done one since high school.
Ughh I know the feeling. And it sucks bc yeah you can always replay it, but you'll never have that experience of playing it for the first time again. It's cool discovering new stuff you missed before, though.
Pfft don't apologize for gushing about something you think deserves it! You've definitely sold me lol, I'm excited to give it a go. I don't have any current gen home consoles unfortunately but I'll snag the PC trial for sure. Thanks for the rec & the info~
Uhh okay, this is basically what I was saying initially though? You just seemed pretty upset about the writing, lol.
Well I do too, in a way? But the dialogue has always been incredibly cheesy, to say nothing of the crazy, convoluted story. But again, I'm kinda fond of it. I'm not trying to claim there's zero merit in there, either. Personally I think there are some good characters in the mix (as well as not so good ones...). All I was trying to express was that, by virtue of being here, I'd argue people who don't appreciate the writing in KH are a testament to the game's strengths. Like as for myself, maybe I think Kingdom Hearts is cheesy, but I still loved it enough to seek out a fan community & stick around for years, haha. But perhaps I'm alone on that front. Right back at you, though; I'm partial to games that don't take themselves altogether seriously & I think I prefer something whimsical by way of lazy/stupid writing to something grim that falls flat or lacks personality, so :v. Regardless, the important question in any game is whether or not you're having fun playing it. If the writing ruins that for you, then that's that.
I definitely appreciate well-written games but honestly so long as the rest of the game is solid, I find a certain level of charm in awful dialogue (see: Mega Man). I mean hell, Kingdom Hearts has aggressively bad writing lol. anyhoo hope you enjoy your new game
Ahh okay I can't tell what I'm going to think rn but I'll download a demo for sure! Thank you~ Watching some gameplay & it definitely does look that way lol. Would you recommend trying the first one? Or skipping to something more recent? wow i was trying to reply to you and my computer crashed so i'll try to make this short lmao anyhoo iunno if you said this out of genuine interest or bc you could sense my desperate need to yell excitedly at everyone abt this game but either way thank you. i guess it boils down to this if anyone is interested (i'm not as familiar w/ ocarina of time as i am with this game, but) Spoiler The Link in Majora's Mask is the same one from Ocarina, yeah? So he might look like a kid, but he's not really one anymore. In fact he's more or less lost everything, especially given Ocarina's ending. :v Isn't it interesting then that the game is thematically all about loss? Like it's full of people & things that are familiar on a surface level, but possess new, unfamiliar qualities & identities. And the common thread between everyone there is that they're suffering some kind of loss, be it petty theft or mourning the death of a loved one (if not accepting their own). It just comes off, intentionally or not, as representative of how the lens we're viewing the world through has changed. It's very clever given that the reuse of Ocarina's assets could have been detrimental to establishing a unique identity for this game; instead they were used to its benefit imo. ....uh anyway that's the gist of the conclusion i came to by the end of things. but obvi there are all sorts of interpretations out there, so.
i wouldn't be averse to trying this! but i'm not a fan of.... euh turn-based is the wrong word. i'm not a fan of inconsistent/interrupted gameplay flow i guess? e.g. i generally struggle w/ turn-based rpgs, because it frustrates me having free reign on the field, only to have a battle suddenly stop and change everything so there's lots of sitting and waiting. it's gotta be one way or the other or i have a hard time :v it's not that i find that sort of thing to be inherently bad, it's just that it doesn't work for me very well idk... would you describe etrian odyssey as playing that way?
I finished majora's mask 3D today! woah like i'd played most of it on gcn before but never finished it anyway now idk what to do w/ myself, it's been my go-to time waster for a few weeks. pretty good tho, do recommend. i also think it's hella interesting thematically, but i'll spare you guys my overanalysis
too much laughter & not enough abject horror, but. basically