your here to change your past, trust me...
wow! it's like Sora in another dimention, maybe this game will show in a later KH storyline.... the same way that FF and TWEWY do
*the voice continues* you came here to change what happened so you can have a better life for yourself... you can still help others but you'll help them more if you yourself are happy without the ghosts of the past
is this what you wanted? [IMG]
acctually if you look sora is actually an anthropomorphic lion, if you look at games like Final Fantasy lions feature alot
^.=.^ my name rawr though I always thought that the 'i' in Xion's name was a '1' coz she was the first replica with a keyblade
lol and now I see a new one
you made it? *faint*
Nice pic I mean
mice pic btw
yay ^.=.^ no reason really
may I ask why you added me?
thanks for the friend request
I don't like telling people what to feel or do but think to yourself will you ever be truly happy if you ignore what you are and more importantly who you are. gay or whatever you are as long as you still stay YOU who cares ^.=.^ but you also have to be happy being you and having something like this over your head isn't gonna make you happy... look inside yourself thats all you need to do
*Docyx's voice rings in Moths head, you can help you know. the darkness can be removed take your keyblade and aim it at yourself.... it will murge the blades together removing the darkness by adding the light*