hmmm well first off the fandom is assosiated with anthromorphic animals basicly animals with human features such as thumbs, speech and walking up...
I always assumed that the bible with most other subjects has more than one thing to say on the subject, no offence to religious Christians but I find that due to bad translations and many years of different editors of the original the bible tends to condridict itself on many of its 'set in stone' points so maybe it does say that gays are bad but I'm sure in my experience of that book it probably says they are good to at some point
in kh1 i named mine the Trinity Cruiser, in kh2 I named mind the Kaidron's Wing
well what would you like to know?
is that a yes then?
I noticed that Sora used the animation to summon Simba at the end lolz I wonder if he uses all the old summons again
my only issue with the Roxas theory is why didn't Donald or Goofy pick up on the fact Sora added a person in there group which at this point in the story they don't know exists?
hey hey hey you seem to misunderstand me good sir I meant not to make you feel uncomfortable ^.=.^ but if you indeed have an interest in the furry...
I know that I've faced Neo Shadows in KH CoM but since it was a purely memory game I assumed there were no new heartless and yet in the first KH game I can't seem to locate any Neo Shadows, did they indeed first appear in CoM? or are they in KH1 and I'm just blind
ummm it's not a people prefrence thing... ^.=.^ if we gonna start getting personal might as well move to pms ^.=.^
well why not be a furry ^.=.^ you can rawr all you want then ^^
human don't rawr
^.=.^ rawr <3
why thank you ^.=.^
you find me cute? *blush*
I'd like to point out a quote from the second movie "You'd be surprised what you can live through" in which Jafar as a Genie attacked Aladdin and co, showing that Genies can attack people
what is happening alot?
Also Nobodies exist coz they remember what it was like to be human, and The World That Never Was has a giant tower for memories called Memory Skyscraper
the The World That Never Was is a Nobody I know that, so if a Nobody world exsists maybe heartless could be worlds
It just occurred to me, after you beat Ansem SoD for the first time and he rips open Destiny Island and you face that Darkside, is it possible that that Darkside is actually Destiny Island's heartless? The worlds have hearts so they should have Heartless and it makes sense, well to me at least, what do you think?