whats wrong?
thanks *blush*
I always played it that Arial KNEW Ursular was bad but think, if a person even an evil person offered you all your dreams and you knew they had the power to do so... wouldn't you take the risk? Nothing ventured nothing gained at the end of the day
you'd be surprised but no the info of his theme hasn't come up... The Hunter Of The Dark, I like that name it makes him sound scary
that is exactly what I thought it was too
I just got engaged to my boy friend and I feel the same way about him as most people would feel about a wife, So if the feeling is the same so should the even that follows Marriage ^.=.^
thats voice is one of the only reasons I started playing the KH games it's soooo murrr-y
Hmmmm 5th is ok ^.=.^ maybe in games to come his position will be elevated to maybe 3rd at least .... Go Xahanort!!!
*Docyx moves out of the shadows meeting Moth's eyes* is it over then?
shame.... when you can though
*Docyx sences that Moth has gained new light and here home is safe* It seems we did a good job, all Moth had to learn is that even the past can become lighter, all she had to do was try
hey did you watch the link?
now *Docyx said to himself* where do I go from here?
I always thought that the golden eye thing was a connection to just the darkness itself as demonstrated in the intro the the bbs game Terra's eyes turn gold at the end, I thought that was a tell tail sign that darkness would eventually take over him, even before I knew the storyline I guessed that by just seeing the eye change thing coz of my theory, maybe it was just a lucky guess
That would be epic!!! It would be nice to finally see some of the characters pearants in the storyline apart from Sora's mums line ^^
*At the time Moth's sister was beaten Docyx manages to fix the crack in the door* that should stop the darkness, I think this maybe it here now
the background you are right, it isn't right but I'm afraid no usable images of the Keyblade graveyard exists but I wanted to get you a background...
hello!!! hell-y
*at that same moment Docyx notices a crack in the worlds 'door' after following the heartless lifting his keyblade at the same time as moth he starts to repare it*
at your age (and mine) we all do this, I really hate the way my mother controled my life, but in a way feel lucky there is always someone in a worse situation, I didn't have internet coz my mother thought it was pointless, and I had to ask to play computer games, it's quite demeaning an 18 year old man asking for that sort of thing.... so your lucky in way but just cope, when you are 18 you CAN move out and thats probably a good plan, see the worlds around you and live as yourself! Thats what I'm doing