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  1. Dinny
    how was it for you? o:

    Post by: Dinny, Mar 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Dinny

    I was really hesitant because I was like omg am I even counting right
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Dinny
    Hooray hooray hooray!! luv u 2
    (∩❛ ڡ ❛∩)
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Dinny
    hi cutie sumi baby
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Dinny
    uNO .
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Dinny

    It was the bullet that put an end to the driver that did it for her.

    She was rather chatty with some of the students on the bus before it got hijacked - especially with her friend, Allen. But everything seemed to happen in flashes. The men got into the bus, there were screams and yells and all the lanky artist could do was watch in terror. When the gun was pulled out, she honestly thought it was just a threat for them to get them to do what they would say. Sure, it scared her to bits! But it wasn't until the loud bang of the gun rung around the walls of the bus and she let out a sharp gasp and saw the thick, red liquid trickling out of where the driver had been shot until the entire situation really sunk in.

    It was probably because she was so stricken with fear why she came to accept what exactly was happening. She was never a fan of blood and seeing it so close made her feel queasy. The color drained from her cheeks, tears welled up in her eyes, her body tensed and breathing was suddenly a struggle but no one seemed to mind since they were all being pushed around, tied up, and transported. All that time, she couldn't get it out of her head. The blood. The gore.

    By the time the bus had been separated into smaller groups, each student had shock collars, were given a very stern warning and left on their own. Although disturbed out of her mind by the blood, she soon came to an understanding that what was happening to them wasn't just some kind of kidnapping - it was the one she saw in the news every once in a while. It never occurred to her that she would ever fall victim to it and this made her feel even more nauseous. She looked around her group as Sanica spoke up. Casey didn't pay much attention to her because she spotted her white haired buddy Allen and she was so ready to get up and run over to him and start actually crying or breaking down or something to feel some kind of security and comfort but that's when static sounds fill the air and a voice crackles through the speakers.

    "The first challenge is about to begin. Choose a single representative from each of your groups to participate. You have five minutes or else."

    Then everything went quiet again. She stared blankly at a wall wide eyed, gulping down a lump in her throat and trying not to vomit. This was real. Her ruby eyes traveled amongst the faces of her group. She didn't dare speak up. She didn't want to volunteer at all, heck, she didn't want to be part of it at all. More so, she definitely wasn't in any state to participate - her entire body felt like ice had frozen it over and becoming immobile, her throat felt like it closed up completely and her lungs felt like they had been pierced by needles allowing only little air to circulate her body.

    Her eyes fell down on Allen at a distance, she pressed her lips tightly together. She hoped to the universe that he wouldn't be the one to volunteer. She couldn't help but feel that these challenges were only going to hack down the number of survivors each time and leave everyone else's corpses in a blood bath.

    A shiver ran down her spine at that crimson thought.

    Post by: Dinny, Mar 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dinny

    Had a super memorable High School graduation with my beyond amazing family: my mom, brother and step-dad c:
    Too happy for words. Many tears of joy were shed. ; u ;
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 20, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Dinny
    Huehuehue I was going to make a We wear pink on Wednesdays reference but- WAIT IT IS WEDNESDAY STILL IN SOME PARTS OF THE WORLD.

    We wear pink on Wednesdays *✧₊✪͡◡ू✪͡

    Post by: Dinny, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Dinny
    Don't worry, you can do it!! Everyone one of you working babbus can!! Think of it just as a mission or a quest and that you're slowly collecting experience points to level up! And be sure to reward yourself after each mission complete c:
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Dinny


    Uwahh I see the Queen on your sig hehe and your avatar is super cute!!
    Welcome, welcome, welcome to KHV!! I found KHVids the exact same way as you did hehe thank you Youtube! This site is super wonderful and you'll meet the greatest people so please don't be afraid to explore the site, post around and stay active!! Roleplaying here is super great also I promise, I hope I can roleplay with you one day n w n

    Hope you're having a super fun day and see you around, Taito! c:
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. Dinny
    Best of luck, you can do it!! c:
    Fight the urge and bring everyone to JUSTICE.
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Dinny
    @NubCat Doctor, am I still your sexy?
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Dinny
    Actually, yes cries everyone meets the people I want to meet ; A ;

    But wow that sounds incredible, Cherry!! c:
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Dinny
    I don't comment much but I really love the podcast and I listen to it even though I don't go active in KHV and it's been so great and frequent lately this makes me happy. Keep up the good work!! c:
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Dinny
    Awwwww hooray c: That sounds so good, reading this made me happy heheh Congratulations!!
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Dinny
    UWAHH EVERYONE IS SO COOL MAN. @Anixe your cosplay is kfdjhkdnskjhnkjs SO MUCH WOW SUCH INSPIRED
    & Papa u r the cutest ever

    Stupid selfies you say?? (Oh but hey you look absolutely AWESOME)
    I'm not kidding when I say I don't have recent photos not in cosplay I'm sorry
    but hey Razzy says hello if ya'll remember him!!
    and not selfies but faces yay
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Dinny
    Tale is super great and muy muy adorable like the Pikachu in his avatar
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Dinny


    omg drew this is really great like holy snaps I want my blog to be this cute man
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Dinny
    oh shush u r cutie patoot i promise
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Dinny
    haha awww, it's never a problem! c:

    Oh yeah, lately I've been the same. I've never been one to follow what's on the radio - just whatever someone recommends and stuff or music I hear from my favourite shows/cartoons/films.

    And oh dear, yes, live performances - especially in closed spaces like bars - are so interesting because you enjoy the music but at the same time it's almost uncomfortable loooool

    wer is ur cutie patootie face?
    but wow it looks so good man the color came out so well * o *
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone