AHHHHHHHHHHHH COLORSSS Yes. Please china teach us the art of make up removal. We will prove to be worthy ( / o A o ) /
we've come to an understanding for now, still waiting for the multi-verse traveling device. dont' worry, we're staying strong.
you will be the first to know, babe. which one? Hm, not a bad idea. I'm totes g for that, bro. ^ the accuracy and relevance of these to my life is INTENSE. Let me do a raincheck on that, mate.
Ooooh my green was actually turquoise for a couple days at first!! 8D IT'S SO FUN. AND I DONT KNOW. A GENERAL AT THAT. I think her secret is her make up removal skills tbh
and yet they do not put the effort to build a device to send me through multi-universes of fiction. FAMILY PLS.
OOOH That's so fun ahhhhhh hair colors \ (* o *) / My favourite that I've done so far was my green hair hueheueh such fun all the weird looks in the mall but lol YES SHE DID UGH WHAT A LIAR
omg same!! The blonde at least. I love being blonde like omg it's so so fun. Hooray!! Keep doing it then, especially since you love it!! n w n And yes ughhh Mulan y do u make it look so simple D:
Awww I know how you feel I kind of want to grow all my hair back and dye it crazy colors again ; A ; Awww, don't be!! I think make up and glasses can go so well together like everything is just more pronounced and seen and it's beautiful!! * u * Just keep practicing and playing around with it, cause it's always fun anyway huehuehue~
I honestly don't think it should matter like, again: quality over quantity. If you can get the message you want to get across in just a couple sentences then why not? But if you need a couple paragraphs then by all means, go ahead! It's all about preference as well like I personally am a very wordy person because I am a huge sucker for imagery and I like (or rather I like to think that lol) to entice the senses of the reader through my writing and feed images into the imagination. For me, that takes a couple paragraphs to achieve but for someone else it could only take one or a couple short sentences and that's okay!
Hahah nice nice, good choice there XD Getting cosplay make up off of you is the worst (especially when you have heavy make up on) after a tiring day at a con or a photoshoot Dx And awesome!! Yeah, clip ons should be perfect - even if you're trying it with just your hair hehe c:
so proud of u yey I watched KLK recently and just wow I love it so much I can't
Hooray!! I'm excited for you x) Can't wait to see it! <333 And hmm, well make up should be fairly simple, just like natural stuff - bronzer probably would help too! I would suggest getting a ticker wig, cause for me, Korra's hair looks like that (and my friend tried doing Korra's hair for fun with her own hair and it looked kind of sad cause it was so thin :c) Like, maybe get a base wig, tie the front part and a little of the back then if it's still too thin add a clip on or some wefts.
Ohmygod the Marceline in my Adventure Time cosplay group got asked if she was Luffy a lot of times last weekend during a con. It was gr8
Ohhh glob beautiful Bonnie babbu I miss you too! So much it hurts my vampire heart ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
AZN POWAH WITH TEH MONKS YEAAAA MY PEEPS But hey, this was beautiful PaW! The subject of happiness, makes me happy. I think though that you can find happiness anywhere, lately, I've been very happy with many things (especially after my whole medical scare) and I like to find happiness in everything - despite how grumpy a morning can start out to be or how annoying school can get. Sometimes it's hard but I try to make it simple. Even the thought of something that could bring me happiness makes me happy already hehe. It's something to always look forward to and once you've already achieved that - it's time to find something else to look forward to. I don't actually know if I'm making sense, I just woke up but PaW, this was great to read. You're super wonderful and happiness will be sure to embrace you and sparkle around and all that~ Hooray!!
It is!! ʕ̡̢̡*✪௰✪ૢʔ̢̡̢ And wow!! Yeah, that's a great idea!! Her costume is rather simple, you just need a thick enough wig for her hair or extra clip ons xD But you should do it!! Cosplaying is always fun 8D (I got hooked immediately after I just tried it lol) And yes I feel you... the endless list of dream cosplays always haunt me looooool
Yeesssss the break's over this is the takeover so glAD THEY'RE BACK MAN
What if we hypnotize you first! Hmph! \ (⁎⚈ै೧⚈ै⁎ \ )
I still have yet to actually learn how to use a sewing machine so that makes two of us XD Good luck to both of us learning one day then hehe I'm sure we can do it \ ( O u O ) / My next one is actually Xion hehe but I'm kind of done with that cosplay so I'll actually be working on Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill soon c: