yay just saw it!!!! Nice to see some new keyblades for sora and riku ^.=.^ also is it just me or when lea is talking to Yin Sid and he talks about a path, is it just me or do people think he is asking Yin Sid for a keyblade to help Sora and Riku?
*I try walking being held by you the darkness getting slightly thinner*
hehehe *blush* rawr
I've been great thanks, you?
*Docyx tryed to move, the darkness covering him in his own mind. Docyx collapses*
^.=.^' yeah kinda hehe
I-I-I'm not sure
heheheh *lick*
but? ^.=.^
lol i don't here alot nower days
I like the Roxas, didn't like the Riku and loved the Kairi one!
was it ever explained what the picking up keyblades thing was all about?
I'm fine ^.=.^ we all have rl lives so we can't answer is a second can you
It's ok hun it doesn't matter
In the secret ending of the second kingdom hearts game we all notice that Terra, Ven and Aqua pick up a keyblade from the graveyard (which lead me to originally believe that the game was a sequel rather than a prequel) But the keyblades that they pick up makes no sense: Aqua: picks up the Kingdom Key D Terra: picks up the Kingdom Key Ven: Picks up the Way to the Dawn I can figure a link to them all surly it wold make more sense to put it this way: Aqua: Kingdom key D (Coz it was found in the realm of darkness where Aqua currently stays) Terra: The Way to the Dawn (coz he gave Riku the keyblade in the first place) Ven: The Kingdom Key (The link with Ven's heart and Sora) Am I right?
I enjoyed listening to the lyrics of Xion's song, are they just fan made?
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